
Update the properties of a delegated permission grant (oAuth2PermissionGrant object).


      -OAuth2PermissionGrantId <String>
      [-Scope <String>]


The Update-EntraOauth2PermissionGrant cmdlet is used to update the properties of a delegated permission grant (oAuth2PermissionGrant object) by adding or removing items in the scopes list.

To add new scopes, include both existing and new scopes in this parameter; otherwise, existing scopes will be overwritten.

In delegated scenarios with work or school accounts, the signed-in user needs a supported Microsoft Entra role or a custom role with the required permissions. The least privileged roles that support this operation are:

  • Application Administrator
  • Application Developer
  • Cloud Application Administrator
  • Directory Writers
  • Privileged Role Administrator
  • User Administrator


Example 1: Update delegated permission grant scope

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All'
$clientServicePrincipal = Get-EntraServicePrincipal -Filter "displayName eq 'My application'"
$permissionGrant = Get-EntraOauth2PermissionGrant | Where-Object {$_.ClientId -eq $clientServicePrincipal.Id -and $_.Scope -eq 'Directory.Read.All'}
Update-EntraOauth2PermissionGrant -OAuth2PermissionGrantId $permissionGrant.Id -Scope 'Directory.Read.All User.Read.All'

This command updates a delegated permission grant.

  • -OAuth2PermissionGrantId parameter specifies the Unique identifier for the oAuth2PermissionGrant.
  • -Scope parameter is a space-separated list of claim values for delegated permissions to include in access tokens for the resource application (API), such as openid User.Read GroupMember.Read.All.

Example 2: Clear all scopes in the delegated permission grant

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All'
$clientServicePrincipal = Get-EntraServicePrincipal -Filter "displayName eq 'My application'"
$permissionGrant = Get-EntraOauth2PermissionGrant | Where-Object {$_.ClientId -eq $clientServicePrincipal.Id -and $_.Scope -eq 'Directory.Read.All'}
Update-EntraOauth2PermissionGrant -OAuth2PermissionGrantId $permissionGrant.Id -Scope ''

This command updates a delegated permission grant.

  • -OAuth2PermissionGrantId parameter specifies the Unique identifier for the oAuth2PermissionGrant.



The Unique identifier for the oAuth2PermissionGrant.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


A space-separated list of claim values for delegated permissions to include in access tokens for the resource application (API), such as openid User.Read GroupMember.Read.All. Each claim must match a value in the API's publishedPermissionScopes property. The total length must not exceed 3850 characters.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False