FormGroupControl Class
class FormGroupControl extends FormControl
Run On
Method | Description | |
addControl | Adds a form control to a form group control. | |
addDataField | Adds a table field. | |
alignChild | Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a form group control is aligned in the same manner as other controls in a form. | |
alignChildren | Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the child controls are aligned. | |
alignControl | Determines whether the control is aligned with other controls. (Overrides the alignControl Method.) | |
allowEdit | Determines whether the user can modify the contents of the control. (Overrides the allowEdit Method.) | |
allowSysSetup | Retrieves a value that indicates whether the control is shown in the SysSetup form. (Overrides the allowSysSetup Method.) | |
allowUserSetup | Sets or gets the level of modification that can be performed for a form group control. | |
arrange | ||
arrangeGuide | ||
arrangeMethod | Sets or returns an integer value that indicates how controls in a form group control are arranged. | |
arrangeWhen | Sets or returns an integer value that specifies when the controls are arranged. | |
autoDataGroup | Sets or returns a Boolean value that specifies whether a form group control can contain only the fields in the data group that are specified for the control. | |
autoDeclaration | Determines whether the system can declare a member variable that has the same name as the control. (Overrides the autoDeclaration Method.) | |
backgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color of the control. | |
backgroundImage | Specifies the background image for a form group control. | |
backStyle | Determines whether the control background can be transparent. | |
beginDrag | Is called when the user starts to move a form group control. (Overrides the beginDrag Method.) | |
bold | Gets or sets the weight of font that is used to display text in the control. | |
bottomMargin | Sets or returns the bottom margin of a form group control in pixels and specifies whether the margin is automatically adjusted. | |
bottomMarginMode | Sets or returns an AutoMode enumeration value that indicates whether the bottom margin is automatically adjusted. | |
bottomMarginValue | Sets or returns the bottom margin of a form group control in pixels. | |
calcControlSize | Calculates the size of a form group control, based on the number of characters and the number of lines. (Overrides the calcControlSize Method.) | |
canAddDataField | Indicates whether a table field can be added. | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
canContain | Specifies whether a form group control can contain the specified form control. | |
caption | Gets or set the caption of the control. | |
characterSet | Gets or sets the character set of the font. | |
clicked | Is called when a form group control is clicked by the user. | |
colorScheme | Gets or sets the color scheme of the control. | |
columns | Sets or returns the number of columns in a form group control in pixels, and specifies whether the number is automatically adjusted. | |
columnsMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates whether the number of columns in a form group control is fixed, or whether it is automatically adjusted based on other form settings, such as the form size. | |
columnspace | Sets or returns the amount of space between columns in a form group control in pixels and indicates whether the space is automatically adjusted based on other form settings, such the font size. | |
columnspaceMode | Sets or returns an AutoMode enumeration value that indicates whether the amount of space between columns in a form group control is automatically adjusted. | |
columnspaceValue | Sets or returns the amount of space between columns in a form group control in pixels. | |
columnsValue | Sets or returns the number of columns in a form group control. | |
configurationKey | Gets or sets the configuration key that is assigned to the control. (Overrides the configurationKey Method.) | |
configurationKeyEx | Retrieves a list that contains the IDs of configuration keys that are activated for a form group control. (Overrides the configurationKeyEx Method.) | |
containerId | Retrieves the ID of the parent container for the control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
contains | Specifies whether a form group control contains a specified form control. | |
context | Is called when the user right-clicks a form group control. (Overrides the context Method.) | |
controlCount | Returns the number of controls in a form group control. | |
controlNum | Returns a FormControl object for a specified control in a form group control. | |
copy | Copies a form group control. (Overrides the copy Method.) | |
countryRegionCodes | Gets or sets the comma-separated list of country/region codes for the control. (Overrides the countryRegionCodes Method.) | |
countryRegionContextField | ||
cut | Cuts the contents of the control. (Overrides the cut Method.) | |
dataGroup | Sets or returns a data group for a form group control. | |
dataRelationPath | Gets or sets the period-delimited list of relations that links the field binding of the DataField object to a relative table. (Overrides the dataRelationPath Method.) | |
dataSource | Gets or sets a data source that will be used by the control or the form. | |
dataSourceObject | (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
displayControl | Displays a form group control. (Overrides the displayControl Method.) | |
displayTarget | Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the control is displayed in the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, in Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX, or in both. (Overrides the displayTarget Method.) | |
dragDrop | Determines whether drag-and-drop operations are enabled or disabled for the control. (Overrides the dragDrop Method.) | |
dragLeave | Is called when the user drags an object out of the bounds of a form group control. (Overrides the dragLeave Method.) | |
dragOver | Is called when an object is dragged over the bounds of a form group control. (Overrides the dragOver Method.) | |
dragOverEx | Raises the dragOverEx event to indicate that a mouse drag operation is over the current control. (Overrides the dragOverEx Method.) | |
dragText | Retrieves the text that is displayed when the form control is dragged. (Overrides the dragText Method.) | |
drop | Is called when a user drops a form group control or an item in a form group control into a new position. (Overrides the drop Method.) | |
