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Options, ATL Property Page Wizard


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Options, ATL Property Page Wizard.

Use this page of the wizard to define the threading model and aggregation level of property page you are creating.

Threading model
Specifies the threading model used by the property page.

See Specifying the Project's Threading Model for more information.

Option Description
Single The property page runs only in the primary COM thread.
Apartment The property page can be created in any single thread apartment. The default.

Adds aggregation support for the property page you are creating. See Aggregation for more information.

Option Description
Yes Create a property page that can be aggregated.
No Create a property page that cannot be aggregated.
Only Create a property page that can only be instantiated through aggregation.

See Also

ATL Property Page Wizard
Strings, ATL Property Page Wizard