This module contains cmdlets that designed to work with Microsoft.Entra.Beta.
Administrative units
Add-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnitMember |
Adds an administrative unit member. |
Add-EntraBetaScopedRoleMembership |
Assign a Microsoft Entra role with an administrative unit scope. |
Get-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnit |
Gets an administrative unit. |
Get-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnitMember |
Gets a member of an administrative unit. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedAdministrativeUnit |
Retrieves the list of previously deleted administrative units. |
Get-EntraBetaScopedRoleMembership |
List Microsoft Entra role assignments with administrative unit scope. |
New-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnit |
Creates an administrative unit. |
New-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnitMember |
Create a new object as a member of the administrative unit. Currently only group objects are supported. |
Remove-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnit |
Removes an administrative unit. |
Remove-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnitMember |
Removes an administrative unit member. |
Remove-EntraBetaScopedRoleMembership |
Removes a scoped role membership. |
Set-EntraBetaAdministrativeUnit |
Updates the properties of an administrative unit. |
Application proxy
Get-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplication |
Retrieves an application configured for Application Proxy in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplicationConnectorGroup |
The |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnector |
The |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnectorGroup |
The |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnectorGroupMembers |
The |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnectorMemberOf |
The |
New-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplication |
The |
New-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnectorGroup |
The |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplication |
Deletes an Application Proxy application. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplicationConnectorGroup |
The |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnectorGroup |
The |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplication |
The |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplicationConnectorGroup |
The |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationProxyApplicationSingleSignOn |
The |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnector |
The |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationProxyConnectorGroup |
The |
Add-EntraBetaApplicationOwner |
Adds an owner to an application. |
Add-EntraBetaApplicationPolicy |
Adds an application policy. |
Get-EntraBetaApplication |
Gets an application. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationExtensionProperty |
Gets application extension properties. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationKeyCredential |
Gets the key credentials for an application. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationLogo |
Retrieve the logo of an application. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationOwner |
Gets the owner of an application. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationPasswordCredential |
Gets the password credential for an application. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationPolicy |
Gets an application policy. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationServiceEndpoint |
Retrieve the service endpoint of an application. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationTemplate |
Retrieve application templates from the Microsoft Entra gallery. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedApplication |
Retrieves the list of previously deleted applications. |
Get-EntraBetaPasswordSingleSignOnCredential |
Gets the password Single-Sign-On (SSO) credentials. |
New-EntraBetaApplication |
Creates (registers) a new application object. |
New-EntraBetaApplicationExtensionProperty |
Creates an application extension property. |
New-EntraBetaApplicationFromApplicationTemplate |
Add an instance of an application from the Microsoft Entra gallery to your directory. |
New-EntraBetaApplicationKey |
Adds a new key to an application. |
New-EntraBetaApplicationKeyCredential |
Creates a key credential for an application. |
New-EntraBetaApplicationPassword |
Adds a strong password to an application. |
New-EntraBetaApplicationPasswordCredential |
Creates a password credential for an application. |
New-EntraBetaPasswordSingleSignOnCredential |
Creates the password Single-Sign-On (SSO) credentials. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplication |
Deletes an application object. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationExtensionProperty |
