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Automatic Transaction Processing

Automatic transaction processing is a service provided by COM+ that enables you to configure a class at design time to participate in a transaction at run time. To use this service, the class must derive directly or indirectly from the System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class. For details on transaction processing options available to .NET Framework developers, see Processing Transactions.

Transaction Time-Out

COM+ allows you to specify a different transaction time-out for each class that requires a transaction. You can use this to resolve conflicting time-out scenarios, such as forcing short transactions versus allowing long-running batch stored procedures.

If you do not specify a transaction time-out value, the computer's systemwide time-out value is used. The transaction time-out is an integer value measured in seconds. The following example shows how to set the transaction time-out to 10 seconds.

<Transaction(TransactionOption.Required, _ Isolation := TransactionIsolationLevel.Serializable, Timeout := 10)> 
[Transaction(TransactionOption.Required, Isolation=TransactionIsolationLevel.Serializable, Timeout=10)]

See Also

Summary of Available COM+ Services | Transaction Processing Fundamentals | System.EnterpriseServices Namespace