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CStatusBarCtrl Class


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Provides the functionality of the Windows common status bar control.


class CStatusBarCtrl : public CWnd  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CStatusBarCtrl::CStatusBarCtrl Constructs a CStatusBarCtrl object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CStatusBarCtrl::Create Creates a status bar control and attaches it to a CStatusBarCtrl object.
CStatusBarCtrl::CreateEx Creates a status bar control with the specified Windows extended styles and attaches it to a CStatusBarCtrl object.
CStatusBarCtrl::DrawItem Called when a visual aspect of an owner-draw status bar control changes.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetBorders Retrieves the current widths of the horizontal and vertical borders of a status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetIcon Retrieves the icon for a part (also known as a pane) in the current status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetParts Retrieves a count of the parts in a status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a part in a status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetText Retrieves the text from the given part of a status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetTextLength Retrieve the length, in characters, of the text from the given part of a status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::GetTipText Retrieves the tooltip text for a pane in a status bar.
CStatusBarCtrl::IsSimple Checks a status window control to determine if it is in simple mode.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetBkColor Sets the background color in a status bar.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetIcon Sets the icon for a pane in a status bar.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetMinHeight Sets the minimum height of a status bar control's drawing area.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetParts Sets the number of parts in a status bar control and the coordinate of the right edge of each part.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetSimple Specifies whether a status bar control displays simple text or displays all control parts set by a previous call to SetParts.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetText Sets the text in the given part of a status bar control.
CStatusBarCtrl::SetTipText Sets the tooltip text for a pane in a status bar.


A "status bar control" is a horizontal window, usually displayed at the bottom of a parent window, in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar control can be divided into parts to display more than one type of information.

This control (and therefore the CStatusBarCtrl class) is available only to programs running under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT version 3.51 and later.

For more information on using CStatusBarCtrl, see Controls and Using CStatusBarCtrl.

Inheritance Hierarchy






Header: afxcmn.h


Creates a status bar control and attaches it to a CStatusBarCtrl object.

virtual BOOL Create(
    DWORD dwStyle,  
    const RECT& rect,  
    CWnd* pParentWnd,  
    UINT nID);


Specifies the status bar control's style. Apply any combination of status bar control styles listed in Common Control Styles in the Windows SDK. This parameter must include the WS_CHILD style. It should also include the WS_VISIBLE style.

Specifies the status bar control's size and position. It can be either a CRect object or a RECT structure.

Specifies the status bar control's parent window, usually a CDialog. It must not be NULL.

Specifies the status bar control's ID.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.


You construct a CStatusBarCtrl in two steps. First, call the constructor, and then call Create, which creates the status bar control and attaches it to the CStatusBarCtrl object.

The default position of a status window is along the bottom of the parent window, but you can specify the CCS_TOP style to have it appear at the top of the parent window's client area. You can specify the SBARS_SIZEGRIP style to include a sizing grip at the right end of the status window. Combining the CCS_TOP and SBARS_SIZEGRIP styles is not recommended, because the resulting sizing grip is not functional even though the system draws it in the status window.

To create a status bar with extended window styles, call CStatusBarCtrl::CreateEx instead of Create.


      CRect(0,0,0,0), this, IDC_STATUSBARCTRL));


Creates a control (a child window) and associates it with the CStatusBarCtrl object.

virtual BOOL CreateEx(
    DWORD dwExStyle,  
    DWORD dwStyle,  
    const RECT& rect,  
    CWnd* pParentWnd,  
    UINT nID);


Specifies the extended style of the control being created. For a list of extended Windows styles, see the dwExStyle parameter for CreateWindowEx in the Windows SDK.

Specifies the status bar control's style. Apply any combination of status bar control styles listed in Common Control Styles in the Windows SDK. This parameter must include the WS_CHILD style. It should also include the WS_VISIBLE style.

A reference to a RECT structure describing the size and position of the window to be created, in client coordinates of pParentWnd.

A pointer to the window that is the control's parent.

The control's child-window ID.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Use CreateEx instead of Create to apply extended Windows styles, specified by the Windows extended style preface WS_EX_.


Constructs a CStatusBarCtrl object.



Called by the framework when a visual aspect of an owner-draw status bar control changes.

virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);


A long pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure that contains information about the type of drawing required.


The itemAction member of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure defines the drawing action that is to be performed.

By default, this member function does nothing. Override this member function to implement drawing for an owner-draw CStatusBarCtrl object.

The application should restore all graphics device interface (GDI) objects selected for the display context supplied in lpDrawItemStruct before this member function terminates.