dropEx | Raises the dropEx event to indicate that a drop operation is being performed on the current control. (Overrides the dropEx Method.) | |
enableChilds | Specifies whether the child controls are enabled for a form group control. | |
enabled | Determines whether the object is enabled or disabled. (Overrides the enabled Method.) | |
endDrag | Is called when the user has finished moving a form group control. (Overrides the endDrag Method.) | |
enter | Is called when the user moves focus to a form group control. | |
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.) | |
expand | Specifies whether a form group control is expanded. | |
fieldBinding | Retrieves the table and field bindings of the control into a FieldBinding derived class. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
filter | Is called when the user right-clicks a form group control and then clicks Filter By Selection. | |
font | Gets or sets the name of the font that is used for text in a control. | |
fontSize | Gets or sets the font size to use for text in a control. | |
formRun | (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
frameOptionButton | Sets or returns the option button for a form group control. | |
framePosition | Sets or returns the location of the frame for a form group control. | |
frameType | Sets or returns the frame style for a form group control. | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
gotFocus | Determines when the user brings a form group control into focus. (Overrides the gotFocus Method.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
hasChanged | Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the contents of a form group control have changed. (Overrides the hasChanged Method.) | |
hasUserSetting | Indicates whether the control has custom user settings. (Overrides the hasUserSetting Method.) | |
height | Gets or sets the height of the control. (Overrides the height Method.) | |
heightMode | Gets or sets a calculation mode for the height of the control. (Overrides the heightMode Method.) | |
heightValue | Gets or sets the height of the control. (Overrides the heightValue Method.) | |
helpField | Returns the Help text that is displayed in the status bar when a form group control is selected. (Overrides the helpField Method.) | |
helpText | Gets or sets the Help text that is displayed at the bottom of the screen when a field or control is pointed to. (Overrides the helpText Method.) | |
hideIfEmpty | Sets or gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a form group control is visible when the controls in the group are not visible. | |
hierarchyParent | Gets or sets the HierarchyParent property value of the control. (Overrides the hierarchyParent Method.) | |
hWnd | Returns a handle for a form group control. (Overrides the hWnd Method.) | |
id | Retrieves the ID of the control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
inputSearch | Is called when the user enters a search string in a bound control. (Overrides the inputSearch Method.) | |
isContainer | Indicates whether a form group control is a container. | |
isDisplayed | Indicates whether a form group control is displayed. (Overrides the isDisplayed Method.) | |
isRestricted | Retrieves a value that indicates whether the control is restricted. (Overrides the isRestricted Method.) | |
isUserSetupEnabled | Returns a value that indicates whether the control allows for the specified level of customization. (Overrides the isUserSetupEnabled Method.) | |
isVisible | Indicates whether a form group control is visible. (Overrides the isVisible Method.) | |
italic | Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the text for a form group control is italic. | |
jumpRef | Is called when a user clicks the Go to the Main Table Form command on a control shortcut menu in a form group control. | |
labelBold | Sets or returns the font weight of the label text for a form group control. | |
labelCharacterSet | Sets or returns the character set of the font for the label text for a form group control. | |
labelFont | Sets or returns the font for the label text for a form group control. | |
labelFontSize | Sets or returns the font size of the label text for a form group control. | |
labelItalic | Sets or returns a Boolean data type that indicates whether the label text for a form group control is italic. | |
labelText | Retrieves the label text for the control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
labelUnderline | Sets or returns a Boolean data type that indicates whether the label text for a form group control is underlined. | |
leave | Is called when the user moves the mouse pointer out of a form group control. | |
left | Sets or returns the horizontal position of a form group control in pixels and specifies how the position is calculated. (Overrides the left Method.) | |
leftMargin | Sets or returns the size of the left margin for a form group control in pixels and specifies whether the size is automatically adjusted. | |
leftMarginMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates whether the size of the left margin for a form group control is fixed, or whether it is automatically adjusted based on other form property settings. | |
leftMarginValue | Sets or returns the size of the left margin for a form group control in pixels. | |
leftMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates how the horizontal position of a form group control is calculated. (Overrides the leftMode Method.) | |
leftValue | Sets or returns the horizontal position of a form group control in pixels. (Overrides the leftValue Method.) | |
lock | Locks the form control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
lockWindowUpdate | Locks or unlocks the window of the control for update. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
lostFocus | Is called when the user brings a form group control out of focus. (Overrides the lostFocus Method.) | |
markAsUserAdd | Marks or unmarks the control as a user-added control. (Overrides the markAsUserAdd Method.) | |
mouseDblClick | Is called when the user double-clicks a form group control. (Overrides the mouseDblClick Method.) | |
mouseDown | Is called when the user presses the mouse button in a form group control. (Overrides the mouseDown Method.) | |
mouseEnter | Is called when the user moves the mouse pointer into the control area. (Overrides the mouseEnter Method.) | |
mouseLeave | Is called when the user moves the mouse pointer away from the control. (Overrides the mouseLeave Method.) | |
mouseMove | Is called when the user moves the mouse pointer over a form group control. (Overrides the mouseMove Method.) | |
