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ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager::GetReferencedAssembliesFromFile Method

Gets an ICLRReferenceAssemblyEnum instance that contains a list of assemblies referenced by the assembly at the specified file path.

HRESULT GetReferencedAssembliesFromFile (
    [in]  LPCWSTR pwzFilePath,
    [in]  DWORD   dwFlags,
    [in]  ICLRAssemblyReferenceList   *pExcludeAssembliesList,
    [out] ICLRReferenceAssemblyEnum  **ppReferenceEnum


  • pwzFilePath
    [in] The path to the assembly to be evaluated.

  • dwFlags
    [in] Provided for future extensibility. CLR_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAGS_DEFAULT is the only value that the current version of the common language runtime (CLR) supports.

  • pExcludeAssembliesList
    [in] A pointer to an ICLRAssemblyReferenceList object that represents assemblies that should be excluded from ppReferenceEnum.

  • ppReferenceEnum
    [out] A pointer to the address of an ICLRReferenceAssemblyEnum object that contains assembly identity data for the assemblies referenced by the assembly at pwzFilePath, excluding the assemblies represented by pExcludeAssembliesList.

Return Value




The method returned successfully.


The CLR has not been loaded into a process, or the CLR is in a state in which it cannot run managed code or process the call successfully.


The call timed out.


The caller does not own the lock.


An event was canceled while a blocked thread or fiber was waiting on it.


An unknown catastrophic failure occurred. If a method returns E_FAIL, the CLR is no longer usable within the process. Subsequent calls to hosting methods return HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE.


The caller can choose to exclude a set of known assembly references from the returned list. This set is defined by the pExcludeAssembliesList parameter.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: MSCorEE.idl

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also


ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager Interface

ICLRAssemblyReferenceList Interface

ICLRReferenceAssemblyEnum Interface