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BrainScript minibatchSize in CNTK

Note: For BrainScript users, the parameter for minibatch size is minibatchSize, for Python users, it is minibatch_size_in_samples. For Python users, see here.

CNTK has a very specific definition of minibatchSize parameter: It denotes the number of samples between model updates. A sample here is defined as one vector or tensor flowing through the system. For example, in an image recognition task, one image is one sample.

The minibatch size for each epoch, given in samples (tensors along a dynamic axis). The default value is 256. You can use different values for different epochs, e.g., 128*2:1024 (in BrainScript) or 128*2 + 1024 (in Python) means using minibatch size of 128 for the first two epochs and then 1024 for the rest. Note that 'Minibatch size' in CNTK means the number of samples processed between model updates. This definition also holds when parallelizing across workers (e.g. for K workers, the number of samples each worker would process is minibatchSize/K). In case of variable-length inputs, minibatchSize refers to the number of items in these sequences, not the number of sequences. SGD will try to fit up to as many sequences as possible into the minibatch that does not exceed minibatchSize total samples. If several inputs are given, tensors are added to the current minibatch until one of the inputs exceeds the minibatchSize.

Importantly, for sequential data, a sample is an individual item of a sequence. Hence, CNTK's minibatchSize does not refer to the number of sequences in the minibatch, but the aggregate number of sequence items/tokens across the sequences that constitute the minibatch. CNTK has native support for variable-length sequences, i.e. it can accommodate sequences of highly varying lengths within the same minibatch, without need for workarounds like bucketing. Together with CNTK's notion of specifying the learning rate per sample (instead of a minibatch average), every item of sequences of any length contributes the same to the gradient, leading to consistent convergence. (Many other toolkits define the minibatch size for sequential data as the number of sequences in the minibatch. This is problematic, especially if gradients are also defined as minibatch averages rather than CNTK's minibatch sums, because the contribution to the gradient from each token or step in a sequence would be inversely proportional to the sequence length. CNTK's approach avoids this.)

When multiple Input{}s are used, it is possible that not all inputs have the same sequence length. For example, in sequence classification the label of each sequence is a single token. In this case, the input with the largest number of samples controls the minibatch size. (You can change this behavior by specifying definesMbSize=True for some input, then the minibatch size will be counted based on the sequences from this particular input. When several inputs are specified, only a single one can have definesMbSize set to True.)

Despite our clear definition of minibatchSize being the number of samples between model updates, there are two occasions where we must relax the definition:

  • sequential data: Variable-length sequences do not generally sum up to exactly the requested minibatch size. In this case, as many sequences as possible are packed into a minibatch without exceeding the requested minibatch size (with one exception: If the next one sequence in the randomized corpus exceeds the length of the minibatch size, the minibatch size will consist of this sequence).
  • data parallelism: Here, the minibatch size is approximate, as our chunk-based randomization algorithm cannot guarantee that each worker receives precisely the same number of samples.

All of the above considerations also apply to epochSize, but epochSize has some differences, see here.