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BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes Enumeration

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes enumeration type specifies additional content-rating attributes that can be used for any rating system, including custom rating systems.


typedef enum  {
  BfAttrNone           = 0,
  BfIsBlocked          = 1,
  BfIsAttr_1           = 2,
  BfIsAttr_2           = 4,
  BfIsAttr_3           = 8,
  BfIsAttr_4           = 16,
  BfIsAttr_5           = 32,
  BfIsAttr_6           = 64,
  BfIsAttr_7           = 128,
  BfValidAttrSubmask   = 255 
} BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes;


  • BfAttrNone
    No restrictions are in place.

  • BfIsBlocked
    Block all content, regardless of other flags.

  • BfIsAttr_1
    Generic attribute 1.

  • BfIsAttr_2
    Generic attribute 2.

  • BfIsAttr_3
    Generic attribute 3.

  • BfIsAttr_4
    Generic attribute 4.

  • BfIsAttr_5
    Generic attribute 5.

  • BfIsAttr_6
    Generic attribute 6.

  • BfIsAttr_7
    Generic attribute 7.

  • BfValidAttrSubmask
    A bitmask of all valid attribute bits.


The BfIsBlocked flag specifies that a program should be blocked regardless of the type of content. Flags in the range BfIsAttr_1 to BfIsAttr_7 represent generic content attributes, such as violence or adult language. Content attributes do not apply to every ratings system. For an example of how these generic attributes map to a particular system, see BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV.


Header Declared in Tvratings.h.

See Also

TV Ratings Enumerations

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Build date: 12/4/2008