Removes an application extension property. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationKey |
Removes a key from an application. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationKeyCredential |
Removes a key credential from an application. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationOwner |
Removes an owner from an application. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationPassword |
Remove a password from an application. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationPasswordCredential |
Removes a password credential from an application. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationPolicy |
Removes an application policy. |
Remove-EntraBetaApplicationVerifiedPublisher |
Removes the verified publisher from an application. |
Remove-EntraBetaDeletedApplication |
Permanently delete a recently deleted application object from deleted items. |
Remove-EntraBetaDeletedDirectoryObject |
Permanently delete a previously deleted directory object. |
Remove-EntraBetaPasswordSingleSignOnCredential |
Removes the password Single-Sign-On (SSO) credentials. |
Restore-EntraBetaDeletedApplication |
Restores a previously deleted application. |
Set-EntraBetaApplication |
Updates the properties of an application object. |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationLogo |
Sets the logo for an Application |
Set-EntraBetaApplicationVerifiedPublisher |
Sets the verified publisher of an application to a verified Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) identifier. |
Set-EntraBetaPasswordSingleSignOnCredential |
Sets the password Single-Sign-On (SSO) credentials. |
Connect-Entra |
Connect to Microsoft Entra ID with an authenticated account. |
Disconnect-Entra |
Disconnects the current session from a Microsoft Entra ID tenant. |
Get-EntraContext |
Retrieve information about your current session. |
Reset-EntraBetaStrongAuthenticationMethodByUpn |
Resets the strong authentication method using the User Principal Name (UPN). |
Revoke-EntraBetaSignedInUserAllRefreshToken |
Invalidates the refresh tokens issued to applications for the current user. |
Revoke-EntraBetaUserAllRefreshToken |
Invalidates the refresh tokens issued to applications for a user. |
Azure AD B2C
Get-EntraBetaTrustFrameworkPolicy |
Retrieves the created trust framework policies (custom policies) in the directory. |
New-EntraBetaTrustFrameworkPolicy |
This cmdlet is used to create a trust framework policy (custom policy) in the directory. |
Remove-EntraBetaTrustFrameworkPolicy |
Deletes a trust framework policy (custom policy) in the Microsoft Entra ID. |
Set-EntraBetaTrustFrameworkPolicy |
This cmdlet is used to update a trust framework policy (custom policy) in the directory. |
Certificate authorities
Get-EntraBetaTrustedCertificateAuthority |
Gets the trusted certificate authority. |
New-EntraBetaTrustedCertificateAuthority |
Creates a trusted certificate authority. |
Remove-EntraBetaTrustedCertificateAuthority |
Removes a trusted certificate authority. |
Set-EntraBetaTrustedCertificateAuthority |
Updates a trusted certificate authority. |
Get-EntraBetaContact |
Gets a contact from Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaContactDirectReport |
Get the direct reports for a contact. |
Get-EntraBetaContactManager |
Gets the manager of a contact. |
Get-EntraBetaContactMembership |
Get a contact membership. |
Get-EntraBetaContactThumbnailPhoto |
Retrieves the thumbnail photo of a contact. |
Remove-EntraBetaContact |
Removes a contact. |
Get-EntraBetaContract |
Gets a contract. |
Custom security attributes
Add-EntraBetaCustomSecurityAttributeDefinitionAllowedValue |
Adds a predefined value for a custom security attribute definition. |
Get-EntraBetaAttributeSet |
Gets a list of attribute sets. |
Get-EntraBetaCustomSecurityAttributeDefinition |
Gets a list of custom security attribute definitions. |
Get-EntraBetaCustomSecurityAttributeDefinitionAllowedValue |
Gets the predefined value for a custom security attribute definition. |
New-EntraBetaAttributeSet |
Adds a new attribute set. |
New-EntraBetaCustomSecurityAttributeDefinition |
Create a new customSecurityAttributeDefinition object. |
Set-EntraBetaAttributeSet |
Updates an existing attribute set. |
Set-EntraBetaCustomSecurityAttributeDefinition |
Update the properties of a customSecurityAttributeDefinition object. |
Set-EntraBetaCustomSecurityAttributeDefinitionAllowedValue |
Updates an existing custom security attribute definition predefined value. |
Add-EntraBetaDeviceRegisteredOwner |
Adds a registered owner for a device. |
Add-EntraBetaDeviceRegisteredUser |
Adds a registered user for a device. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedDevice |
Retrieves the list of previously deleted devices. |
Get-EntraBetaDevice |
Gets a device from Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaDeviceRegisteredOwner |
Gets the registered owner of a device. |
