TripPin part 10 - Basic query folding


This content currently references content from a legacy implementation for logs in Visual Studio. The content will be updated in the near future to cover the new Power Query SDK in Visual Studio Code.

This multi-part tutorial covers the creation of a new data source extension for Power Query. The tutorial is meant to be done sequentially—each lesson builds on the connector created in previous lessons, incrementally adding new capabilities to your connector.

In this lesson, you will:

  • Learn the basics of query folding
  • Learn about the Table.View function
  • Replicate OData query folding handlers for:
  • $top
  • $skip
  • $count
  • $select
  • $orderby

One of the powerful features of the M language is its ability to push transformation work to one or more underlying data sources. This capability is referred to as Query Folding (other tools/technologies also refer to similar function as Predicate Pushdown, or Query Delegation).

When creating a custom connector that uses an M function with built-in query folding capabilities, such as OData.Feed or Odbc.DataSource, your connector automatically inherits this capability for free.

This tutorial replicates the built-in query folding behavior for OData by implementing function handlers for the Table.View function. This part of the tutorial implements some of the easier handlers to implement (that is, ones that don't require expression parsing and state tracking).

To understand more about the query capabilities that an OData service might offer, go to OData v4 URL Conventions.


As stated previously, the OData.Feed function automatically provides query folding capabilities. Since the TripPin series is treating the OData service as a regular REST API, using Web.Contents rather than OData.Feed, you'll need to implement the query folding handlers yourself. For real world usage, we recommend that you use OData.Feed whenever possible.

Go to Overview of query evaluation and query folding in Power Query for more information about query folding.

Using Table.View

The Table.View function allows a custom connector to override default transformation handlers for your data source. An implementation of Table.View will provide a function for one or more of the supported handlers. If a handler is unimplemented, or returns an error during evaluation, the M engine falls back to its default handler.

When a custom connector uses a function that doesn't support implicit query folding, such as Web.Contents, default transformation handlers are always performed locally. If the REST API you're connecting to supports query parameters as part of the query, Table.View lets you add optimizations that allow transformation work to be pushed to the service.

The Table.View function has the following signature:

Table.View(table as nullable table, handlers as record) as table

Your implementation wraps your main data source function. There are two required handlers for Table.View:

  • GetType—returns the expected table type of the query result
  • GetRows—returns the actual table result of your data source function

The simplest implementation would be similar to the following example:

TripPin.SuperSimpleView = (url as text, entity as text) as table =>
    Table.View(null, [
        GetType = () => Value.Type(GetRows()),
        GetRows = () => GetEntity(url, entity)

Update the TripPinNavTable function to call TripPin.SuperSimpleView rather than GetEntity:

withData = Table.AddColumn(rename, "Data", each TripPin.SuperSimpleView(url, [Name]), type table),

If you rerun the unit tests, you see that the behavior of your function isn't changed. In this case, your Table.View implementation is simply passing through the call to GetEntity. Since you haven't implemented any transformation handlers (yet), the original url parameter remains untouched.

Initial implementation of Table.View

The above implementation of Table.View is simple, but not very useful. The following implementation is used as your baseline—it doesn't implement any folding functionality, but has the scaffolding you need to do it.

TripPin.View = (baseUrl as text, entity as text) as table =>
        // Implementation of Table.View handlers.
        // We wrap the record with Diagnostics.WrapHandlers() to get some automatic
        // tracing if a handler returns an error.
        View = (state as record) => Table.View(null, Diagnostics.WrapHandlers([
            // Returns the table type returned by GetRows()
            GetType = () => CalculateSchema(state),

            // Called last - retrieves the data from the calculated URL
            GetRows = () => 
                    finalSchema = CalculateSchema(state),
                    finalUrl = CalculateUrl(state),

                    result = TripPin.Feed(finalUrl, finalSchema),
                    appliedType = Table.ChangeType(result, finalSchema)

            // Helper functions
            // Retrieves the cached schema. If this is the first call
            // to CalculateSchema, the table type is calculated based on
            // the entity name that was passed into the function.
            CalculateSchema = (state) as type =>
                if (state[Schema]? = null) then

            // Calculates the final URL based on the current state.
            CalculateUrl = (state) as text => 
                    urlWithEntity = Uri.Combine(state[Url], state[Entity])
        View([Url = baseUrl, Entity = entity]);

If you look at the call to Table.View, you see an extra wrapper function around the handlers record—Diagnostics.WrapHandlers. This helper function is found in the Diagnostics module (that was introduced in the adding diagnostics lesson), and provides you with a useful way to automatically trace any errors raised by individual handlers.

