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ATL Utilities Reference


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ATL provides code for manipulating paths and URLs in the form of CPathT and CUrl. A thread pool, CThreadPool, can be used in your applications. This code can be found in atlpath.h and atlutil.h.


CPathT Class This class represents a path.
CDebugReportHook Class Use this class to send debug reports to a named pipe.
CNonStatelessWorker Class Receives requests from a thread pool and passes them on to a worker object that is created and destroyed on each request.
CNoWorkerThread Class Use this class as the argument for the MonitorClass template parameter to cache classes if you want to disable dynamic cache maintenance.
CThreadPool Class This class provides a pool of worker threads that process a queue of work items.
CUrl Class This class represents a URL. It allows you to manipulate each element of the URL independently of the others whether parsing an existing URL string or building a string from scratch.
CWorkerThread Class This class creates a worker thread or uses an existing one, waits on one or more kernel object handles, and executes a specified client function when one of the handles is signaled.


CPath A specialization of CPathT using CString.
CPathA A specialization of CPathT using CStringA.
CPathW A specialization of CPathT using CStringW.
ATL_URL_PORT The type used by CUrl for specifying a port number.


ATL_URL_SCHEME The members of this enumeration provide constants for the schemes understood by CUrl.


AtlCanonicalizeUrl Call this function to canonicalize a URL, which includes converting unsafe characters and spaces into escape sequences.
AtlCombineUrl Call this function to combine a base URL and a relative URL into a single, canonical URL.
AtlEscapeUrl Call this function to convert all unsafe characters to escape sequences.
AtlGetDefaultUrlPort Call this function to get the default port number associated with a particular internet protocol or scheme.
AtlHexValue Call this function to get the numeric value of a hexadecimal digit.
AtlIsUnsafeUrlChar Call this function to find out whether a character is safe for use in a URL.
AtlUnescapeUrl Call this function to convert escaped characters back to their original values.
SystemTimeToHttpDate Call this function to convert a system time to a string in a format suitable for using in HTTP headers.
[ATLPath::AddBackslash]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathAddBackslash.
[ATLPath::AddExtension]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathAddExtension.
[ATLPath::Append]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathAppend.
[ATLPath::BuildRoot]$$brokenlink$$../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathBuildRoot.
[ATLPath::Canonicalize]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathCanonicalize.
[ATLPath::Combine]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathCombine.
[ATLPath::CommonPrefix]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathCommonPrefix.
[ATLPath::CompactPath]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathCompactPath.
[ATLPath::CompactPathEx]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathCompactPathEx.
[ATLPath::FileExists]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathFileExists.
[ATLPath::FindExtension]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathFindExtension.
[ATLPath::FindFileName]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathFindFileName.
[ATLPath::GetDriveNumber]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathGetDriveNumber.
[ATLPath::IsDirectory]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsDirectory.
[ATLPath::IsFileSpec]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for [PathIsFileSpec]$$brokenlink$$(
[ATLPath::IsPrefix]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsPrefix.
[ATLPath::IsRelative]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsRelative.
[ATLPath::IsRoot]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsRoot.
[ATLPath::IsSameRoot]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsSameRoot.
[ATLPath::IsUNC]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsUNC.
[ATLPath::IsUNCServer]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsUNCServer.
[ATLPath::IsUNCServerShare]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathIsUNCServerShare.
[ATLPath::MakePretty]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathMakePretty.
[ATLPath::MatchSpec]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathMatchSpec.
[ATLPath::QuoteSpaces]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathQuoteSpaces.
[ATLPath::RelativePathTo]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRelativePathTo.
[ATLPath::RemoveArgs]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRemoveArgs.
[ATLPath::RemoveBackslash]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRemoveBackslash.
[ATLPath::RemoveBlanks]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRemoveBlanks.
[ATLPath::RemoveExtension]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRemoveExtension.
[ATLPath::RemoveFileSpec]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRemoveFileSpec.
[ATLPath::RenameExtension]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathRenameExtension.
[ATLPath::SkipRoot]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathSkipRoot.
[ATLPath::StripPath]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathStripPath.
[ATLPath::StripToRoot]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathStripToRoot.
[ATLPath::UnquoteSpaces]$$brokenlink$$(../Topic/ This function is an overloaded wrapper for PathUnquoteSpaces.


ATL_URL Flags These flags modify the behavior of AtlEscapeUrl and AtlCanonicalizeUrl .
ATL_WORKER_THREAD_WAIT This macro defines the default value in milliseconds that CWorkerThread::Shutdown will wait for the worker thread to shut down.
ATLS_DEFAULT_THREADPOOLSHUTDOWNTIMEOUT This macro defines the default time in milliseconds that CThreadPool will wait for a thread to shut down.
ATLS_DEFAULT_THREADSPERPROC This macro defines the default number of threads per processor used by CThreadPool.

See Also

ATL COM Desktop Components d