Configuration Manager Cmdlet Library changes for Current Branch 1802


System Center Configuration Current Branch 1710 is the baseline for these changes. For more information, see Configuration Manager Cmdlet Library changes for Current Branch 1710.

Important changes

The administrator console installer has been updated to allow for importing the ConfigurationManager module by logical name without using a hard link from <installdir>\bin\ConfigurationManager to <installdir>\bin.

Deprecated cmdlets

Disable PSDrive auto-creation

When the ConfigurationManager.psd1 module is loaded, PowerShell automatically tries to create a connection to the last SMS Provider that was accessed using the Configuration Manager console. In some scenarios, this connection behavior may not be desirable. A per-user registry key has been added that can disable this behavior and require manual drive creation. To configure the behavior, use the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\PowerShell and set the value DisableCMDriveAutoCreate to a DWORD of 1 (drive auto-creation is disabled) or 0 (default behavior). Deleting DisableCMDriveAutoCreate also enables default behavior.


When drive auto-creation is disabled, the Configuration Manager console may report an error when launching a PowerShell window.

Known issues

The following items are known issues with the Cmdlet Library that are not resolved in this release.


Cmdlet is currently non-functional.


  • None

Get-CMAadConditionalAccessPolicy and Set-CMAadConditionalAccessPolicy

64-bit PowerShell environment is required for these cmdlets.


  • None


Cmdlet may fail with a DirectoryNotFoundException error locating the file SecuredRoles.xsd.


  • Make sure that Import-Module is called against the ConfigurationManager.psd1 file, and not the logical path or module name.


Changes to Schedule may not be shown in the Configuration Manager console even though the underlying SMS Provider object has been changed.


  • Quit and relaunch the Configuration Manager console.

New cmdlets

The following items are newly added cmdlets for this release that add new functionality or enhance the functionality of existing cmdlets.

Co-Management cmdlets

New-CMCoManagementPolicy will allow for creation of a co-management policy.

Global condition cmdlets

New cmdlets have been added to support creating and modifying global conditions. New, and Set verbs are supported.

  • CMGlobalConditionActiveDirectoryQuery
  • CMGlobalConditionAssembly
  • CMGlobalConditionFile
  • CMGlobalConditionIisMetabase
  • CMGlobalConditionRegistryKey
  • CMGlobalConditionRegistryValue
  • CMGlobalConditionScript
  • CMGlobalConditionSqlQuery
  • CMGlobalConditionWqlQuery
  • CMGlobalConditionXPathQuery
  • CMGlobalConditionOmaUri

Task Sequence cmdlets

New cmdlets have been added to support modifying task sequence steps.

  • Task sequence commands (Get, New, Remove, and Set verbs supported)

    • CMTSCaptureNetworkSettings
    • CMTSCaptureSystemImage
    • CMTSCaptureUserState
    • CMTSCaptureWindowsSetting
    • CMTSConvertDisk
    • CMTSDisableBitLocker
    • CMTSEnableBitLocker
    • CMTSPrepareSmsClient
    • CMTSPrepareWindows
    • CMTSStepApplyDataImage
    • CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent
    • CMTSStepJoinDomainWorkgroup
    • CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker
    • CMTSStepPrestartCheckAction
    • CMTSStepRestoreUserState
    • CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem
  • Task sequence condition commands

    • New-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystemLanguage cmdlet for creation of an operating system language condition.
  • Task sequence copying cmdlets

    • Copy-CMTaskSequence cmdlet for creating a copy of an existing task sequence.


This cmdlet allows for getting a native DeploymentType object from an SMS_DeploymentType WMI object instance. Can be combined with Get-CMDeploymentType.

Resource tracking and recovery (BETA)

New cmdlets have been added to support tracking SMS Provider objects used by the PowerShell runtime, and to clean up these resources when they're no longer needed.

  • Disconnect-CMTrackedObject
  • Start-CMObjectTracking
  • Stop-CMObjectTracking

When Start-CMObjectTracking is run, the PowerShell runtime will track IResultObject objects created by Cmdlet Library cmdlets. Cmdlets that aren't manually cleaned up with .Dispose() can be reclaimed by using Disconnect-CMTrackedObject against an individual object.


