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Sets the server mode, which is required for non-interactive sessions.


   [-Key <String>]
   [-AppPrincipalId <String>]
   [-BposTenantId <String>]


The Set-RMSServerAuthentication cmdlet sets the server mode so that commands can be run non-interactively. Use server mode when you need to protect or unprotect files without interaction. For example, if you protect files by using Windows Server and File Classification Infrastructure (FCI), or a scheduled script that automatically protects files on a computer or network share. You need run this command just one time for your PowerShell session.

This cmdlet does not apply if you use your user account to protect or unprotect files.

  • For Azure RMS: Server mode requires you to specify credentials for a service principal account that authenticates to the Azure Rights Management service.

  • For AD RMS: Server mode requires you to specify Windows integrated authentication so that the computer account can be authenticated with the AD RMS service. The computer account must be granted permissions to ServerCertification.asmx.

    Server mode for AD RMS requires the current GA version of the Azure Information Protection client.

For information how to get the identifiers that the service principal requires for Azure RMS, and how to grant the permissions for AD RMS, see Using PowerShell with the AIP unified labeling client.


Example 1: Set the server mode for Azure RMS by specifying the credentials for a service principal account

PS C:\>Set-RMSServerAuthentication -BposTenantId "23976bc6-dcd4-4173-9d96-dad1f48efd42" -Key "zIeMu8zNJ6U377CLtppkhkbl4gjodmYSXUVwAO5ycgA=" -AppPrincipalId "b5e3f76a-b5c2-4c96-a594-a0807f65bba4"

This command sets credentials that lets a service principle account authenticate to Azure RMS, by specifying the required three identifiers.

Example 2: Set the server mode for AD RMS by specifying Windows integrated authentication

PS C:\>Set-RMSServerAuthentication -IntegratedAuth
Integrated authentication is enabled

This command sets the server mode for Windows integrated authentication, which lets a computer account authenticate to AD RMS.



Specifies the AppPrincipalId value of a service principal account in Azure AD.

Applies to Azure RMS only. Specify this parameter with the BposTenantId parameter and the Key parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the BposTenantId value (the tenant ID) to which the service principal account belongs.

Applies to Azure RMS only. Specify this parameter with the AppPrincipalId parameter and the Key parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies server mode for AD RMS so that cmdlets can run non-interactively by using Windows integrated authentication for the computer account.

Applies to AD RMS only.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the symmetric key value for the service principal account in Azure AD.

Applies to Azure RMS only. Specify this parameter with the AppPrincipalId parameter and the BposTenantId parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False