ReleaseUpdateDB60_QMS Class [AX 2012]
class ReleaseUpdateDB60_QMS extends ReleaseUpdateDB
Run On
Method | Description | |
addCrossModuleDependency | Adds cross module, version dependency for an upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addCrossVersionModuleDependency | Adds cross module, version dependency for an upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addDependency | Adds a dependency of a method on another method in the same class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addFinalJob | Adds an upgrade script as a final job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addSharedJob | Adds an upgrade script as a shared job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addStandardJob | Adds an upgrade script as a standard job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addStartJob | Adds an upgrade script as a start job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
callInsertUpdateRelatedSkipMethods | Calls the skip methods that are relevant when doing inserts or updates. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
createDocumentNote | ||
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.) | |
executeDirectSqlStatement | ||
fromVersion | Gets the version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
fromVersionEx | Gets the version of the AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
hasRecords | ||
initAdditionalJobs | Contains the initial setup for additional upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initAdditionalUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for additional upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initDynamicTableDependencies | Creates table dependencies for scripts whose dependencies cannot be set by using upgrade attributes. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initJobs | Builds list upgrade script classes and creates dependencies that are based on their attributes. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initJobsUsingUpgradeAttributes | Creates upgrade jobs and sets up their dependencies based on the attributes of every upgrade script method in a class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initOperationProgress | Creates a progress form that can be used to show the progress of an upgrade step. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initPostSyncJobs | Contains the initial setup for the PostSync upgrade scripts. (Overrides the initPostSyncJobs Method.) | |
initPostSyncUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for the PostSyncUpdate upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initPreSyncJobs | Contains the initial setup for PreSync upgrade scripts. (Overrides the initPreSyncJobs Method.) | |
initPreSyncUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for PreSyncUpdate upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
isConfKeyEnabledInPrevVersion | Determines whether the configuration key was enabled in the earlier version of the application. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
moduleName | Gets the module name of an upgrade class. (Overrides the moduleName Method.) | |
new | Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
parmCockpit | Gets or sets the Cockpit parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
parmCurrentBatch | Gets or sets the CurrentBatch parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
parmScriptStage | Gets or sets the ScriptStage parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
prefixCurrentClassId | Gets or sets the classId parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
prefixCurrentVersion | Gets or sets the version of the current instance of an upgrade class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
run | Runs the upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setImportfromVersion | Sets the version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setModuleConfigKey | Sets the configuration keys of the current module. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
sqlCreateDocuRefUpgradeStoredProcedure | ||
sqlCreateTempTable | ||
sqlDropDocuRefUpgradeStoredProcedure | ||
sqlDropTempTable | ||
sqlExecuteDocuRefUpgradeStoredProcedure | ||
sqlInsertIntoDocuRef | ||
sqlInsertIntoTempTable | ||
sqlJoinOnClause | ||
sqlUpdateSystemSequences | ||
tableProgress | Sets the progress of the upgrade process, depending on the number of tables processed. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
updateDateTimeFields | ||
updateDocuRef | ||
updateFinancialDimensions | Updates financial dimensions for InventNonConformanceTable and InventQualityOrderTable tables. | |
updateInventItemSampling | Copies data from the QmmOrderItemSampeling table to the InventItemSampling table. | |
updateInventNonConformanceHistory | Copies data from the QmmTable table to the InventNonConformanceHistory table. | |