Get-EntraBetaDeviceRegisteredUser |
Retrieve a list of users that are registered users of the device. |
New-EntraBetaDevice |
Creates a device. |
Remove-EntraBetaDevice |
Deletes a device. |
Remove-EntraBetaDeviceRegisteredOwner |
Removes the registered owner of a device. |
Remove-EntraBetaDeviceRegisteredUser |
Removes a registered user from a device. |
Set-EntraBetaDevice |
Updates a device. |
Add-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleMember |
Adds a member to a directory role. |
Enable-EntraBetaDirectoryRole |
Activates an existing directory role in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedDirectoryObject |
Retrieves a soft deleted directory object from the directory. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryObject |
Retrieves directory objects based on a list of IDs. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryObjectOnPremisesProvisioningError |
Returns directory synchronization errors when synchronizing on-premises directories to Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryRole |
Gets a directory role. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleMember |
Gets members of a directory role. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleTemplate |
Gets directory role templates. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectorySetting |
Gets a directory setting. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectorySettingTemplate |
Gets a directory setting template. |
Get-EntraBetaDirSyncConfiguration |
Gets the directory synchronization settings. |
Get-EntraBetaDirSyncFeature |
Checks the status of directory synchronization features for a tenant. |
Get-EntraBetaHasObjectsWithDirSyncProvisioningError |
Returns whether Microsoft Entra ID has objects with DirSync provisioning error. |
Get-EntraBetaTenantDetail |
Gets the details of a tenant. |
New-EntraBetaDirectorySetting |
Creates a directory settings object. |
Remove-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleMember |
Removes a member of a directory role. |
Remove-EntraBetaDirectorySetting |
Deletes a directory setting in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Resolve-EntraBetaTenant |
Resolves a Tenant ID or Domain Name to a Microsoft Entra ID Tenant. |
Restore-EntraBetaDeletedDirectoryObject |
Restore a previously deleted object. |
Set-EntraBetaDirectorySetting |
Updates a directory setting in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Set-EntraBetaDirSyncConfiguration |
Modifies the directory synchronization settings. |
Set-EntraBetaDirSyncEnabled |
Turns directory synchronization on or off for a company. |
Set-EntraBetaDirSyncFeature |
Used to set identity synchronization features for a tenant. |
Set-EntraBetaTenantDetail |
Set contact details for a tenant. |
Confirm-EntraBetaDomain |
Validate the ownership of a domain. |
Get-EntraBetaDomain |
Gets a domain. |
Get-EntraBetaDomainFederationSettings |
Retrieves settings for a federated domain. |
Get-EntraBetaDomainNameReference |
Retrieves the objects that are referenced by a given domain name. |
Get-EntraBetaDomainServiceConfigurationRecord |
Gets the domain's service configuration records from the |
Get-EntraBetaDomainVerificationDnsRecord |
Retrieve the domain verification DNS record for a domain. |
Get-EntraBetaFederationProperty |
Displays the properties of the Microsoft Entra ID Federation Services 2.0 server and Microsoft Online. |
Get-EntraBetaPasswordPolicy |
Retrieves the current password policy for the tenant or the specified domain. |
New-EntraBetaDomain |
Creates a domain. |
Remove-EntraBetaDomain |
Removes a domain. |
Set-EntraBetaDomain |
Updates a domain. |
Set-EntraBetaDomainFederationSettings |
Updates settings for a federated domain. |
Global secure access
Enable-EntraBetaGlobalSecureAccessTenant |
Onboard the Global Secure Access service in the tenant. |
Get-EntraBetaGlobalSecureAccessTenantStatus |
Retrieves the onboarding status of the Global Secure Access service in the tenant. |
Get-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplication |
Retrieves a list of all Private Access applications, or if specified, details of a specific application. |
Get-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplicationSegment |
Retrieves a list of all application segments associated to a Private Access application, or if specified, details of a specific application segment. |
New-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplication |
Creates a Private Access application and assigns a connector group to it. |
New-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplicationSegment |
Creates an application segment associated to a Private Access application. |
Remove-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplicationSegment |
Removes an application segment associated to a Private Access application. |
Add-EntraBetaGroupMember |
Add a member to a security or Microsoft 365 group. |
Add-EntraBetaGroupOwner |
