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RetailLoyaltyCollection::updateLoyaltyIssuedPoints Method [AX 2012]

Creates a record in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table for issued points.



The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
          client server public static container updateLoyaltyIssuedPoints(
            RetailTransactionId pTransactionId, 
            LineNum pLineNum, 
            RetailStoreId pStoreId, 
            RetailTerminalId pTerminalId, 
            RetailCardNumber pLoyaltyCardNo, 
            str pTransDate, 
            int pDateSequence, 
            RetailLoyaltyPoints pIssuedPoints, 
           [RetailReceiptId pReceiptId, 
            RetailStaffId pStaffId, 
            str pTime, 
            RefRecId custInvoiceJourRecId])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
          client server public static container updateLoyaltyIssuedPoints(
            RetailTransactionId pTransactionId, 
            LineNum pLineNum, 
            RetailStoreId pStoreId, 
            RetailTerminalId pTerminalId, 
            RetailCardNumber pLoyaltyCardNo, 
            str pTransDate, 
            int pDateSequence, 
            RetailLoyaltyPoints pIssuedPoints, 
           [RetailReceiptId pReceiptId, 
            RetailStaffId pStaffId, 
            str pTime, 
            RefRecId custInvoiceJourRecId])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS)
          client server public static container updateLoyaltyIssuedPoints(
            RetailTransactionId pTransactionId, 
            LineNum pLineNum, 
            RetailStoreId pStoreId, 
            RetailTerminalId pTerminalId, 
            RetailCardNumber pLoyaltyCardNo, 
            str pTransDate, 
            int pDateSequence, 
            RetailLoyaltyPoints pIssuedPoints, 
           [RetailReceiptId pReceiptId, 
            RetailStaffId pStaffId, 
            str pTime])

Run On



  • pLineNum
    Type: LineNum Extended Data Type
    A value for the LoyaltyPointTranslineNum field in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table.
  • pTransDate
    Type: str
    A transaction date for the DateOfIssue field in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table.
  • pDateSequence
    Type: int
    A format for the date.
  • pTime
    Type: str
    A time value for the TimeOfIssue field in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table.

Return Value

Type: container
A container that contains a true value and a string message if the record is created in the RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans table successfully; otherwise, a false value with the appropriate string message.

See Also


RetailLoyaltyCollection Class