Procedures (Repository.Item Schema)
[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]
The Repository.Item schema contains the following procedures.
Procedure | Description |
Adds auditing support to a target view that follows Modeling Services design patterns. To use this procedure, the Modeling Services database must have been created with auditing enabled. |
Enables change tracking on the target view. |
Adds a foreign key constraint to the [Repository.Item].[FoldersTable] table. |
Adds standard Modeling Services design patterns to a target view and underlying table. This procedure combines calls to several stored procedures related to Modeling Services patterns. These procedures include [Repository].[CreateIdSequence], [Repository.Item].[AddFolderForeignKey], and [Repository.Item].[AddViewsInsteadOfTriggers]. Depending on the installed settings, it also calls the procedures [Repository.Item].[AddAuditing] and [Repository.Item].[AddChangeTracking]. |
Adds INSTEAD OF triggers to a target view that make the view updatable. In addition to supporting insert, update, and delete statements, the triggers also provide Folder based security when using the default filters. |
Builds a change script from an XML document that describes the changes. |
Creates one or more Modeling Services Folders based on a Folder path. |
Grants a claim permission to perform an operation on a resource. |
Grants a principal permission to perform an operation on a Folder resource. |
Grants a principal permission to perform an operation on a resource. |
Raises a security permissions error. |
Removes items from the Modeling Services database that are associated with a specific lifetime policy. This is an internal procedure that is part of lifetime services. It is not meant to be called directly. |
Revokes a claim permission. |
Revokes a claim permission on a specific Folder. |
Revokes a claim permission on a resource. |
Establishes the security claims for a new database session. This is an infrastructure procedure. Do not call this procedure directly. |
Grants claim permissions without the normal security checks. This is an infrastructure procedure that should only be called by Modeling Services. Do not call this procedure directly. |