The GetType and GetRows functions are updated to make use of two new helper functions—CalculateSchema and CalculateUrl. Right now, the implementations of those functions are fairly straightforward—notice that they contain parts of what was previously done by the GetEntity function.

Finally, notice that you're defining an internal function (View) that accepts a state parameter. As you implement more handlers, they'll recursively call the internal View function, updating and passing along state as they go.

Update the TripPinNavTable function once again, replacing the call to TripPin.SuperSimpleView with a call to the new TripPin.View function, and rerun the unit tests. You won't see any new functionality yet, but you now have a solid baseline for testing.

Implementing query folding

Since the M engine automatically falls back to local processing when a query can't be folded, you must take some extra steps to validate that your Table.View handlers are working correctly.

The manual way to validate folding behavior is to watch the URL requests your unit tests make using a tool like Fiddler. Alternatively, the diagnostic logging you added to TripPin.Feed emits the full URL being run, which should include the OData query string parameters your handlers add.

An automated way to validate query folding is to force your unit test execution to fail if a query doesn't fully fold. You can do this by opening the project properties, and setting Error on Folding Failure to True. With this setting enabled, any query that requires local processing results in the following error:

We couldn't fold the expression to the source. Please try a simpler expression.

You can test this out by adding a new Fact to your unit test file that contains one or more table transformations.

// Query folding tests
Fact("Fold $top 1 on Airlines", 
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text, Name = text] , {{"AA", "American Airlines"}} ), 
    Table.FirstN(Airlines, 1)


The Error on Folding Failure setting is an "all or nothing" approach. If you want to test queries that aren't designed to fold as part of your unit tests, you'll need to add some conditional logic to enable/disable tests accordingly.

The remaining sections of this tutorial each add a new Table.View handler. You're taking a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach, where you first add failing unit tests, and then implement the M code to resolve them.

The following handler sections describe the functionality provided by the handler, the OData equivalent query syntax, the unit tests, and the implementation. Using the scaffolding code described previously, each handler implementation requires two changes:

  • Adding the handler to Table.View that updates the state record.
  • Modifying CalculateUrl to retrieve the values from the state and add to the url and/or query string parameters.

Handling Table.FirstN with OnTake

The OnTake handler receives a count parameter, which is the maximum number of rows to take from GetRows. In OData terms, you can translate this to the $top query parameter.

You use the following unit tests:

// Query folding tests
Fact("Fold $top 1 on Airlines", 
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text, Name = text] , {{"AA", "American Airlines"}} ), 
    Table.FirstN(Airlines, 1)
Fact("Fold $top 0 on Airports", 
    #table( type table [Name = text, IataCode = text, Location = record] , {} ), 
    Table.FirstN(Airports, 0)

These tests both use Table.FirstN to filter to the result set to the first X number of rows. If you run these tests with Error on Folding Failure set to False (the default), the tests should succeed, but if you run Fiddler (or check the trace logs), notice that the request you send doesn't contain any OData query parameters.

Diagnostics trace.

If you set Error on Folding Failure to True, the tests fail with the Please try a simpler expression. error. To fix this error, you need to define your first Table.View handler for OnTake.

The OnTake handler looks like the following code:

OnTake = (count as number) =>
        // Add a record with Top defined to our state
        newState = state & [ Top = count ]

The CalculateUrl function is updated to extract the Top value from the state record, and set the right parameter in the query string.

// Calculates the final URL based on the current state.
CalculateUrl = (state) as text => 
        urlWithEntity = Uri.Combine(state[Url], state[Entity]),

        // Uri.BuildQueryString requires that all field values
        // are text literals.
        defaultQueryString = [],

        // Check for Top defined in our state
        qsWithTop =
            if (state[Top]? <> null) then
                // add a $top field to the query string record
                defaultQueryString & [ #"$top" = Number.ToText(state[Top]) ]

        encodedQueryString = Uri.BuildQueryString(qsWithTop),
        finalUrl = urlWithEntity & "?" & encodedQueryString

Rerunning the unit tests, notice that the URL you're accessing now contains the $top parameter. Due to URL encoding, $top appears as %24top, but the OData service is smart enough to convert it automatically.

Diagnostics trace with top.

Handling Table.Skip with OnSkip

The OnSkip handler is a lot like OnTake. It receives a count parameter, which is the number of rows to skip from the result set. This handler translates nicely to the OData $skip query parameter.

