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Windows Media Player 11 SDK AmbientAttributes.passThrough 

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The passThrough attribute specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the control will pass all mouse events through to the control under it.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write Boolean.

Value Description
true Control passes events through to the control under it.
false Default. Control does not pass events through.


This attribute is useful if, for example, a text control sits on top of a button control only to provide labeling. In this case, clicks on the text control must be passed through to the button control.

The passThrough attribute is not supported by the VIEW, SUBVIEW, and PLAYLIST elements. It will not work with the VIDEO element if VIDEO**.windowless** is set to false, nor with the EFFECTS element if EFFECTS**.windowed** is set to true.


Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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