
Short description

PowerShell logs internal operations from the engine, providers, and cmdlets.

Long description

PowerShell logs details of PowerShell operations, such as starting and stopping the engine and starting and stopping providers. It also logs details about PowerShell commands.

For information about logging in Windows PowerShell 5.1, see about_Logging.

The location of PowerShell logs is dependent on the target platform.

  • On Linux, PowerShell logs to the systemd journal that can forward to a syslog server. For more information, see the man pages for your Linux distribution.
  • On macOS, Apple's unified logging system is used. For more information, see Apple's developer documentation on logging.

PowerShell supports configuring two categories of logging:

  • Module logging - Record the pipeline execution events for members of specified modules. Module logging must be enabled for both the session and specific modules. For more information about configuring this logging, see about_PowerShell_Config.

    If module logging is enabled through configuration, you can enable and disable logging for specific modules in a session by setting the value of the LogPipelineExecutionDetails property of the module.

    For example, to enable module logging for the PSReadLine module:

    $psrl = Get-Module PSReadLine
    $psrl.LogPipelineExecutionDetails = $true
    Get-Module PSReadline | Select-Object Name, LogPipelineExecutionDetails
    Name       LogPipelineExecutionDetails
    ----       ---------------------------
    PSReadLine                        True
  • Script block logging - Record the processing of commands, script blocks, functions, and scripts whether invoked interactively, or through automation.

    When you enable Script Block Logging, PowerShell records the content of all script blocks that it processes. Once enabled, any new PowerShell session logs this information.


    It's recommended to enable Protected Event Logging, when using Script Block Logging for anything other than diagnostics purposes. For more information, see about_PowerShell_Config.

Configuring logging on Linux or macOS

The configuration for logging on Linux and macOS is stored in the powershell.config.json file. The powershell.config.json file is a JSON formatted file residing in the PowerShell $PSHOME directory. If this configuration file doesn't exist, you'll need to create it to change the default settings. Each installation of PowerShell uses its own copy of this file.

By default, PowerShell enables Informational logging to the Operational channel. You can change the configuration if you require additional log output, such as verbose or enabling analytic log output.

The following code is an example configuration:

    "ModuleLogging": {
        "EnableModuleLogging": false,
        "ModuleNames": [
    "ScriptBlockLogging": {
        "EnableScriptBlockInvocationLogging": true,
        "EnableScriptBlockLogging": true
    "LogLevel": "verbose"

The following is a list of properties for configuring PowerShell logging. If the property isn't listed in the configuration, PowerShell uses the default value.

  • LogIdentity
    • Values: <string name>, powershell
    • Description: The name to use when logging. The default identity is powershell. This value can be used to tell the difference between two instances of a PowerShell installation, such as a release and beta version. This value is also used to redirect log output to a separate file.
  • LogChannels
    • Values: Operational, Analytic
    • Description: The channels to enable. Separate the values with a comma when specifying more than one. The default value is Operational.
  • LogLevel
    • Values: Always, Critical, Error, Warning, Informational, Verbose, Debug
    • Description: Specify a single value. The values are listed in increasing order of verbosity. The value you choose enables itself and all the values before it. The default value is Informational.
  • LogKeywords
    • Values: Runspace, Pipeline, Protocol, Transport, Host, Cmdlets, Serializer, Session, ManagedPlugin
    • Description: Keywords provide the ability to limit logging to specific components within PowerShell. By default, all keywords are enabled and change this value is only useful for specialized troubleshooting.
  • PowerShellPolicies
    • Description: The PowerShellPolicies setting contains the ModuleLogging, ProtectedEventLogging, and ScriptBlockLogging options. For more information, see Common configuration settings.

Viewing PowerShell log data in journald on Linux

PowerShell logs to the systemd journal using the journald daemon on Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

The journald daemon stores log messages in a binary format. Use the journalctl utility to query the journal log for PowerShell entries.

journalctl --grep powershell

The journald daemon can forward log messages to a System Logging Protocol (syslog) server. Enable the ForwardToSysLog option in the /etc/systemd/journald.conf journald configuration file if you want to use syslog logging on your Linux system. This is the default configuration for many Linux distributions.

Viewing PowerShell log data in syslog on Linux

Use the package manager for your Linux distribution to install a syslog server such as rsyslog if you want to use syslog logging on your Linux system. Some Linux distributions such as Ubuntu preinstall rsyslog.

The syslog protocol stores log messages in a standardized text format. You can use any text processing utility to query or view syslog content.

