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InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp.findMostRecentInventDim Method [AX 2012]

Finds the InventDim record that is used by the most recent of the InventTrans records that fulfills the criteria passed in.


protected InventDim findMostRecentInventDim(
    Common _common, 
    FieldId _inventTransIdFieldId, 
   [container _conInventTransExtraJoins])

Run On



  • _common
    Type: Common Table
    A table buffer that holds the search values.
  • _conInventTransExtraJoins
    Type: container
    A container with an extra pair of fields that is to be joined between the InventTrans and the base table; optional.

Return Value

Type: InventDim Table
The most recent InventDim record for the specified InventDimId.

See Also


InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp Class