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Configure the Azure Operator 5G Core Preview extension for status monitoring

After Azure Operator 5G Core Preview is deployed, you can perform health and configuration checks on the deployment. You must enable an ARC extension to monitor your deployment.

Set up the Azure CLI

  1. Sign in using the az login--use-device-code command. Complete the sign in process with your user account.
  2. Set the subscription: az account set -s <subscriptionName>
  3. Run the following commands to install the CLI extensions:
    az extension add --yes --name connectedk8s
    az extension add --yes --name k8s-configuration
    az extension add --yes --name k8s-extension

Configure ARC for the Kubernetes/Azure Kubernetes Services Cluster

Enter the following command to configure the ARC:

az connectedk8s connect --name <ConnectedK8sName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>

Deploy the Azure Operator 5G Core Preview extension

  1. Enter the following commands to deploy the Azure Operator 5G Core extension:

    az k8s-extension create \ 
    --name ao5gc-monitor \ 
    --cluster-name <ConnectedK8sName>   \ 
    --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> \ 
    --cluster-type connectedClusters \ 
    --extension-type "Microsoft.AO5GC" \ 
    --release-train <dev or preview or stable>\ 
    --auto-upgrade true
  2. Run the following command to create a name=ao5gc-monitor label for the newly created ao5gc-monitor namespace:

    kubectl label namespace ao5gc-monitor name=ao5gc-monitor

    The namespace and all necessary Azure Operator 5G Core extension pods, configuration maps, and services are created within the namespace.

To delete the Azure Operator 5G Core extension, you can run the following command:

az k8s-extension delete \ 
--name ao5gc-monitor \ 
--cluster-name <ConnectedK8sName>   \ 
--resource-group <ResourceGroupName> \ 
--cluster-type connectedClusters \