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Windows Media Player 11 SDK ButtonsĀ 

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You will want to use one or more buttons in your skin, and each button must be defined in the skin definition file. If you do not define a button in this section, your skin will not be able to use it.

The buttons section of the skin definition file begins with this line:


You then must add one or more lines that contain information about each of the buttons in your skin. A typical line might be:


Note that this code should be typed as one line starting with "PlayPause" and ending with "Pushed @ 160,98".

You can use the following template for the Button section of your skin definition file:


Again, note that these should be typed as single lines, the first starting with "// <Function>" and ending with "<Push 2 Image Src>". The second line starts with "// ----------" and ends with "------------------."

Button information for each line in the Button section must appear in the following order. Only the first six parts of the line are required. Secondary images are not included unless they are needed.

  1. Button Function
  2. Button Type
  3. Button Location
  4. Pushed Image Source
  5. Image Source for Disabled Button
  6. Hit RGB Color
  7. Normal Secondary Image Source
  8. Normal Tertiary Image Source
  9. Pushed Secondary Image Source
  10. Pushed Tertiary Image Source

For an example of button code, see Sample Button Section.


Version: Windows Media Player 1.0 or later.

See Also

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