Unit tests:

// OnSkip
Fact("Fold $skip 14 on Airlines",
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text, Name = text] , {{"EK", "Emirates"}} ), 
    Table.Skip(Airlines, 14)
Fact("Fold $skip 0 and $top 1",
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text, Name = text] , {{"AA", "American Airlines"}} ),
    Table.FirstN(Table.Skip(Airlines, 0), 1)


// OnSkip - handles the Table.Skip transform.
// The count value should be >= 0.
OnSkip = (count as number) =>
        newState = state & [ Skip = count ]

Matching updates to CalculateUrl:

qsWithSkip = 
    if (state[Skip]? <> null) then
        qsWithTop & [ #"$skip" = Number.ToText(state[Skip]) ]

More information: Table.Skip

Handling Table.SelectColumns with OnSelectColumns

The OnSelectColumns handler is called when the user selects or removes columns from the result set. The handler receives a list of text values, representing one or more columns to be selected.

In OData terms, this operation maps to the $select query option.

The advantage of folding column selection becomes apparent when you're dealing with tables with many columns. The $select operator removes unselected columns from the result set, resulting in more efficient queries.

Unit tests:

// OnSelectColumns
Fact("Fold $select single column", 
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text] , {{"AA"}} ),
    Table.FirstN(Table.SelectColumns(Airlines, {"AirlineCode"}), 1)
Fact("Fold $select multiple column", 
    #table( type table [UserName = text, FirstName = text, LastName = text],{{"russellwhyte", "Russell", "Whyte"}}), 
    Table.FirstN(Table.SelectColumns(People, {"UserName", "FirstName", "LastName"}), 1)
Fact("Fold $select with ignore column", 
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text] , {{"AA"}} ),
    Table.FirstN(Table.SelectColumns(Airlines, {"AirlineCode", "DoesNotExist"}, MissingField.Ignore), 1)

The first two tests select different numbers of columns with Table.SelectColumns, and include a Table.FirstN call to simplify the test case.


If the test were to simply return the column names (using Table.ColumnNames and not any data, the request to the OData service will never actually be sent. This is because the call to GetType will return the schema, which contains all of the information the M engine needs to calculate the result.

The third test uses the MissingField.Ignore option, which tells the M engine to ignore any selected columns that don't exist in the result set. The OnSelectColumns handler doesn't need to worry about this option—the M engine handles it automatically (that is, missing columns aren't included in the columns list).


The other option for Table.SelectColumns, MissingField.UseNull, requires a connector to implement the OnAddColumn handler. This will be done in a subsequent lesson.

The implementation for OnSelectColumns does two things:

  • Adds the list of selected columns to the state.
  • Recalculates the Schema value so you can set the right table type.
OnSelectColumns = (columns as list) =>
        // get the current schema
        currentSchema = CalculateSchema(state),
        // get the columns from the current schema (which is an M Type value)
        rowRecordType = Type.RecordFields(Type.TableRow(currentSchema)),
        existingColumns = Record.FieldNames(rowRecordType),
        // calculate the new schema
        columnsToRemove = List.Difference(existingColumns, columns),
        updatedColumns = Record.RemoveFields(rowRecordType, columnsToRemove),
        newSchema = type table (Type.ForRecord(updatedColumns, false))
        @View(state & 
                SelectColumns = columns,
                Schema = newSchema

CalculateUrl is updated to retrieve the list of columns from the state, and combine them (with a separator) for the $select parameter.

// Check for explicitly selected columns
qsWithSelect =
    if (state[SelectColumns]? <> null) then
        qsWithSkip & [ #"$select" = Text.Combine(state[SelectColumns], ",") ]

Handling Table.Sort with OnSort

The OnSort handler receives a list of records of type:

type [ Name = text, Order = Int16.Type ]

Each record contains a Name field, indicating the name of the column, and an Order field that's equal to Order.Ascending or Order.Descending.

In OData terms, this operation maps to the $orderby query option. The $orderby syntax has the column name followed by asc or desc to indicate ascending or descending order. When you sort on multiple columns, the values are separated with a comma. If the columns parameter contains more than one item, it's important to maintain the order in which they appear.

Unit tests:

// OnSort
Fact("Fold $orderby single column",
    #table( type table [AirlineCode = text, Name = text], {{"TK", "Turkish Airlines"}}),
    Table.FirstN(Table.Sort(Airlines, {{"AirlineCode", Order.Descending}}), 1)
Fact("Fold $orderby multiple column",
    #table( type table [UserName = text], {{"javieralfred"}}),
    Table.SelectColumns(Table.FirstN(Table.Sort(People, {{"LastName", Order.Ascending}, {"UserName", Order.Descending}}), 1), {"UserName"})


