ReleaseUpdateDB60_Payroll.updatePayrollEarningCode Upgrade Script
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Class |
ReleaseUpdateDB60_Payroll |
Method |
updatePayrollEarningCode |
Description |
Inserts records into the PayrollEarningCode, PayrollEarningCodeDetail, PayrollEarningExternalReporting_US, PayrollGrossUpEarningCodeReference, and PayrollEarningCodeAccountingRule tables. |
Affected Modules and Tables
Affected Modules |
Payroll |
Affected Tables |
PayrollEarningCode |
PayrollEarningCodeDetail |
PayrollEarningCodeExternalReporting_US |
PayrollEarningCodeAccountingRule |
The records in the PRLPayElements table with the PRLPayElementType::Earning value in the PaymentType field need to be upgraded into the PayrollEarningCode table and the PayrollEarningCodeDetail table. The W2 related BoxLetter and BoxNumber fields are upgraded to the PayrollEarningExternalReporting_US table. For gross earning code, a record in the PayrollGrossUpEarningCodeReference table should be created to reflect the relationship between the gross up earning code and the secondary earning code. Creates records in the PayrollEarningCodeAccountingRule table from the PRLPostingSetupDetails table for the PRLPayElement table records with earning type.
Data Migration Section
From Table: PRLPayElement |
To Table: PayrollEarningCode |
PayElementCode |
EarningCode |
PayElementGroup |
EarningCode |
Description |
Description |
Imputed |
FringeBenefitType |
FringeBenefitType |
PrimaryCode |
IsBaseSalaryComponent |
CalcOfSal |
QuantityUnit |
IncludeInRegular |
IncludeInPaymentType |
Taxable |
TaxMethod |
From Table: PRLPayElement |
To Table: PayrollEarningCodeDetail |
PayElementCode |
EarningCode |
PayElementGroup |
EarningCode |
From Table: PRLPayElement |
To Table: PayrollGrossUpEarningCodeReference |
GrossUpEarningCode |
GrossUpEarningCode |
From Table: PRLPayElement |
To Table: PayrollEarningCodeExternalReporting_US |
BoxNumber |
W2BoxNumber |
BoxLabel |
W2BoxLabel |
From Table: PRLPostingSetupDetails |
To Table: PayrollEarningCodeAccountingRule |
DataAreaID |
LegalEntity |
AccountNum |
LedgerDimension |
New Tables or Fields
Table |
Field |
Extended Data Type -or- Base Enum |
PayrollEarningCode |
PayrollEarningCodeDetail |
PayrollGrossUpEarningCodeReference |
PayrollEarningCodeExternalReporting_US |
PayrollEarningCodeAccountingRule |