Power Platform Well-Architected pillars

The Power Platform Well-Architected pillars drive architectural excellence at the fundamental level of a workload.

Pillar Workload concern Apply the principles Strike a balance
Reliability Resiliency, availability, recovery Design for business requirements, resilience, recovery, operations, while keeping it simple.
Design principles
Security Data protection, threat detection, mitigation Protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Design principles
Operational Excellence Holistic observability, Fusion + DevOps practices Streamline operations with standards, comprehensive monitoring, and safe deployment practices.
Design principles
Performance Efficiency Scalability, meet usage demand Scale horizontally, test early and often, and monitor the health of the solution.
Design principles
Experience Optimization Usability, relevance, composition Create seamless, intuitive, and meaningful experiences.
Design principles

Assessment review

Assess your workload using the core pillars to identify and prioritize opportunities to improve the posture of your workloads.

Start your assessment with the Power Platform Well-Architected Review.