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InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp.performUpdateAllTransClearDim Method [AX 2012]

Clears the site and the warehouse dimensions on the primary table.


protected void performUpdateAllTransClearDim(
    TableId _tableId, 
    FieldId _inventDimIdFieldId, 
    container _conPrimaryTableRanges, 
    TableId _tableIdSecondary, 
    container _conSecondaryTableJoins, 
    FieldId _dateComparisonFieldIdSecondary)

Run On



  • _inventDimIdFieldId
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the field in the primary table that refers to the InventDim where the dimensions should be cleared.
  • _conPrimaryTableRanges
    Type: container
    A container with any extra pair of values, where the first value is the field ID of the supplied table, and the second value is the value the field should be.
  • _tableIdSecondary
    Type: TableId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the secondary table that is used to identify whether the primary table fits into the selected date interval.
    This should be used only if there is no date field in the primary table.
  • _conSecondaryTableJoins
    Type: container
    A container with any pair of fields that is to be joined between the primary and the secondary table.
  • _dateComparisonFieldIdSecondary
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the field in the secondary table that contains a date value that identifies whether records in the primary table should be selected.

See Also


InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp Class