This 2019 reference provides descriptions and syntax for the System Center 2019 Operations Manager cmdlets.
Add-SCAdvisorAgent |
Adds Windows-based computers or instance groups to the group of agents that report to the Advisor Connector. |
Add-SCOMADAgentAssignment |
Assigns AD DS agent-managed computers to the management group. |
Add-SCOMAgentlessManagedComputer |
Adds agentless-managed computers to a management group. |
Add-SCOMAlertResolutionState |
Adds a custom alert resolution state. |
Add-SCOMConnector |
Creates an Operations Manager connector. |
Add-SCOMNotificationChannel |
Adds a notification channel in Operations Manager. |
Add-SCOMNotificationSubscriber |
Adds a notification subscriber in Operations Manager. |
Add-SCOMNotificationSubscription |
Adds a notification subscription. |
Add-SCOMRunAsAccount |
Adds a Run As account to a management group. |
Add-SCOMRunAsProfile |
Adds a Run As profile. |
Add-SCOMSubscriberSchedule |
Adds a new schedule entry for a notification subscriber. |
Add-SCOMTierConnector |
Adds a connector to a management group tier. |
Add-SCOMTieredManagementGroup |
Adds a tiered management group to a management group. |
Add-SCOMUserRole |
Adds a user role to a management group. |
Approve-SCOMPendingManagement |
Approves pending agent management actions. |
Clear-SCOMSubscriberSchedule |
Removes all entries from a notification subscriber's schedule. |
Deny-SCOMPendingManagement |
Denies pending agent management actions. |
Disable-SCOMAgentProxy |
Disables agents from acting as a proxy agent for other computers. |
Disable-SCOMDiscovery |
Disables Operations Manager discoveries. |
Disable-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Disables an existing maintenance schedule. |
Disable-SCOMMonitor |
Disables monitors in Operations Manager. |
Disable-SCOMNotificationSubscription |
Disables a notification subscription. |
Disable-SCOMOperationalDataReporting |
Disables operational data reporting for the management group. |
Disable-SCOMRule |
Creates and saves overrides that disable monitoring rules. |
Disable-SCOMTelemetry |
Disables collection of Operations Manager diagnostic data. |
Edit-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Edits an existing maintenance schedule. |
Enable-SCOMAgentProxy |
Enables agents to act as proxy agents for other computers. |
Enable-SCOMDiscovery |
Enables Operations Manager discoveries. |
Enable-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Enables an existing maintenance schedule. |
Enable-SCOMMonitor |
Enables monitors in Operations Manager. |
Enable-SCOMNotificationSubscription |
Enables a notification subscription. |
Enable-SCOMOperationalDataReporting |
Enables operational data reporting for the management group. |
Enable-SCOMRule |
Creates and saves overrides that enable monitoring rules. |
Enable-SCOMTelemetry |
Enables collection of Operations Manager diagnostic data. |
Export-SCManagementPack | |
Export-SCOMEffectiveMonitoringConfiguration |
Exports configuration applicable to a monitoring object. |
Get-ErrorInfo |
Gets an error information object. |
Get-SCAdvisorAgent |
Gets the computers and groups that report to the Advisor Connector. |
Get-SCAdvisorProxy |
Gets the proxy server that is used for connecting to the Advisor service. |
Get-SCClass |
Gets classes in Operations Manager. |
Get-SCDiscovery | |
Get-SCManagementGroupConnection | |
Get-SCManagementPack | |
Get-SCOMAccessLicense |
Gets information about licenses for Operations Manager and Windows. |
Get-SCOMADAgentAssignment |
Gets AD DS agent assignments for the management group. |
Get-SCOMAgent |
Gets the agent-managed computers in a management group. |
Get-SCOMAgentApprovalSetting |
Gets the manual agent approval setting for the management group. |
Get-SCOMAgentlessManagedComputer |
Gets managed computers that do not have Operations Manager agents. |
Get-SCOMAlert |
Gets Operations Manager alerts. |
Get-SCOMAlertHistory |
Gets history entries for alerts. |
Get-SCOMAlertResolutionSetting |
Gets the automatic alert resolution setting for the management group. |
Get-SCOMAlertResolutionState |
Gets the alert resolution states in the management group. |
Get-SCOMClassInstance |
Gets class instances. |
Get-SCOMCommand |
Gets Operations Manager commands in the current session. |
Get-SCOMConnector |
Gets Operations Manager connectors. |
Get-SCOMDatabaseGroomingSetting |
Gets the database grooming settings for a management group. |
Get-SCOMDataWarehouseSetting |
