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MIDL Property Pages: Advanced


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The latest version of this topic can be found at MIDL Property Pages: Advanced.

The Advanced property page in the MIDL folder specifies the following MIDL compiler options:

  • Enable Error Checking (/error)

  • Check Allocations (/error)

  • Check Bounds (/error)

  • Check Enum Range (/error)

  • Check Reference Pointers (/error)

  • Check Stub Data (/error)

  • Validate Parameters (/robust) *

  • Struct Member Alignment (/Zp)

  • Redirect Output (/o)

  • C Preprocess Options (/cpp_opt)

  • Undefine Preprocessor Definitions (/U)

* /robust is only for use when building for a Windows 2000 or later machine. If you build an ATL project and want to use /robust, change this line in the dlldatax.c file:

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400   //for Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 with DCOM  
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500   //for Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 with DCOM  

For information on how to access the Advanced property page in the MIDL folder, see How To: Specify Project Properties with Property Pages.

For information on how to programmatically access MIDL options for C++ projects, see VCMidlTool.

See Also

MIDL Property Pages