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InkPicture.Selection Property

Gets or sets the Strokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkPicture control.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Ink
Assembly:  Microsoft.Ink (in Microsoft.Ink.dll)


<BrowsableAttribute(False)> _
Public Property Selection As Strokes
Dim instance As InkPicture 
Dim value As Strokes 

value = instance.Selection

instance.Selection = value
public Strokes Selection { get; set; }
property Strokes^ Selection {
    Strokes^ get ();
    void set (Strokes^ value);
public function get Selection () : Strokes 
public function set Selection (value : Strokes)

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.Ink.Strokes
The Strokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkPicture control. The default value is an empty Strokes collection.


To get the bounding rectangle of the Strokes collection after it has been moved or resized, call the GetBoundingBox method of the Strokes collection returned by this property.

To get the bounding rectangle of of the Strokes collection before it was moved, handle the SelectionMoved event and get the OldSelectionBoundingRect property of the InkOverlaySelectionMovedEventArgs object.

To get the bounding rectangle of of the Strokes collection before it was resized, handle the SelectionResized event and get the OldSelectionBoundingRect property of the InkOverlaySelectionResizedEventArgs object.


In this example, all strokes of the InkPicture object are selected by setting the Selection property to the same Strokes collection used by the associated Ink object.

After the selection is made, the EditingMode property is set to Select.

The EditingMode property cannot be changed while the object is collecting ink. Because ink collection is handled on a separate thread from your application code, the CollectingInk property can change to true while your application code is operating under the assumption that it is still false. To handle this contingency, access to the EditingMode property should be contained within a try-catch block.

' Select all strokes 
' mInkObject can be InkOverlay or InkPicture 
    If Not mInkObject.CollectingInk Then
        mInkObject.Selection = mInkObject.Ink.Strokes
        mInkObject.EditingMode = InkOverlayEditingMode.Select 
    End If 

    ' handle or rethrow 
End Try
// Select all strokes 
// mInkObject can be InkOverlay or InkPicture 
    if (!mInkObject.CollectingInk)
        mInkObject.Selection = mInkObject.Ink.Strokes;
        mInkObject.EditingMode = InkOverlayEditingMode.Select;
    // handle or rethrow


Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008

The .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework do not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see .NET Framework System Requirements.

Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.0

See Also


InkPicture Class

InkPicture Members

Microsoft.Ink Namespace


