Use Credentials with DSC Resources
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 5.0, Windows PowerShell 5.1
You can run a DSC resource under a specified set of credentials by using the automatic PsDscRunAsCredential property in the configuration. By default, DSC runs each resource as the system account. There are times when running as a user is necessary, such as installing MSI packages in a specific user context, setting a user's registry keys, accessing a user's specific local directory, or accessing a network share. The SeInteractiveLogonRight is required, by the target machine, for any account you specify to PSDSCRunAsCredential. For more information, see Account Rights Constants.
Every DSC resource has a PsDscRunAsCredential property that can be set to any user credentials (a PSCredential object). The credential can be hard-coded as the value of the property in the configuration, or you can set the value to Get-Credential, which will prompt the user for a credential when the configuration is compiled (for information about compiling configurations, see Configurations.
In PowerShell 5.0, using the PsDscRunAsCredential property in configurations calling composite resources was not supported. In PowerShell 5.1, the PsDscRunAsCredential property is supported in configurations calling composite resources. The PsDscRunAsCredential property is not available in PowerShell 4.0.
In the following example, Get-Credential
is used to prompt the user for credentials. The
Registry resource is used to change the registry key that specifies the background color for the
Windows command prompt window.
Configuration ChangeCmdBackGroundColor
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Node $AllNodes.NodeName
Registry CmdPath
Key = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor'
ValueName = 'DefaultColor'
ValueData = '1F'
ValueType = 'DWORD'
Ensure = 'Present'
Force = $true
Hex = $true
PsDscRunAsCredential = Get-Credential
$configData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = 'localhost';
PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true
CertificateFile = 'C:\publicKeys\targetNode.cer'
Thumbprint = '7ee7f09d-4be0-41aa-a47f-96b9e3bdec25'
ChangeCmdBackGroundColor -ConfigurationData $configData
This example assumes that you have a valid certificate at C:\publicKeys\targetNode.cer
, and that
the thumbprint of that certificate is the value shown. For information about encrypting
credentials in DSC configuration MOF files, see
Securing the MOF file.