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Upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Server


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

This section shows you how to run the actual in-place upgrade on a Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. If you encounter problems during the upgrade, see Troubleshooting installation and upgrade in this guide.


Following these steps may cause significant application downtime if issues occur during the upgrade. Instead of using an upgrade option that may affect the production deployment, we recommend that you migrate your deployment. More information: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server upgrade options


We strongly recommend that you back up your existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM data, including all reports and customizations, before you run Setup. In addition, we recommend that you implement the following backup strategy before you run Setup:

  1. Configure the existing deployment’s Microsoft Dynamics CRM databases by using a simple recovery model.

  2. Complete a full backup of all production configuration and organization databases and transaction logs.

For more information, see Back up the Microsoft Dynamics CRM System.


  • Only Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later versions can be upgraded.

  • To upgrade an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment, the user who is running Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup must be a member of the Deployment Administrators group. Additionally, the user must have db_owner permission on the existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM databases and have sysadmin permission on the SQL Server. For more information about how to add a member to the Deployment Administrators group, see the New-CrmDeploymentAdministrator Windows PowerShell command. More information: Administer the deployment using the deployment web service. Alternatively, you can use Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment Manager. For more information about how to grant permission in SQL Server, see the SQL Server Management Studio Help.

Tasks to perform before the upgrade

Run the upgrade

  1. In the folder where the Microsoft Dynamics CRM files are located, go to the Server\amd64 folder, and then double-click SetupServer.exe.

  2. On the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup page, we recommend that you select Get updates for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, to make sure that Setup has the most recent installation files. Choose Next. After Setup is done checking for updates, choose Next again.


    For Get updates for Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality to work you must:

    • Have an Internet connection on the computer where Setup is running.

    • Enable Microsoft Update for “other Microsoft products” on the Windows Server 2012 computer where Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup is running.

  3. On the Product Key Information page, type your product key in the Product key boxes, and then choose Next.


    If you purchased Microsoft Dynamics CRM through a Microsoft Volume Licensing program, the license key is provided in the license.txt file, which is included in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation files.

  4. On the License Agreement page, review the information and if you accept the license agreement, choose I accept this license agreement, and then choose I Accept.

  5. If Setup detects that components are missing, the Install Required Components page appears.

    • If you have already installed the required components, this page won’t appear.

    • If you haven’t installed the required components listed, you can install them now. Choose Install. When the components are installed, the status column changes from Not Installed to Installed, and you can choose Next to continue.


    If you’re prompted to restart the computer, do so, and then start Setup again.

  6. On the Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 page, you can select an organization to upgrade or leave the choice <None> so that no organizations will be upgraded during Setup. Before you select an organization, consider the following:

    • If you have deferred table merge during the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2013 upgrade, during a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2015 organization upgrade every base and extension table will become merged. This merge cannot be deferred. For large organization databases that are highly customized the merging may take several hours to complete.

    • New indexes may be added during organization upgrade, which can potentially overwrite existing custom indexes or indexes added by installing a solution. For more information, see Before you upgrade: issues and considerations.

    • Notice that any organization not upgraded will become disabled after the upgrade is complete. To upgrade organizations after Setup is complete, use the Import-CrmOrganization Windows PowerShell command. Alternatively, you can use Deployment Manager.

    Choose Next to upgrade Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

  7. On the Specify Service Accounts page, Setup will add the service accounts used for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server services. You can use the existing service accounts or specify new ones. For information about the permissions required to run these services see Minimum permissions required for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Setup and services.

  8. If you want to use server-side synchronization and/or Dynamics CRM for Outlook for the deployment, leave this box blank. More information: Choose a method for message synchronization 

    Otherwise, on the Specify E-mail Router Settings in the, Email router server name box, type the name of the computer where the Email Router will be installed. This computer will route Microsoft Dynamics CRM email messages. If you leave the box blank but decide later you want to use the Email Router, you must add the computer where the Email Router Service is running (part of the Asynchronous Service) when you use Network Service, or if you use a domain user account, the account to the PrivUserGroup security group.

    Choose Next.

  9. On the Select Microsoft Update Preference page, select whether you want to use Microsoft Update for checking for updates for your Microsoft products, and click Next. We recommend that you use Microsoft Update to check for updates because this helps keep your computer up-to-date and secure. For more information about the legal terms and privacy with Microsoft Update licensing, see Windows Update FAQ.

  10. The System Checks page appears. This page is a summary of all requirements and recommendations for a successful installation. Errors must be resolved before installation can continue. If no errors, or only warnings appear, you can continue with the installation. To do this, choose Next.

  11. The Service Disruption Warning page appears. This page lists all services that will be stopped or restarted during Setup. Verify the suitability of the services that will be stopped or restarted, and then click Next.

  12. Review the Ready to Upgrade the Application page, and choose Back to correct any errors. When you are ready to continue, choose Upgrade.

    When Setup completes successfully, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup completed page appears. If the Reporting Server instance that you specified during this Setup points to the local computer where Microsoft Dynamics CRM is installed, Setup provides an option to invoke Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions Setup.

  13. For a full server deployment running on the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services computer, select the Launch Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions Setup check box to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions. Choose Finish.


  • After you upgrade, you must install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions to create, run, and schedule reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. For instructions, see Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions in this guide.

  • You can’t install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions before you install or upgrade Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.

  • If you had Language Packs provisioned in your deployment, to continue to use multiple languages, upgrade each language pack to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, and then provision them. More information: Upgrade and enable a Language Pack

  • Notice that Setup turns on HTTP compression on the server that is running IIS where the web application is installed. If you use another method to compress HTTP communications, you may want to turn this feature off after Setup completes. To do this, start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, choose the website, double-click Compression, and then clear the compression check boxes.

See Also

Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
Upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server upgrade preparations
Upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011

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