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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPPlayer4 Interface 

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IWMPPlayer4 Interface

The IWMPPlayer4 interface provides methods for modifying the basic behavior of the Windows Media Player control user interface. These methods supplement the IWMPCore3 interface.

The IWMPPlayer4 interface duplicates the methods of IWMPPlayer, IWMPPlayer2, and IWMPPlayer3, inherits the methods of IWMPCore3, and exposes the following additional methods.

Method Description
get_isRemote Retrieves a value indicating whether the Windows Media Player control is running in remote mode.
get_playerApplication Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPPlayerApplication interface when a remoted Windows Media Player control is running.
openPlayer Opens Windows Media Player using the specified URL.

Retrieve a pointer to an IWMPPlayer4 interface either by calling the QueryInterface method of an IWMPPlayer interface or by calling the COM CoCreateInstance method.

See Also

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