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The RevInfo property retrieves the revocation information structure from a license challenge.


  String = WMRMChallenge.RevInfo


This property takes no parameters.

Return Values

If the property succeeds, it returns a String containing revocation information. If it fails, it returns a number in the error object.

Return code Description
0x80070057L The parameter was not set.
0xC0042907L Unable to parse the XML challenge.
0x00000001L Revocation information is not in the challenge.
0xC0042905L Revocation information is not in the XML structure.


This property is read-only.

Use this value as a parameter for the WMRMResponse.AddRevocationData method to include revocation data in a license.

Example Code

' Declare variables and objects.
Dim seed, contentowner_publickey, silent
Dim strLicenseRequested, varHeader
Dim kid, lResult, varKey, sRights
Dim varLicense, LicenseResponse
Dim strRevinfo, ContainsRevinfo, strClientCRLs
Dim ChallengeObj, HeaderObj, KeysObj
Dim RightsObj, LicGenObj, ResponseObj

' Replace XXX with your own values. In real practice, you would
' retrieve these values from a database.
seed = "XXX"  ' License key seed used by the packaging server.
contentowner_publickey = "XXX"  ' Public signing key for the
                                ' packaging server.
' Create objects.
Set ChallengeObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMobjs.WMRMChallenge")
Set HeaderObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMobjs.WMRMHeader")
Set KeysObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMobjs.WMRMKeys")
Set RightsObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMobjs.WMRMRights")
Set LicGenObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMobjs.WMRMLicGen")
Set ResponseObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMobjs.WMRMResponse")

' Find out whether the request is for silent or non-silent delivery.
silent = true
if (request.Form("nonsilent") <> "") then
    silent = false
end if

' Put the license request (challenge) into the Challenge object.
strLicenseRequested = Request.Form("challenge")
ChallengeObj.Challenge = strLicenseRequested
varHeader = ChallengeObj.Header

' Check for revocation information.
strRevinfo = ChallengeObj.RevInfo
ContainsRevinfo = ChallengeObj.RevInfoPresent

' Put the content header into the Header object. 
HeaderObj.Header = varHeader
lResult = HeaderObj.Verify(contentowner_publickey)
if (lResult = 0) then
    ' TODO: Process for a corrupted or modified header.
end if

' Put the required individualization version from the content header 
' into the WMRMLicGen object.
indiversion = HeaderObj.IndividualizedVersion
LicGenObj.IndividualizedVersion = indiversion

' Extract the key ID from the content header. Put the key ID and
' license key seed into the Keys object, and then generate the key.
kid = HeaderObj.KeyID
KeysObj.KeyID = kid
KeysObj.Seed = seed
varKey = KeysObj.GenerateKey()

' Get the certificate revocation lists that are supported by the client.
strClientCRLs = LicGenObj.SupportedCRLS

' Set the rights.
RightsObj.MinimumSecurityLevel = 1000
RightsObj.BeginDate = "#20050101Z #"
RightsObj.ExpirationDate =  "#20051231Z #"
RightsObj.AllowBackupRestore = true
RightsObj.AllowCopy = false
RightsObj.AllowTransferToSDMI = false
RightsObj.AllowTransferToNonSDMI = false
RightsObj.DeleteOnClockRollback = false
RightsObj.DisableOnClockRollback = true
SRights = RightsObj.GetAllRights

' Put the license information into the License Generator object.
' Including the following attributes is recommended.
LicGenObj.KeyID = kid
LicGenObj.SetKey "", varKey
LicGenObj.Rights = sRights
LicGenObj.Priority = 10
LicGenObj.Attribute("Copyright") = "copyright statement"
LicGenObj.Attribute("ContentType") = "audio or video"
LicGenObj.Attribute("Author") = "artist name"
LicGenObj.Attribute("ArtistURL") = "https://artist_web_site"
LicGenObj.Attribute("Title") = "title"
LicGenObj.Attribute("LicenseDistributor") = "license issuer"
LicGenObj.Attribute("LicenseDistributorURL") = "https://license_issuer_web_site"
LicGenObj.Attribute("ContentDistributor") = "content distributor"
LicGenObj.Attribute("Rating") = "rating"
LicGenObj.Attribute("Description") = "description"

' Bind the license to the public key, and then generate the license.
' GetLicenseToDeliver fails if the client has been revoked.
LicGenObj.BindToPubKey = contentowner_publickey
varLicense = LicGenObj.GetLicenseToDeliver()

' Use the Response object to deliver the license and include 
' revocation information as needed. If the client does
' not allow silent license delivery, display a page (Silent_ns.asp)
' saying that a license has been delivered.
call ResponseObj.AddLicense("", varLicense)
call ResponseObj.AddRevocationData(strRevinfo, strClientCRLs, ContainsRevinfo)

if (silent = true) then
    LicenseResponse = ResponseObj.GetLicenseResponse()
    Response.Write LicenseResponse
'  ResponseObj.ReplaceQuotesWith = """"""    ' For VBScript
   ResponseObj.ReplaceQuotesWith = "\"""     ' For JavaScript
   LicenseResponse = ResponseObj.GetLicenseResponse()


Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 10.1.1 SDK

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also

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