ReleaseUpdateDB60_Jmg Class [AX 2012]
The ReleaseUpdateDB60_Jmg class updates the shop floor data based on the enhancement done in this version.
class ReleaseUpdateDB60_Jmg extends ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg
Run On
Method | Description | |
addCrossModuleDependency | Adds cross module, version dependency for an upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addCrossVersionModuleDependency | Adds cross module, version dependency for an upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addDependency | Adds a dependency of a method on another method in the same class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addFinalJob | Adds an upgrade script as a final job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addSharedJob | Adds an upgrade script as a shared job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addStandardJob | Adds an upgrade script as a standard job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addStartJob | Adds an upgrade script as a start job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
allowDupJmgBulletinBoardRecipientMsgIdEm | Updates the MsgIdEmployeeIdx index in the JmgBulletinBoardRecipient table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgEmployeeHcmWorkerIdx | Updates the HcmWorkerIdx index in the JmgEmployee table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgOvertimeSlizeEmplDateJobIdx | Updates the EmplDateJobIdx index in the JmgOvertimeSlize table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgPayAgreementOverrideEmplDateI | Updates the index EmplDateIdx in the JmgPayAgreementOverride table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgPayEmployeeEmplTypeIdx | Updates the index EmplTypeIdx in the JmgPayEmployee table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgPayStatConfig | Updates the TypeGroupUnitIdx index in the JmgPayStatConfig table to allow for duplicate records. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
allowDupJmgPayStatConfigTypeGroupUnitIdx | Updates the TypeGroupUnitIdx index in the JmgPayStatConfig table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgPieceRateEmplGroupEmpl | Updates the GroupEmpl index in the JmgPieceRateEmpl table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgProfileOverrideEmplDateIdx | Updates the EmplDateIdx index in the JmgProfileOverride to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgProfileOverrideSpecEmplDateId | Updates the EmplDateIdx index in the JmgProfileOverrideSpec table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgScheduledLoanEmplIdProfileDat | Updates the EmplIdProfileDateIdx index in the JmgScheduledLoan table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgStampJournalTableEmplDayIdx | Updates the EmplDayIdx index in the JmgStampJournalTable to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupJmgTimecardTableEmplIdProfileDat | Updates the EmplIdProfileDateIdxindex in the JmgTimecardTable to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgBulletinBoardRecipientMsgId | Updates the MsgIdEmployeeIdxindex in the JmgBulletinBoardRecipient to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgEmployeeHcmWorkerIdx | Updates the HcmWorkerIdx index in the JmgEmployee to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgOvertimeSlizeEmplDateJobIdx | Updates the EmplDateJobIdx index in the JmgOvertimeSlize to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgPayAgreementOverrideEmplDat | Updates the EmplDateIdx index in the JmgPayAgreementOverride to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgPayEmployeeEmplTypeIdx | Updates the EmplTypeIdx index in the JmgPayEmployee to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgPayStatConfig | Updates the TypeGroupUnitIdx index in the JmgPayStatConfig table not to allow for duplicate records. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
allowNoDupJmgPayStatConfigTypeGroupUnitI | Updates the TypeGroupUnitIdx index in the JmgPieceRateEmpl to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgPieceRateEmplGroupEmpl | Updates the GroupEmpl index in the JmgPieceRateEmpl to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgProfileOverrideEmplDateIdx | Updates the EmplDateIdx index in the JmgProfileOverride to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgProfileOverrideSpecEmplDate | Updates the EmplDateIdx index in the JmgProfileOverrideSpec to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgScheduledLoanEmplIdProfileD | Updates the EmplIdProfileDateIdx index in the JmgScheduledLoan table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgStampJournalTableEmplDayIdx | Updates the EmplDayIdx index in the JmgStampJournalTable table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupJmgTimecardTableEmplIdProfileD | Updates the EmplIdProfileDateIdx index in the JmgTimecardTable to disallow duplicate records. | |
callInsertUpdateRelatedSkipMethods | Calls the skip methods that are relevant when doing inserts or updates. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.) | |
fromVersion | Gets the version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
fromVersionEx | Gets the version of the AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
initAdditionalJobs | Contains the initial setup for additional upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initAdditionalUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for additional upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initDynamicTableDependencies | Creates table dependencies for scripts whose dependencies cannot be set by using upgrade attributes. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initJobs | Builds list upgrade script classes and creates dependencies that are based on their attributes. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initJobsUsingUpgradeAttributes | Creates upgrade jobs and sets up their dependencies based on the attributes of every upgrade script method in a class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initOperationProgress | Creates a progress form that can be used to show the progress of an upgrade step. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initPostSyncJobs | Initializes the jobs to run in the post synchronization phase of the upgrade. (Overrides the initPostSyncJobs Method.) | |
initPostSyncUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for the PostSyncUpdate upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initPreSyncJobs | Initializes the jobs to run in the pre synchronization phase of the upgrade. (Overrides the initPreSyncJobs Method.) | |
initPreSyncUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for PreSyncUpdate upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
isConfKeyEnabledInPrevVersion | Determines whether the configuration key was enabled in the earlier version of the application. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
moduleName | Retrieves the module name of the upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
new | Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
parmCockpit | Gets or sets the Cockpit parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
parmCurrentBatch | Gets or sets the CurrentBatch parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