Add a user or service principal as an owner of a Microsoft 365 or security group. |
Add-EntraBetaLifecyclePolicyGroup |
Adds a group to a lifecycle policy. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedGroup |
This cmdlet is used to retrieve the soft deleted groups in a Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaGroup |
Gets a group. |
Get-EntraBetaGroupAppRoleAssignment |
Gets a group application role assignment. |
Get-EntraBetaGroupLifecyclePolicy |
Retrieves the properties and relationships of a groupLifecyclePolicies object in Microsoft Entra ID. If you specify no parameters, this cmdlet gets all groupLifecyclePolicies. |
Get-EntraBetaGroupMember |
Gets a member of a group. |
Get-EntraBetaGroupOwner |
Gets an owner of a group. |
Get-EntraBetaGroupPermissionGrant |
Retrieve a list of permission grants consented for this group. |
Get-EntraBetaLifecyclePolicyGroup |
Retrieves the lifecycle policy object to which a group belongs. |
Get-EntraBetaObjectByObjectId |
Retrieves the objects specified by the ObjectIds parameter. |
Get-EntraBetaObjectSetting |
Gets an object setting. |
New-EntraBetaGroup |
Creates a Microsoft Entra ID group. |
New-EntraBetaGroupAppRoleAssignment |
Assign a group of users to an application role. |
New-EntraBetaGroupLifecyclePolicy |
Creates a new groupLifecyclePolicy. |
New-EntraBetaObjectSetting |
Creates a settings object. |
Remove-EntraBetaGroup |
Removes a group. |
Remove-EntraBetaGroupAppRoleAssignment |
Delete a group application role assignment. |
Remove-EntraBetaGroupLifecyclePolicy |
Deletes a groupLifecyclePolicies object |
Remove-EntraBetaGroupMember |
Removes a member from a group. |
Remove-EntraBetaGroupOwner |
Removes an owner from a group. |
Remove-EntraBetaLifecyclePolicyGroup |
Removes a group from a lifecycle policy. |
Remove-EntraBetaObjectSetting |
Deletes settings in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Reset-EntraBetaLifeCycleGroup |
Renews a group by updating the RenewedDateTime property on a group to the current DateTime. |
Select-EntraBetaGroupIdsContactIsMemberOf |
Get groups in which a contact is a member. |
Select-EntraBetaGroupIdsGroupIsMemberOf |
Gets group IDs that a group is a member of. |
Select-EntraBetaGroupIdsUserIsMemberOf |
Selects the groups that a user is a member of. |
Set-EntraBetaGroup |
Sets the properties for an existing Microsoft Entra ID group. |
Set-EntraBetaGroupLifecyclePolicy |
Updates a specific group Lifecycle Policy in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Set-EntraBetaObjectSetting |
Updates object settings. |
Identity and access
Get-EntraBetaAuthorizationPolicy |
Gets an authorization policy. |
Get-EntraBetaOAuth2PermissionGrant |
Gets OAuth2PermissionGrant entities. |
New-EntraBetaOauth2PermissionGrant |
Create a delegated permission grant using an oAuth2PermissionGrant object. This grant allows a client service principal to access a resource service principal on behalf of a signed-in user, with access restricted to the specified delegated permissions. |
Remove-EntraBetaOAuth2PermissionGrant |
Removes an OAuth2PermissionGrant. |
Set-EntraBetaAuthorizationPolicy |
Updates an authorization policy. |
Update-EntraBetaOauth2PermissionGrant |
Update the properties of a delegated permission grant (oAuth2PermissionGrant object). |
Identity provider
Get-EntraBetaIdentityProvider |
This cmdlet is used to retrieve the configured identity providers in the directory. |
New-EntraBetaIdentityProvider |
Configure a new identity provider in the directory. |
Remove-EntraBetaIdentityProvider |
This cmdlet is used to delete an identity provider in the directory. |
Set-EntraBetaIdentityProvider |
Update the properties of an existing identity provider configured in the directory. |
New-EntraBetaInvitation |
This cmdlet is used to invite a new external user to your directory |
Licenses and subscriptions
Get-EntraBetaAccountSku |
Retrieves all the SKUs for a company. |
Get-EntraBetaSubscribedSku |
Gets subscribed SKUs to Microsoft services. |
Enable-EntraAzureADAlias |
Enables aliases for AzureAD commands. |
Test-EntraScript |
Check whether the provided script uses AzureAD commands not supported by Microsoft Entra PowerShell. |
Partner information
Get-EntraBetaPartnerInformation |
Retrieves company-level information for partners. |
Set-EntraBetaPartnerInformation |
Sets company information for partners. |
Add-EntraBetaFeatureRolloutPolicyDirectoryObject |
Allows an admin to add a group to the cloud authentication roll-out policy in Microsoft Entra ID. Users in this group start authenticating to the cloud per policy. |
Add-EntraBetaServicePrincipalPolicy |
Adds a servicePrincipal policy. |
Get-EntraBetaConditionalAccessPolicy |
Gets a Microsoft Entra ID conditional access policy. |
Get-EntraBetaFeatureRolloutPolicy |
Gets the policy for cloud authentication roll-out in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaNamedLocationPolicy |
