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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPMediaCollection2 Interface (VB and C#) 

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IWMPMediaCollection2 Interface (VB and C#)

Provides methods that supplement the IWMPMediaCollection interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IWMPMediaCollection, the IWMPMediaCollection2 interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
createQuery Returns an IWMPQuery interface that represents a new query.
getByAttributeAndMediaType Returns an IWMPPlaylist interface that provides access to media items that have a specified attribute and media type.
getPlaylistByQuery Returns an IWMPPlaylist interface that provides access to media items that match the query conditions.
getStringCollectionByQuery Returns an IWMPStringCollection interface that provides access to the set of all string values for a specified attribute that match the query conditions.

Get an IWMPMediaCollection2 interface by casting the value returned by the AxWindowsMediaPlayer.mediaCollection property or the value returned by the IWMPLibrary.mediaCollection property.

See Also

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