Manage system views with security roles


Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 2025 Mar 2025

Business value

Using role-based views simplifies the usability of a business line app when multiple users with different needs are introduced. For example, team leads or supervisors working in the case table have different system view needs than a case service rep. Standard system views like My Cases and My Cases closed Today, just create clutter for the supervisors. So, multiple apps are being created for a cleaner experience.

Feature details

Currently, when users are on a table form, such as an account form, a list of system views is automatically displayed to allow the user to choose from. Often this list of views is overwhelming and long and most of the views aren't relevant to users. Makers and admins don't have the ability to select the views that are applicable to their target users by security role.

With this feature, the admin can select the appropriate system views for their respective users by security role. Users with the selected security roles will only see the system views that were shared with their security role.