Ambient Event Attributes
The following attributes are common to all skin events. They are accessed with the event keyword within an event handler for the element.
Attribute |
Description |
altKey |
Retrieves a value indicating whether the ALT key was down when the event occurred. |
button |
Retrieves a value indicating which mouse buttons were down when the event occurred. |
clientX |
Retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the client region of the application window. |
clientY |
Retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the client region of the application window. |
ctrlKey |
Retrieves a value indicating whether the CTRL key was down when the event occurred. |
fromElement |
Retrieves the element the event came from. |
keyCode |
Retrieves the ASCII key code if a key was pressed when the event occurred. |
offsetX |
Retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the element firing the event. |
offsetY |
Retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the element firing the event. |
screenHeight |
Retrieves the height of the available screen size in pixels. |
screenWidth |
Retrieves the width of the available screen size in pixels. |
screenX |
Retrieves the absolute x-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the screen. |
screenY |
Retrieves the absolute y-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the screen. |
shiftKey |
Retrieves a value indicating whether the SHIFT key was down when the event occurred. |
srcElement |
Retrieves the element that fired the event. |
toElement |
Retrieves the element the keyboard focus moved to. |
x |
Retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the application window. |
y |
Retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the application window. |
See Also