# Reclaim all tracked objects
$o | Disconnect-CMTrackedObject```), or ```Disconnect-CMTrackedObject -All

Once an object is reclaimed, it can no longer be reused or passed to another cmdlet through the object pipeline.

Stop-CMObjectTracking can be used to turn off object tracking. Previously allocated objects will remain active.

Unclaimed resources can cause Quota Violation errors to be raised by the SMS Provider. These quota issues typically manifest from working with large sets of SMS Provider objects or in long running environments.


This is an experimental feature and may be subject to change or removal in a future release. This feature is opt-in and isn't enabled by default.

Cmdlet changes

The following changes have been made to existing cmdlets for this release. Changes may be new functionality, bug fixes, or deprecations. Some changes may be breaking. If you use one of the cmdlets or feature areas listed in this section, carefully review the changes to understand how they may affect your use.

PowerShell ISE

Bugs that were fixed

Powershell_ise.exe process may crash on exit when Verbose logging is enabled globally and the ConfigurationManager module has been imported.

Task Sequence cmdlets

Bugs that were fixed

  • New-CMTSRule
    • Cmdlet may fail if a SecureString variable type is used.
  • New-CMTSStepApplyOperatingSystem and Set-CMTSStepApplyOperatingSystem
    • Cannot specify a null value for DestinationLogicalDrive.
    • Lowercase value for DestinationLogicalDrive may cause a UI validation failure.
  • New-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting and Set-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting
    • Password parameter usage may cause an error in the SMS Provider.
  • New-CMTSStepInstallSoftware and Set-CMTSStepInstallSoftware
    • Cmdlet incorrectly allows combining Program and EnableContinueOnInstallError parameters.

Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

ExpressionValue doesn't support all combinations of settings with ExpressionOperator. Remediate behavior not consistent with administrator console.

Non-breaking changes

RemediateDword parameter added to support an integer value for remediation.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet doesn't validate for correct usage of UninstallContentLocation and UninstallOption parameter combinations.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet incorrectly requires use of Script parameter when using AddDetectionClause.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet may return an error when adding a software update point to a remote system.


Bugs that were fixed

If pre-release features aren't enabled for the hierarchy, the cmdlet will fail with an incorrectly formatted error message.


Breaking changes

Hidden applications are now no longer included by default. ShowHidden parameter has been added to force displaying hidden applications in the result set.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet may run an invalid query against the SMS Provider.


Bugs that were fixed

Status message query may return duplicate messages.


Bugs that were fixed

DistributionPoint parameter doesn't ignore cloud-enabled distribution points.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

ProductCode value isn't properly applied to the Setting object.


Non-breaking changes

FullSyncSchedule or DeltaSyncMins parameters are no longer mandatory and will apply a default schedule if not used.


Non-breaking changes

Name parameter added for defining the class name.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet fails when specifying an output file with a .wim extension.


Bugs that were filed

ProgramRunType parameter value may be incorrectly applied to Program.


Bugs that were fixed

RecurCount shouldn't allow a value of 0.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet may fail to create media if MediaType is Usb.

Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet may add two schedules when ScheduleEvent is used.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

Application/ApplicationName/ApplicationId parameter usage may cause the cmdlet to fail.

Non-breaking changes

Performance improvements.


Bugs that were fixed

AddExcludedFilePath doesn't create default exclusion rules.


Bugs that were fixed

Modifying an application with multiple display languages may cause unexpected changes to the application state.

Non-breaking changes

AddAppCategory, AddUserCategory, RemoveAppCategory, RemoveUserCategory, CleanAppCategory, and CleanUserCategory parameters have been added to support adding application categories by object.


AppCategory and UserCategory parameters have been superseded by the new [Add|Remove|Clean]AppCategory and [Add|Remove|Clean]UserCategory parameters.


Bugs that were fixed

NewName parameter is missing.

Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.



EnableHttps parameter is no longer supported.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Bugs that were fixed

Cmdlet doesn't validate for correct usage of UninstallContentLocation and UninstallOption parameter combinations.


Bugs that were fixed

UseMeteredNetwork parameter is missing.


Non-breaking changes

CleanTag1, CleanTag2, CleanTag3 parameters added to support removing tags.

ParentSoftwareId, CategoryId parameters added.

Improved parameter validation.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation.


Non-breaking changes

Improved parameter validation around various profile creation scenarios.