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X++ Standards: if ... else and switch Statements

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This topic describes X++ code style standards for the if...else statement and the switch statement.


If you have an if...else construction, then use positive logic:


if (true)









if (!false)








It is acceptable to use negative logic if throwing an error, and in cases where the use of positive logic would make the code difficult to understand.

There should be a space character between the if keyword and the open parenthesis.

Switch Statements

Always end a case with a break statement (or return/throw). If you intentionally want to make use of the fall-through mechanism supported in X++, replace the missing break statement with a comment line:

    // Fall through

This comment line makes it visually clear to the reader that the fall-through mechanism is utilized.

Use 3 levels of indentation:

switch (Expression)


    case: Constant:





Do not put parentheses around cases. Warning icon

There should not be a space between the case keyword and the colon character.

Use a switch Instead of Nested if ... else Statements

Use switch statements instead of nested if...else statements.


switch (myEnum)


    case ABC::A:



    case ABC::B:



    case ABC::C:








if (myEnum == ABC::A)






    if (myEnum == ABC::B)






        if (myEnum == ABC::C)










See also

if and if ... else Statements

Switch Statements

Comparison of if and switch Statements

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