Gets data warehouse settings for a management group. |
Get-SCOMDiagnostic |
Gets diagnostics. |
Get-SCOMErrorReportingSetting |
Gets the error reporting settings for a management group. |
Get-SCOMEvent |
Gets Operations Manager events. |
Get-SCOMGatewayManagementServer |
Gets the gateway management servers in a management group. |
Get-SCOMGroup |
Gets Operations Manager groups. |
Get-SCOMHeartbeatSetting |
Gets heartbeat settings for a management group. |
Get-SCOMLicense |
Displays Microsoft Software License Terms. |
Get-SCOMLocation |
Gets locations. |
Get-SCOMMaintenanceMode |
Gets maintenance mode entries. |
Get-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Gets an object of an existing maintenance schedule. |
Get-SCOMMaintenanceScheduleList |
Gets a list of all Maintenance Schedules for the connected Management Group. |
Get-SCOMManagementGroup |
Gets a management group. |
Get-SCOMManagementServer |
Gets the management servers in a management group. |
Get-SCOMMonitor |
Retrieves monitors in Operations Manager. |
Get-SCOMNotificationChannel |
Retrieves notification channels for the management group. |
Get-SCOMNotificationSubscriber |
Retrieves a list of notification subscribers. |
Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription |
Retrieves a list of notification subscriptions. |
Get-SCOMOverride |
Retrieves a list of overrides or a resulting set of overrides. |
Get-SCOMOverrideResult |
Retrieves override results. |
Get-SCOMParentManagementServer |
Gets the management servers to which an agent reports. |
Get-SCOMPendingManagement |
Retrieves pending agent management actions. |
Get-SCOMRecovery |
Gets a list of recoveries in Operations Manager. |
Get-SCOMReportingSetting |
Retrieves the reporting server settings for the management group. |
Get-SCOMResourcePool |
Retrieves resource pools in Operations Manager. |
Get-SCOMRMSEmulator |
Gets the management server that hosts the RMS Emulator role. |
Get-SCOMRule |
Gets Operations Manager monitoring rules. |
Get-SCOMRunAsAccount |
Gets a Run As account for a management group. |
Get-SCOMRunAsDistribution |
Gets the distribution policy of an Operations Manager Run As account. |
Get-SCOMRunAsProfile |
Gets Run As profiles. |
Get-SCOMTask |
Gets a list of tasks. |
Get-SCOMTaskResult |
Gets the results for tasks that have run. |
Get-SCOMTelemetry |
Gets the status of collection of Operations Manager diagnostic data. |
Get-SCOMTierConnector |
Gets the connectors associated with a tiered management group. |
Get-SCOMTieredManagementGroup |
Gets tiered management groups defined in Operations Manager. |
Get-SCOMUserRole |
Gets user roles. |
Get-SCOMWebAddressSetting |
Gets URLs for the web console and for online product knowledge. |
Get-SCRelationship | |
Get-SCRelationshipInstance | |
Get-SCXAgent |
Gets a list of managed UNIX and Linux computers in a management group. |
Get-SCXSSHCredential |
Creates a privileged credential, by using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, for management operations on UNIX and Linux computers. |
Import-SCManagementPack | |
Install-SCOMAgent |
Deploys Operations Manager agents. |
Install-SCXAgent |
Installs the Operations Manager agent for discovered UNIX and Linux computers. |
Invoke-SCXDiscovery |
Invokes the discovery operation for the specified configuration of UNIX and Linux computers. |
New-DefaultManagementGroupConnection |
Creates a default management group connection. |
New-SCManagementGroupConnection | |
New-SCOMLocation |
Creates a location to which you can assign agent-managed computers, management servers, or resource pools. |
New-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Creates a maintenance schedule. |
New-SCOMResourcePool |
Creates a resource pool in Operations Manager. |
Register-SCAdvisor |
Registers an Operations Manager management group to an Advisor account. |
Remove-SCAdvisorAgent |
Removes one or more agents from the group of agents that report to the Advisor Connector. |
Remove-SCManagementGroupConnection | |
Remove-SCManagementPack | |
Remove-SCOMADAgentAssignment |
Removes AD DS agent assignments from the management group. |
Remove-SCOMAgentlessManagedComputer |
Removes agentless managed computers from a management group. |
Remove-SCOMAlertResolutionState |
Removes a custom alert resolution state from the management group. |
Remove-SCOMConnector |
Removes connectors from the management group. |
Remove-SCOMDisabledClassInstance |
Deletes class instances associated with disabled discovery. |
