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CAxDialogImpl Class


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This class implements a dialog box (modal or modeless) that hosts ActiveX controls.


This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.


template <class T, class TBase = CWindow>  
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAxDialogImpl : public CDialogImplBaseT<TBase>


Your class, derived from CAxDialogImpl.

The base window class for CDialogImplBaseT.


Public Methods

Name Description
CAxDialogImpl::AdviseSinkMap Call this method to advise or unadvise all entries in the object's sink map event map.
CAxDialogImpl::Create Call this method to create a modeless dialog box.
CAxDialogImpl::DestroyWindow Call this method to destroy a modeless dialog box.
CAxDialogImpl::DoModal Call this method to create a modal dialog box.
CAxDialogImpl::EndDialog Call this method to destroy a modal dialog box.
CAxDialogImpl::GetDialogProc Call this method to get a pointer to the DialogProc callback function.
CAxDialogImpl::GetIDD Call this method to get the dialog template resource ID
CAxDialogImpl::IsDialogMessage Call this method to determine whether a message is intended for this dialog box and, if it is, process the message.

Protected Data Members

Name Description
CAxDialogImpl::m_bModal A variable that exists only in debug builds and is set to true if the dialog box is modal.


CAxDialogImpl allows you to create a modal or modeless dialog box. CAxDialogImpl provides the dialog box procedure, which uses the default message map to direct messages to the appropriate handlers.

CAxDialogImpl derives from CDialogImplBaseT, which in turn derives from TBase (by default, CWindow) and CMessageMap.

Your class must define an IDD member that specifies the dialog template resource ID. For example, adding an ATL Dialog object using the Add Class dialog box automatically adds the following line to your class:

   enum { IDD = IDD_MYDLG };

where MyDialog is the Short name entered in the ATL Dialog Wizard.

See Implementing a Dialog Box for more information.

Note that an ActiveX control on a modal dialog box created with CAxDialogImpl will not support accelerator keys. To support accelerator keys on a dialog box created with CAxDialogImpl, create a modeless dialog box and, using your own message loop, use CAxDialogImpl::IsDialogMessage after getting a message from the queue to handle an accelerator key.

For more information on CAxDialogImpl, see ATL Control Containment FAQ.

Inheritance Hierarchy







Header: atlwin.h


Call this method to advise or unadvise all entries in the object's sink map event map.

HRESULT AdviseSinkMap(bool bAdvise);


Set to true if all sink entries are to be advised; false if all sink entries are to be unadvised.

Return Value

Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.


Call this method to create a modeless dialog box.

HWND Create(HWND hWndParent, LPARAM dwInitParam = NULL);
HWND Create(HWND hWndParent, RECT&, LPARAM dwInitParam = NULL);


[in] The handle to the owner window.

[in] Specifies the value to pass to the dialog box in the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message.

This parameter is not used. This parameter is passed in by CComControl.

Return Value

The handle to the newly created dialog box.


This dialog box is automatically attached to the CAxDialogImpl object. To create a modal dialog box, call DoModal.

The second override is provided only so dialog boxes can be used with CComControl.


Call this method to destroy a modeless dialog box.

BOOL DestroyWindow();

Return Value

TRUE if the window is successfully destroyed; otherwise FALSE.


Do not call DestroyWindow to destroy a modal dialog box. Call EndDialog instead.


Call this method to create a modal dialog box.

INT_PTR DoModal(
  HWND hWndParent = ::GetActiveWindow(), 
  LPARAM dwInitParam = NULL);


[in] The handle to the owner window. The default value is the return value of the GetActiveWindow Win32 function.

[in] Specifies the value to pass to the dialog box in the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message.

Return Value

If successful, the value of the nRetCode parameter specified in the call to EndDialog; otherwise, -1.


This dialog box is automatically attached to the CAxDialogImpl object.

To create a modeless dialog box, call Create.


Call this method to destroy a modal dialog box.

BOOL EndDialog(int nRetCode);


[in] The value to be returned by DoModal.

Return Value

TRUE if the dialog box is destroyed; otherwise, FALSE.


EndDialog must be called through the dialog box procedure. After the dialog box is destroyed, Windows uses the value of nRetCode as the return value for DoModal, which created the dialog box.


Do not call EndDialog to destroy a modeless dialog box. Call DestroyWindow instead.


Call this method to get a pointer to the DialogProc callback function.

virtual DLGPROC GetDialogProc();

Return Value

Returns a pointer to the DialogProc callback function.


The DialogProc function is an application-defined callback function.


Call this method to get the dialog template resource ID.

int GetIDD();

Return Value

Returns the dialog template resource ID.


Call this method to determine whether a message is intended for this dialog box and, if it is, process the message.

BOOL IsDialogMessage(LPMSG pMsg);


Pointer to a MSG structure that contains the message to be checked.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the message has been processed, FALSE otherwise.


This method is intended to be called from within a message loop.


A variable that exists only in debug builds and is set to true if the dialog box is modal.

bool m_bModal;

See Also

CDialogImpl Class
Class Overview