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RetailLoyaltyCollection::updateLoyaltyUsedPoints Method [AX 2012]

Creates a record in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table for used points.


client server public static container updateLoyaltyUsedPoints(
    RetailTransactionId pTransactionId, 
    LineNum pLineNum, 
    RetailStoreId pStoreId, 
    RetailTerminalId pTerminalId, 
    RetailCardNumber pLoyaltyCardNo, 
    str pTransDate, 
    int pDateSequence, 
    RetailLoyaltyPoints pUsedPoints, 
   [RetailReceiptId pReceiptId, 
    RetailStaffId pStaffId, 
    str pTime])

Run On



  • pLineNum
    Type: LineNum Extended Data Type
    A value for the LoyaltyPointTranslineNum field in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table.
  • pTransDate
    Type: str
    A transaction date for the DateOfIssue field in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table.
  • pDateSequence
    Type: int
    A format for the date.
  • pTime
    Type: str
    A time value for the TimeOfIssue field in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table.

Return Value

Type: container
A container that contains a true value and a string message if the record is created in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table successfully; otherwise, a false value with the appropriate string message.

See Also


RetailLoyaltyCollection Class