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Ink.NearestPoint Method

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Returns the Stroke object within the Ink object that is nearest to a known Point.

This member is overloaded. For complete information about this member, including syntax, usage, and examples, click a name in the overload list.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public method NearestPoint(Point) Returns the Stroke object within the Ink object that is nearest to a specified Point, given in ink space coordinates.
Public method NearestPoint(Point, Single%) Returns the Stroke object nearest a specified point, and returns the point on the Stroke object that is closest to the specified point.
Public method NearestPoint(Point, Single%, Single%) Returns the Stroke object nearest a specified point, returns the point on the Stroke object that is closest to the specified point, and returns the distance between the specified point and the nearest point on the Stroke object in the Ink object.


See Also


Ink Class

Ink Members

Microsoft.Ink Namespace