Manage roles

In this article, you learn how to manage roles using Microsoft Entra PowerShell. A role in Microsoft Entra defines permissions that control access to resources like users, groups, and applications. Roles are assigned to users or groups to grant permissions to perform specific tasks.


To manage roles with Microsoft Entra PowerShell, you need:

Find role definitions

A role definition is a collection of permissions that can be performed, such as read, write, and delete. It's typically called a role. Microsoft Entra ID has over 60 built-in roles and you can create your own custom roles. To understand what each role does, you can view a detailed list of its permissions.

To get all the role definitions, run the following Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition command with at least the Directory Readers role.

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.Read.Directory'
DisplayName                                   Id                                   TemplateId                           Description
-----------                                   --                                   ----------                           -----------
Guest User                                    10dae51f-b6af-4016-8d66-8c2a99b929b3 10dae51f-b6af-4016-8d66-8c2a99b929b3 Default role for guest users. Can read a limited set of directory information.
Restricted Guest User                         2af84b1e-32c8-42b7-82bc-daa82404023b 2af84b1e-32c8-42b7-82bc-daa82404023b Restricted role for guest users. Can read a limited set of directory information.

Find role assignments

This section describes how to list roles you have assigned in Microsoft Entra ID. To get all the role assignments, run the Get-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment command with at least the Directory Readers role.

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.Read.Directory'
Get-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment -All 
Id                                            PrincipalId                           RoleDefinitionId                      DirectoryScopeId AppScopeId
--                                            -----------                           ----------------                      ---------------- ----------
00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444          aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222  a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1  /                
11112222-bbbb-3333-cccc-4444dddd5555          bbbbbbbb-cccc-dddd-2222-333333333333  a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1  /                
22223333-cccc-4444-dddd-5555eeee6666          cccccccc-dddd-eeee-3333-444444444444  a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1  /                
33334444-dddd-5555-eeee-6666ffff7777          dddddddd-eeee-ffff-4444-555555555555  a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1  /                
44445555-eeee-6666-ffff-7777aaaa8888          eeeeeeee-ffff-aaaa-5555-666666666666  a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1  /                 

The PrincipalId specifies the account the role is assigned to, and the RoleDefinitionId specifies the role assigned to the account.

Assign roles

To grant access to users in Microsoft Entra ID, assign Microsoft Entra roles. This section explains how to assign Microsoft Entra roles to users and groups. You need to have at least the Privileged Role Administrator role to complete the following tasks.

Assign roles to users

  1. Use Get-EntraUser to retrieve the user for role assignment.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.Read.All'
    $user = Get-EntraUser -UserId ''

    The -UserId Specifies the ID as a user principal name (UPN) or ObjectId.

    DisplayName Id                                   Mail                                 UserPrincipalName
    ----------- --                                   ----                                 -----------------
    Markus Long bbbbbbbb-1111-2222-3333-cccccccccccc         
  2. Use the Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition command to get the role ID (RoleDefinitionId) you want to assign.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.Read.Directory', 'EntitlementManagement.Read.All'
    $directoryRole = Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Helpdesk Administrator'"
  3. Use the New-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment command to assign the role.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory'
    New-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionId $directoryRole.Id -PrincipalId $user.Id -DirectoryScopeId '/'
    Id                                       PrincipalId                          RoleDefinitionId                     DirectoryScopeId AppScopeId
    --                                       -----------                          ----------------                     ---------------- ----------
    00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444     aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222 a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 /

This command creates a new role assignment in Microsoft Entra ID.

  • The -RoleDefinitionId parameter specifies the ID of the role definition that you want to assign. Role definitions describe the permissions that are granted to users or groups by the role. This is the identifier of the unifiedRoleDefinition the assignment is for.

  • The -PrincipalId parameter specifies the ID of the principal (user, group, or service principal) to whom the role is being assigned.

  • The-DirectoryScopeId parameter specifies the scope of the directory over which the role assignment is effective. The / value typically represents the root scope, meaning the role assignment is applicable across the entire directory.

Assign roles to groups

To simplify role management, you can assign Microsoft Entra roles to a group instead of individuals. This way, you can manage role assignments for multiple users at once.

  1. Create a role-assignable group using the IsAssignableToRole parameter. This parameter is set to True to indicate that the group can be assigned to a role.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'Group.ReadWrite.All'
    $params = @{
        DisplayName = 'HelpDesk admin group2'
        Description = 'Group assignable to role'
        MailEnabled = $False
        MailNickname = 'helpDeskAdminGroup'
        SecurityEnabled = $True
        IsAssignableToRole = $True
    $group = New-EntraGroup @params
    DisplayName           Id                                   MailNickname       Description              GroupTypes
    -----------           --                                   ------------       -----------              ----------
    HelpDesk admin group2 vvvvvvvv-8888-9999-0000-jjjjjjjjjjjj helpDeskAdminGroup Group assignable to role {}
  2. Get the role ID (RoleDefinitionId) you want to assign using the Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition command.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.Read.Directory'
    $directoryRole = Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Helpdesk Administrator'"
  3. Create a role assignment using the New-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment command where the PrincipalId is the group ID.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory'
    New-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionId $directoryRole.Id -PrincipalId $group.Id -DirectoryScopeId '/'

Create a custom role

This section explains how to create new custom roles in Microsoft Entra ID with Microsoft Entra PowerShell. You need to have at least the Privileged Role Administrator role to complete the following task.

To create a new role, use the New-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition cmdlet.

  • The RolePermissions parameter specifies the permissions for the role definition.
  • The IsEnabled parameter specifies whether the role definition is enabled.
  • The DisplayName parameter specifies the display name for the role definition.
Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory'
$rolePermissions = New-object Microsoft.Open.MSGraph.Model.RolePermission
$rolePermissions.AllowedResourceActions =  @("")
New-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition -RolePermissions $rolePermissions -IsEnabled $true -DisplayName 'Custom Application Read'

DisplayName             Id                                   TemplateId                           Description IsBuiltIn IsEnabled
-----------             --                                   ----------                           ----------- --------- ---------
Custom Application Read a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 f5f5f5f5-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-d6d6d6d6d6d6             False     True

To find more specification options when creating a custom role, go to the New-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition article.

Once you have created the role, you can assign it to users or groups.

Clean up resources

This section explains how to delete roles in Microsoft Entra ID with Microsoft Entra PowerShell. You need to have at least the Privileged Role Administrator role to complete the following tasks.

Remove role assignments

Use the Remove-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment command to remove a role assignment. If you need to find the role assignment ID, referred in the -Id parameter, run the Get-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment command first.

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory'
$group = Get-EntraGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'HelpDesk admin group2'"
$directoryRole = Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Helpdesk Administrator'"
Get-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment | Where-Object {$_.PrincipalId -eq $group.Id -and $_.RoleDefinitionId -eq $directoryRole.Id} | Remove-EntraDirectoryRoleAssignment

This example removes the specified role assignment from Microsoft Entra ID.

Remove roles

You can't delete built-in roles. Use the Remove-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition command to delete a custom role. The DisplayName parameter refers to the custom role's display name.

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory'
Get-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Custom Application Read'" | Remove-EntraDirectoryRoleDefinition

To view the complete list of all cmdlets for managing roles, see Microsoft Entra PowerShell cmdlets for role management.