Manage collaboration settings
The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.
Use collaboration settings to adjust how collaboration features work in Power Platform. Adjust the settings in the Power Platform admin center, Environments > select an environment > Settings > Product > Collaboration.
Make sure you have the System Administrator security role or equivalent permissions to update the collaboration settings. To check your security role, see View your user profile. If you don’t have the correct permissions, contact your system administrator.
Model-driven apps
Setting | Description | Default value |
Show other people when they're using the same form | When you're working on a record, you can also see other users who are working on the same record if this setting is set to On. | On |
End users can add and join Teams meetings from appointments in model-driven apps | Teams meetings in model-driven apps include a Join button to allow users to easily join the call. | On |
Enable sharing
Setting | Description | Default value |
Allow users to share read-only links to records with other users from this environment | Users who have the share privilege can give read-only access to records when they share them with the Specific people option selected. | On |
@mention people when in rich text editors to add and notify users | Users can mention other Dataverse users of the environment in Notes in model-driven apps, using the “@” character. In-app notifications must be enabled for the mentioned users to receive a notification. The environment must be on monthly channel for this option to appear in Power Platform admin center. | Off |
Teams integration
Setting | Description | Default value |
Show record name and type to unauthorized users when unfurling links in Teams chats | When a link is pasted into a Teams chat, display the name and type of record in a card. | On |
Install the Dynamics 365 app for Teams for users in the organization. Lets people in your org see business data while working in Teams | Active users of Dynamics 365 apps and Power Apps model-driven apps get the Dynamics 365 app for Teams automatically installed in their Teams client. | On |
Microsoft Teams activity feed notification for sharing events in the environment | When a record is shared in a model-driven app, a Teams activity feed notification appears for the recipient, alerting them to the record that was shared. | On |