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Windows Media Player 11 SDK PLAYLIST.rightStatus 

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The rightStatus attribute specifies or retrieves the status text that is displayed on the right side and bottom of the PLAYLIST element.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String.


This attribute can combine any text with specific keywords that will display the desired information, such as the total duration of the playlist. The keywords are surrounded by percentage symbols (%) to keep them distinct from the ordinary text.

The following keywords can be used.

Keyword Description
count Number of items in the playlist.
size Total size of the playlist.
duration Total duration of the playlist.
XXX Does a getItemInfo on the playlist with XXX being the item to receive.
SelectedSize Total size of the selected entries in the playlist.
SelectedCount Total number of selected entries in the playlist.
SelectedDuration Total duration of the selected entries in the playlist.
CheckedCount Total number of checked tracks in the playlist.
CheckedDuration Total duration of the checked tracks in the playlist.
CheckedSize Total size of the checked tracks in the playlist.
DurationString Displays text that describes the duration as "Total Time" or "Estimated Time", depending on whether the total values are known. This text is followed by "%duration%".
CheckedDurationString Displays text that describes the duration for all checked items in the playlist as "Total Time" or "Estimated Time", depending on whether the total values are known. This text is followed by "%duration%".


The value "Total Time: %duration%" for a playlist that contains a total duration of seven minutes will display Total Time: 07:00.


Windows Media Player 9 Series or later.

See Also

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