Retrieves the status bar control's current widths of the horizontal and vertical borders and of the space between rectangles.

BOOL GetBorders(int* pBorders) const;  
BOOL GetBorders(
    int& nHorz,  
    int& nVert,  
    int& nSpacing) const;  


Address of an integer array having three elements. The first element receives the width of the horizontal border, the second receives the width of the vertical border, and the third receives the width of the border between rectangles.

Reference to an integer that receives the width of the horizontal border.

Reference to an integer that receives the width of the vertical border.

Reference to an integer that receives the width of the border between rectangles.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.


These borders determine the spacing between the outside edge of the control and the rectangles within the control that contain text.


      RECT rectPane1;
      VERIFY(m_wndSBC.GetRect(1, &rectPane1));

      int borderArray[3];

      int nHorz, nVert, nSpacing;
      VERIFY(m_wndSBC.GetBorders(nHorz, nVert, nSpacing));


Retrieves the icon for a part (also known as a pane) in the current status bar control.

HICON GetIcon(int iPart) const;  


Parameter Description
[in] iPart The zero-based index of the part that contains the icon to be retrieved. If this parameter is -1, the status bar is assumed to be a simple mode status bar.

Return Value

The handle to the icon if the method successful; otherwise, NULL.


This method sends the SB_GETICON message, which is described in the Windows SDK.

A status bar control consists of a row of text output panes, which are also known as parts. For more information about the status bar, see Status Bar Implementation in MFC and Setting the Mode of a CStatusBarCtrl Object.


The following code example defines a variable, m_statusBar, that is used to access the current status bar control. This variable is used in the next example.

    CStatusBarCtrl m_statusBar;


The following code example copies an icon to two panes of the current status bar control. In an earlier section of the code example we created a status bar control with three panes and then added an icon to the first pane. This example retrieves the icon from the first pane and then adds it to the second and third pane.

  // Get the icon from pane 1 and set it in panes 2 and 3.
    HICON hIcon = m_statusBar.GetIcon(0);
    m_statusBar.SetIcon( 1, hIcon );
    m_statusBar.SetIcon( 2, hIcon );


Retrieves a count of the parts in a status bar control.

int GetParts(
    int nParts,  
    int* pParts) const;  


Number of parts for which to retrieve coordinates. If this parameter is greater than the number of parts in the control, the message retrieves coordinates for existing parts only.

Address of an integer array having the same number of elements as the number of parts specified by nParts. Each element in the array receives the client coordinate of the right edge of the corresponding part. If an element is set to – 1, the position of the right edge for that part extends to the right edge of the status bar.

Return Value

The number of parts in the control if successful, or zero otherwise.


This member function also retrieves the coordinate of the right edge of the given number of parts.


      int pParts[2];

      int nParts = m_wndSBC.GetParts(2, pParts);   


Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a part in a status bar control.

BOOL GetRect(
    int nPane,  
    LPRECT lpRect) const;  


Zero-based index of the part whose bounding rectangle is to be retrieved.

Address of a RECT structure that receives the bounding rectangle.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.


      CRect rectPane1;

      VERIFY(m_wndSBC.GetRect(1, &rectPane1));   


Retrieves the text from the given part of a status bar control.

CString GetText(
    int nPane,  
    int* pType = NULL) const;  
int GetText(
    LPCTSTR lpszText,  
    int nPane,  
    int* pType = NULL) const;  


Address of the buffer that receives the text. This parameter is a null-terminated string.

Zero-based index of the part from which to retrieve text.

Pointer to an integer that receives the type information. The type can be one of these values:

  • 0 The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the status bar.

  • SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders.

  • SBT_POPOUT The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the status bar.

  • SBT_OWNERDRAW If the text has the SBT_OWNERDRAW drawing type, pType receives this message and returns the 32-bit value associated with the text instead of the length and operation type.

Return Value

The length, in characters, of the text or a CString containing the current text.


      int nType;
      TCHAR* pszPaneOneText;

      pszPaneOneText = new TCHAR[ m_wndSBC.GetTextLength(1, &nType) + 1 ];
      int nTextLength = m_wndSBC.GetText(pszPaneOneText, 1, &nType);

         case 0:
            // Text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the 
            // plane of the status bar
         case SBT_NOBORDERS:
            // text is drawn without borders
         case SBT_OWNERDRAW:
            // Text is drawn by the parent window
         case SBT_POPOUT:
            // Text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the 
            // plane of the status bar

      delete pszPaneOneText;


Retrieves the length, in characters, of the text from the given part of a status bar control.

int GetTextLength(
    int nPane,  
    int* pType = NULL) const;  


Zero-based index of the part from which to retrieve text.