By default, syslog writes log entries to the following location:

  • On Debian-based distributions, including Ubuntu: /var/log/syslog
  • On RHEL-based distributions: /var/log/messages

The following example uses the cat command to query for PowerShell syslog entries on Ubuntu.

cat /var/log/syslog | grep -i powershell

Syslog message format

Syslog messages have the following format:

  • TIMESTAMP - A date/time when the log entry was produced.
  • MACHINENAME - The name of the system where the log was produced.
  • PID - The process ID of the process that wrote the log entry.
  • COMMITID - The git commit ID or tag used to produce the build.
  • TID - The thread ID of the thread that wrote the log entry.
  • CID - The hex channel identifier of the log entry.
    • 0x10 = Operational
    • 0x11 = Analytic
  • EVENTID - The event identifier of the log entry.
  • TASK - The task identifier for the event entry
  • OPCODE - The opcode for the event entry
  • LEVEL - The log level for the event entry
  • MESSAGE - The message associated with the event entry

EVENTID, TASK, OPCODE, and LEVEL are the same values as used when logging to the Windows event log.

Write PowerShell log message to a separate file

It's also possible to redirect the PowerShell log entries to a separate file. When the PowerShell log entries are redirected to a separate file, they're no longer logged to the default syslog file.

The following steps configure PowerShell log entries on Ubuntu to write to a log file named powershell.log.

  1. Create a config (conf) file for the PowerShell log configuration in the /etc/rsyslog.d directory using a text file editor such as nano. Prefix the filename with a number that's less than the default. For example, 40-powershell.conf where the default is 50-default.conf.

    sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.d/40-powershell.conf
  2. Add the following information to the 40-powershell.conf file:

    :syslogtag, contains, "powershell[" /var/log/powershell.log
    & stop
  3. Verify that /etc/rsyslog.conf has an include statement for the new file. It may have a generic statement that includes it, such as:

    $IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf

    If it doesn't, you'll need to add an include statement manually.

  4. Verify the attributes and permissions are set appropriately.

    ls -l /etc/rsyslog.d/40-powershell.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   67 Nov 28 12:51 40-powershell.conf

    If your 40-powershell.conf file has different ownership or permissions, complete the following steps:

    1. Set ownership to root.

      sudo chown root:root /etc/rsyslog.d/40-powershell.conf
    2. Set access permissions: root has read/write, users have read.

      sudo chmod 644 /etc/rsyslog.d/40-powershell.conf
  5. Restart the rsyslog service.

    sudo systemctl restart rsyslog.service
  6. Run pwsh to generate PowerShell information to log.



    The /var/log/powershell.log file isn't created until the rsyslog service is restarted and PowerShell generates information to log.

  7. Query the powershell.log file to verify PowerShell information is being logged to the new file.

    cat /var/log/powershell.log

Viewing PowerShell log data on macOS

PowerShell logs to Apple's unified logging system, a feature of macOS that allows for the collection and storage of system and application logs in a single centralized location.

Apple's unified logging system stores log messages in binary format. You must use the log tool to query the unified logging system for PowerShell log events. The PowerShell log events don't appear in the Console application on macOS. Console app is designed for the older syslog-based logging that predates the unified logging system.

Viewing PowerShell log data from the command line on macOS

To view PowerShell log data from a command line on macOS, use the log command in the Terminal or other shell host application. These commands can be run from PowerShell, Z Shell, or Bash.

In the following example, the log command is used to show the log data on your system as it's occurring in realtime. The process parameter filters the log data for only the pwsh process. If you have more than one instance of pwsh running, the process parameter also accepts a process ID as its value. The level parameter shows messages at the specified level and below.

log stream --predicate "subsystem == 'com.microsoft.powershell'" --level info

The log show command can be used to export log items. The log show command provides options for exporting the last N items, items since a given time, or items within a given time span.

For example, the following command exports items since 9am on April 5, 2022:

log show --start "2022-04-05 09:00:00" --predicate "subsystem == 'com.microsoft.powershell'"

For more information, run log show --help to view the help for the log show command.

You can also output the log data in JSON format, which allows you to convert the event data to PowerShell objects. The following example outputs the events in JSON format. The ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet is used to convert the JSON data to PowerShell objects are get stored in the $logRecord variable.

log show --predicate "subsystem == 'com.microsoft.powershell'" --style json |
    ConvertFrom-Json | Set-Variable logRecord

You may also want to consider saving the logs to a more secure location such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) aggregator. Using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, you can set up SIEM in Azure. For more information, see Generic SIEM integration.

Modes and levels of PowerShell log data on macOS

By default, the PowerShell subsystem logs info level messages to memory (mode) and default level messages to disk (persistence) on macOS. This behavior can be changed to enable a different mode and level of logging using the log config command.

The following example enables info level logging and persistence for the PowerShell subsystem:

sudo log config --subsystem com.microsoft.powershell --mode level:info,persist:info

Use the reset parameter to revert the log settings to the defaults for the PowerShell subsystem:

sudo log config --subsystem com.microsoft.powershell --reset

See also