updateInventNonConformanceOrigin | Copies data from the QmmTable table to the InventNonConformanceOrigin table. | |
updateInventNonConformanceRelation | Copies data from the QmmTable table to the InventNonConformanceRelation table. | |
updateInventNonConformanceTable | Copies data from the QmmTable table to the InventNonConformanceTable table. | |
updateInventParameters | Copies data from the QmmParameters table to the InventParameters table and enables the quality management module. | |
updateInventProblemType | Copies data from the QmmProblemTypes table to the InventProblemType table. | |
updateInventProblemTypeSetup | Copies data from the QmmProblemTypesSetup table to the InventProblemTypeSetup table. | |
updateInventQualityOrderLine | Copies data from the QmmOrderLine table to the InventQualityOrderLine table. | |
updateInventQualityOrderLineResults | Copies data from the QmmOrderLineResults table to the InventQualityOrderLineResults table. | |
updateInventQualityOrderTable | Copies data from the QmmOrderTable table to the InventQualityOrderTable table. | |
updateInventQualityOrderTableOrigin | Copies data from the QmmOrderTable table to the InventQualityOrderTableOrigin table. | |
updateInventQuarantineZone | Copies data from the QmmQuarantineZones table to the InventQuarantineZone table. | |
updateInventTestArea | Migrates data from the QmmTestArea table to the WMSStoreArea table. | |
updateInventTestAssociationTable | Copies data from the QmmAssociationTable table to the InventTestAssociationTable table. | |
updateInventTestCertOfAnalysisLine | Copies data from the QmmCertOfAnalysisLine table to the InventTestCertOfAnalysisLine table. | |
updateInventTestCertOfAnalysisLineResult | Copies data from the QmmCertOfAnalysisLineResults table to the InventTestCertOfAnalysisLineResults table. | |
updateInventTestCertOfAnalysisTable | Copies data from the QmmCertOfAnalysisTable table to the InventTestCertOfAnalysisTable table. | |
updateInventTestCorrection | Copies data from the QmmCorrection table to the InventTestCorrection table. | |
updateInventTestDiagnosticType | Copies data from the QmmDiagnosticTypes table to the InventTestDiagnosticType table. | |
updateInventTestEmplResponsible | Creates records in the InventTestEmplResponsible table based on the QmmResp field of the EmplTable table values. | |
updateInventTestGroup | Copies data from the QmmTestGroup table to the InventTestGroup table. | |
updateInventTestGroupMember | Copies data from the QmmTestGroupMember table to the InventTestGroupMember table. | |
updateInventTestInstrument | Copies data from the QmmTestTool table to the InventTestInstrument table. | |
updateInventTestItemQualityGroup | Copies data from the QmmItemQualityGroup table to the InventTestItemQualityGroup table. | |
updateInventTestMiscCharges | Copies data from the QmmMiscCharges table to the InventTestMiscCharges table. | |
updateInventTestOperation | Copies data from the QmmOperations table to the InventTestOperation table. | |
updateInventTestOperationItems | Copies data from the QmmOperationItems table to the InventTestOperationItems table. | |
updateInventTestOperationMiscCharges | Copies data from the QmmOperationMiscCharges table to the InventTestOperationMiscCharges table. | |
updateInventTestOperationTimeSheet | Copies data from the QmmOperationTimeSheet table to the InventTestOperationTimeSheet table. | |
updateInventTestQualityGroup | Copies data from the QmmQualityGroup table to the InventTestQualityGroup table. | |
updateInventTestRelatedOperations | Populates InventTestRelatedOperations and DEL_InventTestRelatedOperationsMap tables with the data from the DEL_QmmRelatedOperations table. | |
updateInventTestReportSetup | Populates the InventTestReportSetup table with the data. | |
updateInventTestTable | Copies data from the QmmTest table to the InventTestTable table. | |
updateInventTestVariable | Copies data from the QmmVariable table to the InventTestVariable table. | |
updateInventTestVariableOutcome | Copies data from the QmmVariableOutcome table to the InventTestVariableOutcome table. | |
updateInventTrans | Updates the InventTrans table records related to quality management solution. | |
updateMappingFields | Add special field mapping for QMM Tables. | |
updateMultiSiteActivation | Activates site dimension for the InventQualityManagement table. | |
updateNumberSequenceReference | Updates quality management number sequences. | |
updateUnitOfMeasureQMSConsumers | Updates all references to the UnitOfMeasure table on the quality management system tables. | |
updateWorkers | Updates all references to the HCMWorker table on the quality management system tables. | |
usageCount | Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.) | |
validatedModuleName | Validates that a module name is not too long. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
xml | Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object Class
ReleaseUpdateDB Class
ReleaseUpdateDB60_QMS Class