Pointer to an integer that receives the type information. The type can be one of these values:

  • 0 The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the status bar.

  • SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders.

  • SBT_OWNERDRAW The text is drawn by the parent window.

  • SBT_POPOUT The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the status bar.

Return Value

The length, in characters, of the text.


      int nType;
      int nLength = m_wndSBC.GetTextLength(0, &nType);

      switch( nType )
         case 0:
            // Text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the 
            // plane of the status bar
         case SBT_NOBORDERS:
            // text is drawn without borders
         case SBT_OWNERDRAW:
            // Text is drawn by the parent window
         case SBT_POPOUT:
            // Text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the 
            // plane of the status bar


Retrieves the tooltip text for a pane in a status bar.

CString GetTipText(int nPane) const;  


The zero-based index of status bar pane to receive the tooltip text.

Return Value

A CString object containing the text to be used in the tooltip.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message SB_GETTIPTEXT, as described in the Windows SDK.


      CString csPane0TipText = m_wndSBC.GetTipText(0);


Checks a status window control to determine if it is in simple mode.

BOOL IsSimple() const;  

Return Value

Nonzero if the status window control is in simple mode; otherwise zero.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message SB_ISSIMPLE, as described in the Windows SDK.


Sets the background color in a status bar.



COLORREF value that specifies the new background color. Specify the CLR_DEFAULT value to cause the status bar to use its default background color.

Return Value

A COLORREF value that represents the previous default background color.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message SB_SETBKCOLOR, as described in the Windows SDK.



      HICON hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_PANE_0_ICON);
      VERIFY(m_wndSBC.SetIcon(0, hIcon));


Sets the icon for a pane in a status bar.

BOOL SetIcon(
    int nPane,  
    HICON hIcon);


The zero-based index of the pane that will receive the icon. If this parameter is -1, the status bar is assumed to be a simple status bar.

Handle to the icon to be set. If this value is NULL, the icon is removed from the part.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message SB_SETICON, as described in the Windows SDK.


See the example for CStatusBarCtrl::SetBkColor.


Sets the minimum height of a status bar control's drawing area.

void SetMinHeight(int nMin);


Minimum height, in pixels, of the control.


The minimum height is the sum of nMin and twice the width, in pixels, of the vertical border of the status bar control.




Sets the number of parts in a status bar control and the coordinate of the right edge of each part.

BOOL SetParts(
    int nParts,  
    int* pWidths);


Number of parts to set. The number of parts cannot be greater than 255.

Address of an integer array having the same number of elements as parts specified by nParts. Each element in the array specifies the position, in client coordinates, of the right edge of the corresponding part. If an element is – 1, the position of the right edge for that part extends to the right edge of the control.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.


      const int c_nParts = 4;
      CRect rect;

      int aWidths[c_nParts] = { rect.right-300, rect.right-200, rect.right-100, 
         -1 };

      VERIFY(m_wndSBC.SetParts(c_nParts, aWidths));


Specifies whether a status bar control displays simple text or displays all control parts set by a previous call to SetParts.

BOOL SetSimple(BOOL bSimple = TRUE);


[in] bSimple
Display-type flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the control displays simple text; if it is FALSE, it displays multiple parts.

Return Value

Always returns 0.


If your application changes the status bar control from non-simple to simple, or vice versa, the system immediately redraws the control.


Sets the text in the given part of a status bar control.

BOOL SetText(
    LPCTSTR lpszText,  
    int nPane,  
    int nType);


Address of a null-terminated string specifying the text to set. If nType is SBT_OWNERDRAW, lpszText represents 32 bits of data.

Zero-based index of the part to set. If this value is 255, the status bar control is assumed to be a simple control having only one part.

Type of drawing operation. See SB_SETTEXT message for a list of possible values.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.


The message invalidates the portion of the control that has changed, causing it to display the new text when the control next receives the WM_PAINT message.


   VERIFY(m_wndSBC.SetText(_T("Text For Pane 1"), 1, 0));


Sets the tooltip text for a pane in a status bar.

void SetTipText(
    int nPane,  
    LPCTSTR pszTipText);


The zero-based index of status bar pane to receive the tooltip text.

A pointer to a string containing the tooltip text.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message SB_SETTIPTEXT, as described in the Windows SDK.


   m_wndSBC.SetTipText(0, _T("This is Pane 0"));

See Also

CWnd Class
Hierarchy Chart
CToolBarCtrl Class