// OnSort - receives a list of records containing two fields: 
//    [Name]  - the name of the column to sort on
//    [Order] - equal to Order.Ascending or Order.Descending
// If there are multiple records, the sort order must be maintained.
// OData allows you to sort on columns that do not appear in the result
// set, so we do not have to validate that the sorted columns are in our 
// existing schema.
OnSort = (order as list) =>
        // This will convert the list of records to a list of text,
        // where each entry is "<columnName> <asc|desc>"
        sorting = List.Transform(order, (o) => 
                column = o[Name],
                order = o[Order],
                orderText = if (order = Order.Ascending) then "asc" else "desc"
                column & " " & orderText
        orderBy = Text.Combine(sorting, ", ")
        @View(state & [ OrderBy = orderBy ]),

Updates to CalculateUrl:

qsWithOrderBy = 
    if (state[OrderBy]? <> null) then
        qsWithSelect & [ #"$orderby" = state[OrderBy] ]

Handling Table.RowCount with GetRowCount

Unlike the other query handlers you're implementing, the GetRowCount handler returns a single value—the number of rows expected in the result set. In an M query, this value would typically be the result of the Table.RowCount transform.

You have a few different options on how to handle this value as part of an OData query:

The downside to the query parameter approach is that you still need to send the entire query to the OData service. Since the count comes back inline as part of the result set, you have to process the first page of data from the result set. While this process is still more efficient than reading the entire result set and counting the rows, it's probably still more work than you want to do.

The advantage of the path segment approach is that you only receive a single scalar value in the result. This approach makes the entire operation a lot more efficient. However, as described in the OData specification, the /$count path segment returns an error if you include other query parameters, such as $top or $skip, which limits its usefulness.

In this tutorial, you implemented the GetRowCount handler using the path segment approach. To avoid the errors you'd get if other query parameters are included, you checked for other state values, and returned an "unimplemented error" (...) if you found any. Returning any error from a Table.View handler tells the M engine that the operation can't be folded, and it should fall back to the default handler instead (which in this case would be counting the total number of rows).

First, add a unit test:

// GetRowCount
Fact("Fold $count", 15, Table.RowCount(Airlines)),

Since the /$count path segment returns a single value (in plain/text format) rather than a JSON result set, you also have to add a new internal function (TripPin.Scalar) for making the request and handling the result.

// Similar to TripPin.Feed, but is expecting back a scalar value.
// This function returns the value from the service as plain text.
TripPin.Scalar = (url as text) as text =>
        _url = Diagnostics.LogValue("TripPin.Scalar url", url),

        headers = DefaultRequestHeaders & [
            #"Accept" = "text/plain"

        response = Web.Contents(_url, [ Headers = headers ]),
        toText = Text.FromBinary(response)

The implementation then uses this function (if no other query parameters are found in the state):

GetRowCount = () as number =>
    if (Record.FieldCount(Record.RemoveFields(state, {"Url", "Entity", "Schema"}, MissingField.Ignore)) > 0) then
            newState = state & [ RowCountOnly = true ],
            finalUrl = CalculateUrl(newState),
            value = TripPin.Scalar(finalUrl),
            converted = Number.FromText(value)

The CalculateUrl function is updated to append /$count to the URL if the RowCountOnly field is set in the state.

// Check for $count. If all we want is a row count,
// then we add /$count to the path value (following the entity name).
urlWithRowCount =
    if (state[RowCountOnly]? = true) then
        urlWithEntity & "/$count"

The new Table.RowCount unit test should now pass.

To test the fallback case, you add another test that forces the error.

First, add a helper method that checks the result of a try operation for a folding error.

// Returns true if there is a folding error, or the original record (for logging purposes) if not.
Test.IsFoldingError = (tryResult as record) =>
    if ( tryResult[HasError]? = true and tryResult[Error][Message] = "We couldn't fold the expression to the data source. Please try a simpler expression.") then

Then add a test that uses both Table.RowCount and Table.FirstN to force the error.

// test will fail if "Fail on Folding Error" is set to false
Fact("Fold $count + $top *error*", true, Test.IsFoldingError(try Table.RowCount(Table.FirstN(Airlines, 3)))),

An important note here is that this test now returns an error if Error on Folding Error is set to false, because the Table.RowCount operation falls back to the local (default) handler. Running the tests with Error on Folding Error set to true causes Table.RowCount to fail, and allows the test to succeed.


Implementing Table.View for your connector adds a significant amount of complexity to your code. Since the M engine can process all transformations locally, adding Table.View handlers doesn't enable new scenarios for your users, but results in more efficient processing (and potentially, happier users). One of the main advantages of the Table.View handlers being optional is that it allows you to incrementally add new functionality without impacting backwards compatibility for your connector.

For most connectors, an important (and basic) handler to implement is OnTake (which translates to $top in OData), as it limits the number of rows returned. The Power Query experience always performs an OnTake of 1000 rows when displaying previews in the navigator and query editor, so your users might see significant performance improvements when working with larger data sets.