Gets an Microsoft Entra ID named location policy. |
Get-EntraBetaPermissionGrantConditionSet |
Get a Microsoft Entra ID permission grant condition set by ID. |
Get-EntraBetaPermissionGrantPolicy |
Gets a permission grant policy. |
Get-EntraBetaPolicy |
Gets a policy. |
Get-EntraBetaPolicyAppliedObject |
Gets a policy-applied object from Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalPolicy |
Gets a servicePrincipal policy. |
New-EntraBetaConditionalAccessPolicy |
Creates a new conditional access policy in Microsoft Entra ID. |
New-EntraBetaFeatureRolloutPolicy |
Allows an admin to create the policy for cloud authentication roll-out in Microsoft Entra ID. |
New-EntraBetaNamedLocationPolicy |
Creates a new named location policy in Microsoft Entra ID. |
New-EntraBetaPermissionGrantConditionSet |
Create a new Microsoft Entra ID permission grant condition set in a given policy. |
New-EntraBetaPermissionGrantPolicy |
Creates a permission grant policy. |
New-EntraBetaPolicy |
Creates a policy. |
Remove-EntraBetaConditionalAccessPolicy |
Deletes a conditional access policy in Microsoft Entra ID by Id. |
Remove-EntraBetaFeatureRolloutPolicy |
Allows an admin to remove the policy for cloud authentication roll-out in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Remove-EntraBetaFeatureRolloutPolicyDirectoryObject |
Allows an admin to remove a group from the cloud authentication rollout policy in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Remove-EntraBetaNamedLocationPolicy |
Deletes a Microsoft Entra ID named location policy by PolicyId. |
Remove-EntraBetaPermissionGrantConditionSet |
Delete a Microsoft Entra ID permission grant condition set by ID. |
Remove-EntraBetaPermissionGrantPolicy |
Removes a permission grant policy. |
Remove-EntraBetaPolicy |
Removes a policy. |
Remove-EntraBetaServicePrincipalPolicy |
Delete a servicePrincipal policy. |
Set-EntraBetaConditionalAccessPolicy |
Updates a conditional access policy in Microsoft Entra ID by ID. |
Set-EntraBetaFeatureRolloutPolicy |
Allows an admin to modify the policy for cloud authentication roll-out in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Set-EntraBetaNamedLocationPolicy |
Updates a named location policy in Microsoft Entra ID by PolicyId. |
Set-EntraBetaPermissionGrantConditionSet |
Update an existing Microsoft Entra ID permission grant condition set. |
Set-EntraBetaPermissionGrantPolicy |
Updates a permission grant policy. |
Set-EntraBetaPolicy |
Updates a policy. |
Privileged identity management
Get-EntraBetaPrivilegedResource |
Get Microsoft Entra ID privileged resource. |
Get-EntraBetaPrivilegedRole |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-EntraBetaPrivilegedRoleAssignmentRequest |
Get role assignment request for a specific resource |
Get-EntraBetaPrivilegedRoleDefinition |
Get role definitions. |
Get-EntraBetaPrivilegedRoleSetting |
Get role settings. |
New-EntraBetaPrivilegedRoleAssignment |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Set-EntraBetaPrivilegedRoleAssignmentRequest |
Update a role assignment request |
Set-EntraBetaPrivilegedRoleSetting |
Update role setting. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationSignInDetailedSummary |
Get detailed sign in summaries. |
Get-EntraBetaApplicationSignInSummary |
Get sign in summary by last number of days. |
Get-EntraBetaAuditDirectoryLog |
Get directory audit logs. |
Get-EntraBetaAuditSignInLog |
Get audit logs of sign-ins. |
Get-EntraUnsupportedCommand |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Role management
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Get a Microsoft Entra ID roleAssignment. |
Get-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Gets information about role definitions in Microsoft Entra ID. |
New-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Create a new Microsoft Entra ID roleAssignment. |
New-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Create a new Microsoft Entra ID roleDefinition. |
Remove-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Delete a Microsoft Entra ID roleAssignment. |
Remove-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Delete a Microsoft Entra ID Directory roleDefinition object. |
Set-EntraBetaDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Update an existing Microsoft Entra ID roleDefinition. |
Service principal
Add-EntraBetaServicePrincipalDelegatedPermissionClassification |
Add a classification for a delegated permission. |
Add-EntraBetaServicePrincipalOwner |
Add an owner (user or service principal) to a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedServicePrincipal |
Retrieves the list of previously deleted service principals. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipal |
Gets a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedTo |
Gets app role assignments for this app or service, granted to users, groups, and other service principals. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment |
