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EnTvRat_System Enumeration

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The EnTvRat_System enumeration type specifies the rating system in use.


typedef enum  {
  MPAA                   = 0,
  US_TV                  = 1,
  Canadian_English       = 2,
  Canadian_French        = 3,
  Reserved4              = 4,
  System5                = 5,
  System6                = 6,
  Reserved7              = 7,
  TvRat_kSystems         = 8,
  TvRat_SystemDontKnow   = 255 
} EnTvRat_System;


  • MPAA
    MPAA rating system.

  • US_TV
    US rating system.

  • Canadian_English
    English-Canadian rating system.

  • Canadian_French
    French-Canadian rating system.

  • Reserved4
    Not used.

  • System5
    System 5 in XDS rating table 19 (reserved for non–North American systems).

  • System6
    System 6 in XDS rating table 19 (reserved for non–North American systems).

  • Reserved7
    Not used.

  • TvRat_kSystems
    Specifies the number of rating systems that can be defined.

  • TvRat_SystemDontKnow
    System currently unknown. This value is used after channel changes or other stream discontinuities, until a valid rating is obtained from the stream.


This enumeration is used by the IEvalRat and IXDSToRat interfaces to define the rating systems being used. When the EvalRat object is initialized, or when the stream changes (such as with a channel change) the default type is TvRat_SystemDontKnow.


Header Declared in Tvratings.h.

See Also

TV Ratings Enumerations

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Build date: 12/4/2008