Remove-SCOMLocation |
Removes associations with a location or deletes a location. |
Remove-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Removes an existing maintenance schedule. |
Remove-SCOMNotificationChannel |
Removes a notification channel from the management group. |
Remove-SCOMNotificationSubscriber |
Removes a notification subscriber. |
Remove-SCOMNotificationSubscription |
Removes notification subscriptions. |
Remove-SCOMResourcePool |
Removes one or more resource pools in Operations Manager. |
Remove-SCOMRMSEmulator |
Removes the RMS Emulator role from a management group. |
Remove-SCOMRunAsAccount |
Removes a Run As account from the management group. |
Remove-SCOMRunAsProfile |
Removes a Run As profile from a management group. |
Remove-SCOMSubscriberSchedule |
Removes entries from a notification subscriber schedule. |
Remove-SCOMTierConnector |
Removes a connector from a tiered management group. |
Remove-SCOMTieredManagementGroup |
Removes a tiered management group. |
Remove-SCOMUserRole | |
Remove-SCXAgent |
Removes the targeted managed UNIX and Linux computers from the management group. |
Repair-SCOMAgent |
Repairs Operations Manager agents. |
Resolve-SCOMAlert |
Resolves an alert. |
Set-SCAdvisorProxy |
Sets the proxy server to use for connecting to the Advisor service. |
Set-SCManagementGroupConnection | |
Set-SCOMAgentApprovalSetting |
Changes the manual agent approval setting for the management group. |
Set-SCOMAgentlessManagedComputer |
Changes the settings for agentless managed computers. |
Set-SCOMAlert |
Changes the properties of alerts. |
Set-SCOMAlertResolutionSetting |
Changes the alert automatic resolution settings for the management group. |
Set-SCOMDatabaseGroomingSetting |
Modifies database grooming settings for a management group. |
Set-SCOMDataWarehouseSetting |
Modifies data warehouse settings for a management group. |
Set-SCOMErrorReportingSetting |
Modifies the error reporting setting for a management group. |
Set-SCOMHeartbeatSetting |
Modifies the agent and server heartbeat settings for a management group. |
Set-SCOMLicense |
Sets the product license level and removes evaluation timeout. |
Set-SCOMLocation |
Associates agent-managed computers, management servers, or resource pools with a location. |
Set-SCOMMaintenanceMode |
Updates active maintenance mode entries. |
Set-SCOMParentManagementServer |
Modifies the primary and failover management servers for an agent or gateway management server. |
Set-SCOMReportingSetting |
Changes the URL for a reporting server for the management group. |
Set-SCOMResourcePool |
Changes the properties of a resource pool in Operations Manager. |
Set-SCOMRMSEmulator |
Moves the RMS Emulator role to a management server. |
Set-SCOMRunAsDistribution |
Sets the distribution policy of a Run As account for Operations Manager. |
Set-SCOMRunAsProfile |
Adds Run As accounts to or removes them from a Run As profile. |
Set-SCOMUserRole |
Configures an Operations Manager user role. |
Set-SCOMWebAddressSetting |
Sets the URLs for the web console and for online product knowledge. |
Set-SCXResourcePool |
Changes the managing resource pool for the targeted managed UNIX and Linux computers. |
Start-OperationsManagerClientShell | |
Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode |
Puts an object into maintenance mode and creates an active maintenance mode entry. |
Start-SCOMTask |
Starts a task for a specified object. |
Stop-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Stops an active maintenance schedule. |
Test-SCOMOperationalDataReporting |
Determines the status of operational data reporting for the management group. |
Uninstall-SCOMAgent |
Uninstalls agents from agent-managed computers. |
Uninstall-SCXAgent |
Uninstalls the management agent on the specified managed UNIX and Linux computers. |
Update-SCOMADAgentAssignment |
Changes settings of an AD DS agent assignment. |
Update-SCOMLocation |
Updates the display name, latitude, or longitude of a location. |
Update-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule |
Updates the end time of an active maintenance schedule. |
Update-SCOMRunAsAccount |
Updates the credentials of an Operations Manager Run As account. |
Update-SCXAgent |
Upgrades the management agent on the specified UNIX and Linux computers to the latest version available. |
Write-OperationsManagerClientShellBanner | |
Write-SCOMCommand |
Writes a new command to interact with Operations Manager. |
Write-WarningMessage |