
Short description

Describes the keywords in the PowerShell scripting language.

Long description

PowerShell has the following language keywords. For more information, see the about topic for the keyword and the information that follows the table.

Keyword Reference
begin about_Functions, about_Functions_Advanced
break about_Break, about_Trap
catch about_Try_Catch_Finally
class about_Classes
clean about_Functions, about_Functions_Advanced_Methods
continue about_Continue, about_Trap
data about_Data_Sections
define Reserved for future use
do about_Do, about_While
dynamicparam about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters
else about_If
elseif about_If
end about_Functions, about_Functions_Advanced_Methods
enum about_Enum
exit Described in this topic
filter about_Functions
finally about_Try_Catch_Finally
for about_For
foreach about_ForEach
from Reserved for future use
function about_Functions, about_Functions_Advanced
hidden about_Hidden
if about_If
in about_ForEach
param about_Functions
process about_Functions, about_Functions_Advanced
return about_Return
static about_Classes
switch about_Switch
throw about_Throw, about_Functions_Advanced_Methods
trap about_Trap, about_Break, about_Try_Catch_Finally
try about_Try_Catch_Finally
until about_Do
using about_Using, about_Classes
var Reserved for future use
while about_While, about_Do

The following keywords are used by PowerShell workflows:

  • inlinescript
  • parallel
  • sequence
  • workflow

PowerShell workflows are only supported in PowerShell 5.1. For more information about workflows, see Running PowerShell Commands in a Workflow.


Specifies one part of the body of a function, along with the dynamicparam, process, and end keywords. The begin statement list runs one time before any objects are received from the pipeline.


function <name> {
    dynamicparam {<statement list>}
    begin {<statement list>}
    process {<statement list>}
    end {<statement list>}


Causes a script to exit a loop.


while (<condition>) {




Specifies a statement list to run if an error occurs in the accompanying try statement list. An error type requires brackets. The second pair of brackets indicates that the error type is optional.


try {<statement list>}
catch [[<error type>]] {<statement list>}


Specifies a new class in PowerShell.


class <class-name> {
    [[hidden] [static] <property-definition> ...]
    [<class-name>([argument-list>]) {<constructor-statement-list>} ...]
    [[hidden] [static] <method-definition> ...]


The clean keyword was added in PowerShell 7.3. The keyword defines a block of code that's guaranteed to run after the begin, process and end blocks of a function. Unlike the end block, the clean block is always executed, even when there is a terminating error in one of the other blocks.


Causes a script to stop running a loop and to go back to the condition. If the condition is met, the script begins the loop again.


while (<condition>) {




In a script, defines a section that isolates data from the script logic. Can also include if statements and some limited commands.


data <variable> [-supportedCommand <cmdlet-name>] {<permitted content>}


Used with the while or until keyword as a looping construct. PowerShell runs the statement list at least one time, unlike a loop that uses while.

Syntax for while:

do {<statement list>} while (<condition>)

Syntax for until:

do {<statement list>} until (<condition>)


Specifies one part of the body of a function, along with the begin, process, and end keywords. Dynamic parameters are added at runtime.


function <name> {
   dynamicparam {<statement list>}
   begin {<statement list>}
   process {<statement list>}
   end {<statement list>}


Used with the if keyword to specify the default statement list.


if (<condition>) {<statement list>}
else {<statement list>}


Used with the if and else keywords to specify additional conditionals. The else keyword is optional.


if (<condition>) {<statement list>}
elseif (<condition>) {<statement list>}
else {<statement list>}


Specifies one part of the body of a function, along with the dynamicparam, begin, and end keywords. The end statement list runs one time after all the objects have been received from the pipeline.


function <name> {
   dynamicparam {<statement list>}
   begin {<statement list>}
   process {<statement list>}
   end {<statement list>}


enum is used to declare an enumeration; a distinct type that consists of a set of named labels called the enumerator list.


enum <enum-name> {
    <label> [= <int-value>]


Causes PowerShell to exit a script or a PowerShell instance.


exit <exitcode>

When you use pwsh with the File parameter, the .ps1 (script) file itself should include instructions for handling any errors or exceptions that occur while the script is running. You should only use the exit statement to indicate the post-execution status of the script.

On Windows, any number between [int]::MinValue and [int]::MaxValue is allowed.

On Unix, only positive numbers between [byte]::MinValue and [byte]::MaxValue are allowed. A negative number in the range of -1 through -255 is automatically translated into a positive number by adding 256. For example, -2 is transformed to 254.

In PowerShell, the exit statement sets the value of the $LASTEXITCODE variable. In the Windows Command Shell (cmd.exe), the exit statement sets the value of the %ERRORLEVEL% environment variable.

