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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPNetwork Interface 

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IWMPNetwork Interface

The IWMPNetwork interface provides methods relating to the network connection used by Windows Media Player.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMPNetwork interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_bandWidth Retrieves the current bandwidth of the media item.
get_bitRate Retrieves the current bit rate being received.
get_bufferingCount Retrieves the number of times buffering occurred during playback.
get_bufferingProgress Retrieves the percentage of buffering completed.
get_bufferingTime Retrieves the amount of buffering time in milliseconds before playback begins.
get_downloadProgress Retrieves the percentage of downloading completed.
get_encodedFrameRate Retrieves the video frame rate specified by the content author.
get_frameRate Retrieves the current video frame rate.
get_framesSkipped Retrieves the total number of frames skipped during playback.
get_lostPackets Retrieves the number of packets lost.
get_maxBandwidth Retrieves the maximum allowed bandwidth.
get_maxBitRate Retrieves the maximum possible video bit rate.
get_receivedPackets Retrieves the number of packets received.
get_receptionQuality Retrieves the percentage of packets received in the last 30 seconds.
get_recoveredPackets Retrieves the number of recovered packets.
get_sourceProtocol Retrieves the source protocol used to receive the data.
getProxyBypassForLocal Retrieves a value indicating whether the proxy server should be bypassed if the origin server is on a local network.
getProxyExceptionList Retrieves the proxy exception list.
getProxyName Retrieves the name of a proxy server to use.
getProxyPort Retrieves the proxy port to use.
getProxySettings Retrieves the proxy settings for a given protocol.
put_bufferingTime Specifies the amount of buffering time in milliseconds before playback begins.
put_maxBandwidth Specifies the maximum allowed bandwidth.
setProxyBypassForLocal Specifies whether the proxy server is bypassed if the origin server is on a local network.
setProxyExceptionList Specifies the proxy exception list.
setProxyName Specifies the name of a proxy server to use.
setProxyPort Specifies the proxy port to use.
setProxySettings Specifies the proxy settings for a given protocol.

Retrieve a pointer to an IWMPNetwork interface with the following method.

Interface Method
IWMPCore get_network.

See Also

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