Permission reference (preview)

This article provides an overview of the Power Platform API (preview) granular permissions. These permissions will be initially available for registering client applications in Microsoft Entra and may become available in security role form in the future.


The Power Platform API is in preview. The permission names are subject to change by the time the endpoints become generally available. At that time, this article will be updated with the final permission details.

Naming convention

Permissions in Power Platform API are named in the following manner: {namespace}.{resourceType}.{action}, where:

  • namespace is the logical grouping of resources and functionality

  • resourceType is the specific resource type on which the permission is defined and must be unique across the resource type's namespace and

  • action is named per the table below

    HTTP Method Path Structure Action Name(s)
    GET or HEAD Any Read
    DELETE Any Delete
    PATCH Any Update
    PUT Any Create and Update
    POST /{namespace}/.../{resourceType} Create
    POST /{namespace}/.../{resourceType}/{resourceId}/{action} {action}

Defined permissions

The following table is a list of the currently defined permissions in Power Platform API:

Name Display Name Description
AppManagement.ApplicationPackages.Read Read Application Packages Allows reading application packages
AppManagement.ApplicationPackages.Install Install Application Packages Allows installing application packages
Governance.LockboxPolicies.Create Create Lockbox Policies Allows creating lockbox policies
Governance.LockboxPolicies.Update Update Lockbox Policies Allows updating lockbox policies
Governance.LockboxPolicies.Read Read Lockbox Policies Allows reading lockbox policies
Governance.LockboxRequests.Read Read Lockbox Requests Allows reading lockbox requests
Governance.LockboxRequests.Approve Approve Lockbox Requests Allows approving lockbox requests
Governance.LockboxRequests.Deny Deny Lockbox Requests Allows denying lockbox requests