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Collection Classes


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The latest version of this topic can be found at ATL Collection Classes.

The following classes provide support for arrays, lists, maps, and also traits methods for helping with comparisons and element access.

  • CAtlArray This class implements an array object.

  • CAtlList This class provides methods for creating and managing a list object.

  • CAtlMap This class provides methods for creating and managing a map object.

  • CAutoPtrArray This class provides methods useful when constructing an array of smart pointers.

  • CAutoPtrElementTraits This class provides methods, static functions, and typedefs useful when creating collections of smart pointers.

  • CAutoPtrList This class provides methods useful when constructing a list of smart pointers.

  • CAutoVectorPtrElementTraits This class provides methods, static functions, and typedefs useful when creating collections of smart pointers using vector new and delete operators.

  • CComQIPtrElementTraits This class provides methods, static functions, and typedefs useful when creating collections of COM interface pointers.

  • CComSafeArray This class is a wrapper for the SAFEARRAY Data Type structure.

  • CComSafeArrayBound This class is a wrapper for a SAFEARRAYBOUND structure.

  • CComUnkArray This class stores IUnknown pointers and is designed to be used as a parameter to the IConnectionPointImpl template class.

  • CDefaultCharTraits This class provides two static functions for converting characters between uppercase and lowercase.

  • CDefaultCompareTraits This class provides default element comparison functions.

  • CDefaultElementTraits This class provides default methods and functions for a collection class.

  • CDefaultHashTraits This class provides a static function for calculating hash values.

  • CElementTraits This class is used by collection classes to provide methods and functions for moving, copying, comparison, and hashing operations.

  • CElementTraitsBase This class provides default copy and move methods for a collection class.

  • CHeapPtrElementTraits This class provides methods, static functions, and typedefs useful when creating collections of heap pointers.

  • CHeapPtrList This class provides methods useful when constructing a list of heap pointers.

  • CInterfaceArray This class provides methods useful when constructing an array of COM interface pointers.

  • CInterfaceList This class provides methods useful when constructing a list of COM interface pointers.

  • CPrimitiveElementTraits This class provides default methods and functions for a collection class composed of primitive data types.

  • CRBMap This class represents a mapping structure, using a Red-Black binary tree.

  • CRBMultiMap This class represents a mapping structure that allows each key to be associated with more than one value, using a Red-Black binary tree.

  • CRBTree This class provides methods for creating and utilizing a Red-Black tree.

  • CSimpleArray This class provides methods for managing a simple array.

  • CSimpleArrayEqualHelper This class is a helper for the CSimpleArray class.

  • CSimpleArrayEqualHelperFalse This class is a helper for the CSimpleArray class.

  • CSimpleMap This class provides support for a simple mapping array.

  • CSimpleMapEqualHelper This class is a helper for the CSimpleMap class.

  • CSimpleMapEqualHelperFalse This class is a helper for the CSimpleMap class.

  • CStringElementTraits This class provides static functions used by collection classes storing CString objects.

  • CStringElementTraitsI This class provides static functions related to strings stored in collection class objects. It is similar to CStringElementTraits, but performs case-insensitive comparisons.

  • CStringRefElementTraits This class provides static functions related to strings stored in collection class objects. The string objects are dealt with as references.

ATL Collection Classes

See Also

Class Overview
Collection Classes