Gets a service principal application role assignment. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalCreatedObject |
Get objects created by a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalDelegatedPermissionClassification |
Retrieve the delegated permission classification objects on a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalKeyCredential |
Get key credentials for a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalMembership |
Get a service principal membership. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrant |
Gets an OAuth2PermissionGrant object. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalOwnedObject |
Gets an object owned by a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalOwner |
Get the owner of a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaServicePrincipalPasswordCredential |
Get credentials for a service principal. |
New-EntraBetaServicePrincipal |
Creates a service principal. |
New-EntraBetaServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment |
Assigns a service principal to an application role. |
New-EntraBetaServicePrincipalPasswordCredential |
Creates a password credential for a service principal. |
Remove-EntraBetaServicePrincipal |
Removes a service principal. |
Remove-EntraBetaServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment |
Removes a service principal application role assignment. |
Remove-EntraBetaServicePrincipalDelegatedPermissionClassification |
Remove delegated permission classification. |
Remove-EntraBetaServicePrincipalOwner |
Removes an owner from a service principal. |
Remove-EntraBetaServicePrincipalPasswordCredential |
Removes a password credential from a service principal. |
Select-EntraBetaGroupIdsServicePrincipalIsMemberOf |
Selects the groups in which a service principal is a member. |
Set-EntraBetaServicePrincipal |
Updates a service principal. |
Get-EntraBetaDeletedUser |
Retrieves soft-deleted (recently deleted) users in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Get-EntraBetaUser |
Gets a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserAdministrativeUnit |
Retrieves the list of administrative units a user belongs to. |
Get-EntraBetaUserAppRoleAssignment |
Get a user application role assignment. |
Get-EntraBetaUserAuthenticationMethod |
Retrieve a list of a user's registered authentication methods. |
Get-EntraBetaUserAuthenticationRequirement |
Retrieve the authentication method status of a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserCreatedObject |
Get objects created by the user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserDirectReport |
Get the user's direct reports. |
Get-EntraBetaUserExtension |
Gets a user extension. |
Get-EntraBetaUserGroup |
Retrieves the list of groups a user belongs to. |
Get-EntraBetaUserInactiveSignIn |
Retrieve users without interactive sign-ins in the last N days. |
Get-EntraBetaUserLicenseDetail |
Retrieves license details for a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserManager |
Gets the manager of a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserMembership |
Get user memberships. |
Get-EntraBetaUserOAuth2PermissionGrant |
Gets an oAuth2PermissionGrant object. |
Get-EntraBetaUserOwnedDevice |
Get registered devices owned by a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserOwnedObject |
Get objects owned by a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserRegisteredDevice |
Get devices registered by a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserRole |
Retrieves the list of directory roles assigned to a user. |
Get-EntraBetaUserSponsor |
Retrieve a user's sponsors (users or groups). |
Get-EntraBetaUserThumbnailPhoto |
Retrieve the thumbnail photo of a user. |
New-EntraBetaUser |
Creates a Microsoft Entra ID user. |
New-EntraBetaUserAppRoleAssignment |
Assigns a user to an application role. |
Remove-EntraBetaUser |
Removes a user. |
Remove-EntraBetaUserAppRoleAssignment |
Removes a user application role assignment. |
Remove-EntraBetaUserExtension |
Removes a user extension. |
Remove-EntraBetaUserManager |
Removes a user's manager. |
Remove-EntraBetaUserSponsor |
Removes a sponsor from a user. |
Set-EntraBetaUser |
Updates a user. |
Set-EntraBetaUserExtension |
Sets a user extension. |
Set-EntraBetaUserLicense |
Adds or removes licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for a user. |
Set-EntraBetaUserManager |
Updates a user's manager. |
Set-EntraBetaUserPassword |
Sets the password of a user. |
Set-EntraBetaUserThumbnailPhoto |
Set the thumbnail photo for a user. |
Update-EntraBetaSignedInUserPassword |
Updates the password for the signed-in user. |
Update-EntraBetaUserAuthenticationRequirement |
Update the MFA Status of a user. |
Update-EntraBetaUserFromFederated |
Updates a user in a domain that was recently converted from single sign-on (also known as identity federation) to standard authentication type. |