Any argument that is non-numeric or outside the platform-specific range is translated to the value of 0.

In the following example, the user sets the error level variable value to 4 by adding exit 4 to the script file test.ps1.

C:\scripts\test>type test.ps1
exit 4

C:\scripts\test>pwsh -file ./test.ps1

C:\scripts\test>echo %ERRORLEVEL%

When you run pwsh.exe -File <path to a script> and the script file terminates with an exit command, the exit code is set to the numeric argument used with the exit command. If the script has no exit statement, the exit code is always 0 when the script completes without error or 1 when the script terminates from an unhandled exception.


Specifies a function in which the statement list runs one time for each input object. It has the same effect as a function that contains only a process block.


filter <name> {<statement list>}


Defines a statement list that runs after statements that are associated with try and catch. A finally statement list runs even if you press CTRL+C to leave a script or if you use the exit keyword in the script.


try {<statement list>}
catch [<error type>] {<statement list>}
finally {<statement list>}


Defines a loop with a condition.


for (<initialize>; <condition>; <iterate>) { <statement list> }


Defines a loop using each member of a collection.


foreach (<item> in <collection>) { <statement list> }


Reserved for future use.


Creates a named statement list of reusable code. You can name the scope a function belongs to. You can also specify one or more named parameters by using the param keyword. Within the function statement list, you can include dynamicparam, begin, process, and end statement lists.


function [<scope:>]<name> {
   param ([type]<$pname1> [, [type]<$pname2>])
   dynamicparam {<statement list>}
   begin {<statement list>}
   process {<statement list>}
   end {<statement list>}

You also have the option of defining one or more parameters outside the statement list after the function name.


function [<scope:>]<name> [([type]<$pname1>, [[type]<$pname2>])] {
   dynamicparam {<statement list>}
   begin {<statement list>}
   process {<statement list>}
   end {<statement list>}


Defines a conditional.


if (<condition>) {<statement list>}


Hides class members from the default results of the Get-Member cmdlet, IntelliSense, and tab completion results.


hidden [data type] $member_name


Used in a foreach statement to create a loop that uses each member of a collection.


foreach (<item> in <collection>){<statement list>}


Defines the parameters in a function.


function [<scope:>]<name> {
   param ([type]<$pname1>[, [[type]<$pname2>]])
   <statement list>


Specifies a part of the body of a function, along with the dynamicparam, begin, and end keywords. When a process statement list receives input from the pipeline, the process statement list runs one time for each element from the pipeline. If the pipeline provides no objects, the process statement list does not run. If the command is the first command in the pipeline, the process statement list runs one time.


function <name> {
   dynamicparam {<statement list>}
   begin {<statement list>}
   process {<statement list>}
   end {<statement list>}


Causes PowerShell to leave the current scope, such as a script or function, and writes the optional expression to the output.


return [<expression>]


Specifies the property or method defined is common to all instances of the class in which it is defined.

See class for usage examples.


To check multiple conditions, use a switch statement. The switch statement is equivalent to a series of if statements, but it is simpler.

The switch statement lists each condition and an optional action. If a condition obtains, the action is performed.

Syntax 1:

switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] ( <value> )
   <string>|<number>|<variable>|{ <expression> } {<statement list>}
   <string>|<number>|<variable>|{ <expression> } {<statement list>}

   default {<statement list>}

Syntax 2:

switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] -file <filename>
   <string>|<number>|<variable>|{ <expression> } {<statement list>}
   <string>|<number>|<variable>|{ <expression> } {<statement list>}

   default {<statement list>}


Throws an object as an error.


throw [<object>]


Defines a statement list to be run if an error is encountered. An error type requires brackets. The second pair of brackets indicates that the error type is optional.


trap [[<error type>]] {<statement list>}


Defines a statement list to be checked for errors while the statements run. If an error occurs, PowerShell continues running in a catch or finally statement. An error type requires brackets. The second pair of brackets indicates that the error type is optional.


try {<statement list>}
catch [[<error type>]] {<statement list>}
finally {<statement list>}


Used in a do statement as a looping construct where the statement list is executed at least one time.


do {<statement list>} until (<condition>)


Allows you to indicate which namespaces are used in the session. Type names, classes, and members require less typing to reference them. You can also include classes from modules.

Namespace syntax:

using namespace <.Net-namespace>

Module syntax:

using module <module-name>

Assembly syntax:

using assembly <.NET-assembly-path>

For more information, see about_Using.


The while statement is a looping construct where the condition is tested before the statements are executed. If the condition is false, then the statements do not execute.

Statement syntax:

while (<condition>) {

When used in a do statement, while is part of a looping construct where the statement list is executed at least one time.

do loop Syntax:

do {<statement list>} while (<condition>)

See also