mouseUp | Is called when the user releases the mouse button over a form group control. (Overrides the mouseUp Method.) | |
moveControl | Moves a specified control. | |
name | Gets or sets the name that is used in code to identify a form, report, table, query, or other Microsoft Dynamics AX application object. (Overrides the name Method.) | |
neededPermission | (Overrides the neededPermission Method.) | |
new | Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
optionValue | Sets or returns the value for the option button that is associated with a form group control. | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
packUserSetting | Packs the user settings for a form group control. (Overrides the packUserSetting Method.) | |
parentControl | Retrieves the parent control for the control. (Overrides the parentControl Method.) | |
paste | Pastes a form group control. (Overrides the paste Method.) | |
prefColumnSize | Specifies the height and width of columns for a form group control. (Overrides the prefColumnSize Method.) | |
registerOverrideMethod | ||
resetUserSetting | Resets the user settings for a form group control. (Overrides the resetUserSetting Method.) | |
rightMargin | Sets or returns the size of the right margin for a form group control in pixels and specifies whether the size is automatically adjusted. | |
rightMarginMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates whether the size of the right margin for a form group control is fixed, or whether it is automatically adjusted based on other form property settings. | |
rightMarginValue | Sets or returns the size of the right margin for a form group control in pixels. | |
saveFilter | ||
securityKey | Sets or returns the security key ID for a form group control. (Overrides the securityKey Method.) | |
setFocus | Sets the focus on the control. (Overrides the setFocus Method.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
showContextMenu | Shows a shortcut menu for a form group control. (Overrides the showContextMenu Method.) | |
skip | Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the control is skipped when the user presses the TAB key to move to the control. (Overrides the skip Method.) | |
sort | Sorts the controls that are contained in a form group control. | |
style | ||
toolTip | Returns the text string for the tooltip for a form group control. (Overrides the toolTip Method.) | |
top | Sets or returns the vertical position of a form group control in pixels and specifies how the position is calculated. (Overrides the top Method.) | |
topMargin | Sets or returns the top margin for a form group control in pixels and specifies whether the size is automatically adjusted. | |
topMarginMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates whether the size of the top margin for a form group control is fixed, or whether it is automatically adjusted based on other form property settings. | |
topMarginValue | ||
topMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates how the vertical position of a form group control is calculated. (Overrides the topMode Method.) | |
topValue | Sets or returns the vertical position of a form group control in pixels. (Overrides the topValue Method.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
type | (Overrides the type Method.) | |
underline | Sets or returns the underline property for the text in the control. | |
unLock | Unlocks a form control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
unpackUserSetting | Unpacks user settings for a form group control. (Overrides the unpackUserSetting Method.) | |
update | Updates the control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
updateWindow | Updates the window for the control. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
usageCount | Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.) | |
userData | Gets or sets the user data for the control. (Overrides the userData Method.) | |
userDataItem | Gets or sets the user data item for the control. (Overrides the userDataItem Method.) | |
userDataItems | Gets or sets the number of user data items for the control. (Overrides the userDataItems Method.) | |
userDisable | Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the control is disabled for the user. (Overrides the userDisable Method.) | |
userHeight | Gets or sets the custom user height for the control. (Overrides the userHeight Method.) | |
userHide | Sets or returns an integer data type that indicates whether a control is hidden from the user. (Overrides the userHide Method.) | |
userOrgContainer | Gets or sets the organization container for the control. (Overrides the userOrgContainer Method.) | |
userOrgSibling | Gets or sets the organization sibling for the control. (Overrides the userOrgSibling Method.) | |
userPromptText | Gets or sets the user label text for the control. (Overrides the userPromptText Method.) | |
userSecurityLevel | Gets or sets the user security level for the control. (Overrides the userSecurityLevel Method.) | |
userSkip | Sets or returns an integer that indicates whether the form group control is skipped when the user presses the TAB key to move to controls. (Overrides the userSkip Method.) | |
userWidth | Sets or returns an integer that indicates the width of a form group control in pixels. (Overrides the userWidth Method.) | |
useUserLayout | Specifies whether to use the user-specified layout of a form group control. | |
valueStr | Retrieves the value of the control in string format. (Inherited from FormControl.) | |
verticalSpacing | Gets or sets the amount of space above and below a form group control in pixels, and specifies how the space is calculated. (Overrides the verticalSpacing Method.) | |
verticalSpacingMode | Sets or returns a value that indicates how the amount of space above and below a form group control is calculated. (Overrides the verticalSpacingMode Method.) | |
verticalSpacingValue | Gets or sets the amount of space above and below a form group control in pixels. (Overrides the verticalSpacingValue Method.) | |
viewEditMode | ||
visible | Gets or sets a Boolean data type that displays or hides a form group control. (Overrides the visible Method.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
width | Gets or sets the width of the control. (Overrides the width Method.) | |
widthMode | Gets or sets the calculation mode for the width of the control. (Overrides the widthMode Method.) | |
widthValue | Gets or sets the width of the control. (Overrides the widthValue Method.) | |
xml | Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object Class
FormControl Class
FormGroupControl Class