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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Monitoring Service


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Monitoring Service is an NT-style service that monitors all Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server roles running on the local computer. The Monitoring Service doesn’t transmit information outside the computer where the service is running. The Monitoring Service is installed with the installation of any Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server role.

The monitoring service validates the health of the server roles that are running on the local computer by running a series of tests. By default, monitoring occurs every 15 minutes and 10 records are maintained before the earliest record is replaced. Some tests performed by the monitoring service require that the organization be set for monitoring. For more information, see Change monitoring settings later in this topic.

View monitoring results

Events are recorded under the MSCRMMonitoringServerRole source in the Application area of Event Viewer.

By default, detailed monitoring results are saved as XML files located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Monitoring\results.


Use a web browser to view the monitoring logs. To do this in Internet Explorer, right-click the monitoring XML file, select Open with, and then select Internet Explorer.

Additionally, you can record monitoring results to the configuration database as described later in this topic. Then you can use a SQL statement such as the following to view monitoring information for the deployment.


Change monitoring settings

The following PowerShell commands perform these operations.

  • Displays the current monitoring settings.

  • Sets the monitoring service to record a maximum of 10 results to the MonitoringResults table in the configuration database (MSCRM_CONFIG) in addition to recording to XML files in a file folder.

    Sets the testorg organization for organization-level monitoring, and sets the monitoring organization user account and password.

  • Displays the current monitoring settings, again.


Although this example configures two separate options, you don’t have to configure both options together. The first option is to store monitoring records in the configuration database, and the second option is to set the monitoring organization, account, and password.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell
Get-CrmSetting -SettingType MonitoringSettings
$set =Get-CrmSetting -SettingType Monitoringsettings
$set.StoreResultsInDatabase = "true"
$set.ResultsToKeepInDatabase = "10"
$set.MonitoringOrganizationUniqueName ="testorg"
$set.MonitoringOrganizationUserAccount = "contoso\administrator"
$set.MonitoringOrganizationUserPassword = "password"
Set-CrmSetting -Setting $set
Get-CrmSetting -SettingType MonitoringSettings


After you make a change to the monitoring service settings, you may need to restart the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Monitoring Service to incorporate the change.

See Also

CRM 2015 PowerShell Reference_deleted
Operating on-premises CRM 2015

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