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InfAdjMethod_TransDate_MX.getAccountingCurrencyAmount Method [AX 2012]

Retrieves the functional currency amount.


protected AmountMSTDebCred getAccountingCurrencyAmount(
    FromDate _startDate, 
    ToDate _endDate, 
    RecId _mainAccountRecId, 
   [FiscalPeriodType _periodType, 
    DimensionDisplayValue _displayValue, 
    boolean _considerInfAdj])

Run On



  • _mainAccountRecId
    Type: RecId Extended Data Type
    The record ID of the account for which the transactions are retrieved.
  • _considerInfAdj
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether to consider transactions that have the posting type of inflation adjustment; optional.

Return Value

Type: AmountMSTDebCred Extended Data Type
The accounting currency amount for an account and date range, considering the type of transaction.

See Also


InfAdjMethod_TransDate_MX Class