parmScriptStage | Gets or sets the ScriptStage parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
prefixCurrentClassId | Gets or sets the classId parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
prefixCurrentVersion | Gets or sets the version of the current instance of an upgrade class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
run | Runs the upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setImportfromVersion | Sets the version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setModuleConfigKey | Sets the configuration keys of the current module. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
tableProgress | Sets the progress of the upgrade process, depending on the number of tables processed. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
updateDateTimeFields | Updates the date and time fields in a table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgAbsenceCalendar | Updates the JmgAbsenceCalendar table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgAssistance | Updates the JmgAssistance table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgBulletinBoardRecipient | Updates the JmgBulletinBoardRecipient table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgBundleSlize | Updates the bundle type field of the JmgBundleSlize table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgClientFieldTable | Updates the JmgRegistrationSetup table, JmgClientFieldTable table and JmgRegistrationGridTable table to support the new grid system for the registration client. | |
updateJmgEmployee | Updates the JmgEmployee table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgEventCtrl | Updates the JmgEventCrtl table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgFlexCorrection | Updates the JmgFlexCorrection table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgGroupSigningLine | Updates the JmgGroupSigningLine table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgGroupSigningTable | Updates the JmgGroupSigningTable table to support the change to using the date and time. | |
updateJmgIpcActivity | Updates the DefaultDimension field of the JmgIpcActivity table with the value that corresponds from the record ID of the DimensionAttributeValueSet table and the LedgerDimension and OffsetLedgerDimensionfields of the JmgIpcActivity table with the value that corresponds from the record ID of the DimensionAttributeValueCombination table. | |
updateJmgJobIdNumberSequence | Updates the number sequence that is used to generate job IDs. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgJobTable | Updates the JmgJobTable table to support the new resource groups. Updates the JmgJobTable table to support the HcmWorker table instead of EmplTable. | |
updateJmgOvertimeSlize | Updates the JmgOvertimeSlize table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPayAddTable | Updates the DefaultDimension field of the JmgPayAddTable table with value that corresponds from the record ID of the DimensionAttributeValueSet table. | |
updateJmgPayAddTrans | Updates the JmgPayAddTrans table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPayAdjustSetup | Updates the ProjPeriodId based on the DEL_PayrollPeriod field. | |
updateJmgPayAgreementLine | Updates the JmgPayAgreementLine table to support the HcmRatingLevel table instead of the HRMRatingLevel table. (Overrides the updateJmgPayAgreementLine Method.) | |
updateJmgPayAgreementOverLine | Updates the overridden pay agreement lines with the new skill and rating level system. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgPayAgreementOverride | Updates the JmgPayAgreementOverride table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPayAgreementOverrideLine | Updates the JmgPayAgreementOverrideLine table to support the HcmWorker and HcmRatingLevel tables instead of the EmplTable and HRMRatingLevel tables. | |
updateJmgPayCountSum | Updates the JmgPayCountSum table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPayCountTable | Updates the ProjPeriodId based on the DEL_PayrollPeriod field. | |
updateJmgPayEmployee | Updates the JmgPayEmployee table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPayEvents | Updates the JmgPayEvents table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPayStatConfig | Updates the ProjPeriodId based on the DEL_PayrollPeriod field. (Overrides the updateJmgPayStatConfig Method.) | |
updateJmgPayStatTrans | Updates the JmgPayStatTrans table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgPieceRateEmpl | Updates the JmgPieceRateEmpl table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgProdParameters | Updates the JmgProdParameters and JmgProdParametersDim tables with values that were previously saved in the ProdParmStartUp and ProdParmReportFinished tables. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgProfileDay | Updates the JmgProfileDay table to use the JmgProfileStartCodeBlankPrev enumeration type instead of the JmgProfileStartCode enumeration type. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgProfileOverride | Updates the JmgProfileOverride table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. (Overrides the updateJmgProfileOverride Method.) | |
updateJmgProfileOverrideSpec | Updates the JmgProfileOverrideSpec table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgProfiles | Updates the JmgProfileTypeTable, JmgProfileSpec, and JmgProfileOverrrideSpec tables to support the new profile types. | |
updateJmgRegistrationButtonTable | Updates the JmgRegistrationSetup table, JmgRegistrationButtonTable, and JmgRegistrationActionPaneTable table to support the new button system for the registration client. | |
updateJmgRegistrationSetup | Updates the SignOutFeedback and WrkCtrValidation fields in the JmgRegistrationSetup table with values that were previously stored in the JmgParameters table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
updateJmgScheduledLoan | Updates the DefaultDimension field of the JmgScheduledLoan table with the corresponding value from the record ID field of the DimensionAttributeValueSet table. | |
updateJmgStampJournalTable | Updates the JmgStampJournalTable table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgStampJournalTrans | Updates the JmgStampJournalTrans table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgStampTrans | Updates the JmgStampTrans table to support HcmWorker instead of DEL_EmplTable. | |
updateJmgTermReg | Updates the JmgTermReg table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgTermRegArchive | Updates the JmgTermRegArchive table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgTimecardTable | Updates the JmgTimecardTable table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateJmgTimecardTrans | Updates the JmgTimecardTrans table to support the HcmWorker table instead of the EmplTable table. | |
updateMappingJmgPayEvents | Changes the name of the PayAdjustmentSetupRecId field to the PayAdjustSetupRecId field. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg.) | |
usageCount | Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.) | |
validatedModuleName | Validates that a module name is not too long. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
xml | Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object Class
ReleaseUpdateDB Class
ReleaseUpdateDB41_Jmg Class
ReleaseUpdateDB60_Jmg Class