Identify blocked Power Automate flows from data policies
As new capabilities become available, such as the inclusion of triggers as part of connector action control, it can become critical to quickly identify flows which are in violation of existing data policies. The following scripts help you identify and provide an inventory of these flows for review, and can help you update your policies if you wish for the flows to not fail at runtime.
Inventory flows with blocked triggers
The following PowerShell script can be used to create an Impacted Flows CSV file. It queries all data policies in your tenant and finds the applicable environments that are in scope. It recurses every environment and find Power Automate flows which are in violation of applicable policy—due to the use of triggers—which are currently blocked.
You must be a Power Platform administrator to run the following script. Admins are able to access all policies, environments, and flows in your tenant.
# Prompt user to capture TenantId
$TenantId = Read-Host "Please provide your Microsoft Entra TenantId Guid"
if($TenantId -eq "")
Write-Host "TenantId is required. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
function Is-Guid {
param (
try {
[Guid]::Parse($Guid) | Out-Null
return $true
} catch {
return $false
if(Is-Guid -Guid $TenantId)
##We can proceed
Write-Host "TenantId is not a valid Guid format. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
# Load Power Platform Administration PowerShell module
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell -ErrorAction Stop
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -ErrorAction Stop
# Initialize output
$output = @()
Write-Host "Fetching all DLP policies in the tenant..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
try {
# Fetch all DLP policies
#$dlpPolicies = Get-AdminDlpPolicy
$totalPolicies = $dlpPolicies.Count
Write-Host "Done. Fetching all Environments in the tenant..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
$allEnvironments = Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment
Write-Host "Done."
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to fetch DLP policies: $_" -ForegroundColor Red
$policyIndex = 0
foreach ($policy in $dlpPolicies) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Policies" -Status "Processing $policyIndex of $totalPolicies" -PercentComplete (($policyIndex / $totalPolicies) * 100)
try {
Write-Host "Processing DLP Policy: $($policy.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Initialize actionBlockedConnectorIds
$actionBlockedConnectorIds = @()
# Retrieve connector configurations for the policy
$connectorConfigurations = Get-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations -TenantId $TenantId -PolicyName $policy.PolicyName
if (-not $connectorConfigurations.connectorActionConfigurations) {
Write-Host "Skipping policy $($policy.DisplayName) - No action control policy settings defined." -ForegroundColor Gray
foreach ($connectorConfig in $connectorConfigurations.connectorActionConfigurations) {
$connectorId = $connectorConfig.connectorId
# Check if the connector has actions blocked by default
if ($connectorConfig.defaultConnectorActionRuleBehavior -eq 'Block') {
Write-Host "Connector with default blocked actions found: $connectorId in Policy $($policy.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$actionBlockedConnectorIds += $connectorId
# Determine environments impacted by the policy
Write-Host "Determining environments impacted by the policy..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
$environments = @()
switch ($policy.FilterType) {
"" {
$environments = $allEnvironments
"include" {
$environments = $policy.Environments | ForEach-Object { $ }
"exclude" {
$policyEnvironmentNames = $policy.Environments | ForEach-Object { $ }
$environments = $allEnvironments | Where-Object { $_.EnvironmentName -notin $policyEnvironmentNames }
$environmentIndex = 0
$environmentCount = $environments.Count
foreach ($environment in $environments) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Environments" -Status "Environment $environmentIndex of $environmentCount" -PercentComplete (($environmentIndex / $environments.Count) * 100)
$environmentId = if ($environment -is [string]) { $environment } else { $environment.EnvironmentName }
$environmentDetails = Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -EnvironmentName $environmentId
Write-Host "Processing environment: $environmentId - " + $environmentDetails.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Green
# Capture Flow Management API URI
$flowBaseUri = $'microsoft.Flow'
# Fetch flows in the environment
try {
$flowsUri = $flowBaseUri + '/providers/Microsoft.ProcessSimple/scopes/admin/environments/' + $environmentId + '/v2/flows'
$flowsOutput = InvokeAPi -Method Get -Route $flowsUri -Body ""
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to fetch flows for environment $environmentId : $_" -ForegroundColor Red
$flows = $flowsOutput
$flowIndex = 0
$flowsCount = $flows.value.Count
foreach ($flow in $flows.value) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Flows" -Status "Flow $flowIndex of $flowsCount " -PercentComplete (($flowIndex / $flows.value.Count) * 100)
# Check if flow's trigger uses the restricted connector
Write-Host "Flow display name: " $
Write-Host "Flow status: " $
$flowDetailsUri = $flowBaseUri + '/providers/Microsoft.ProcessSimple/scopes/admin/environments/' + $environmentId + '/flows/' + $
$flowDetailsOutput = InvokeAPi -Method Get -Route $flowDetailsUri -Body ""
$HasBlockedTriggers = "No"
foreach($trig in $
Write-Host $trig.type $trig.swaggerOperationId $trig.api
if($ -in $actionBlockedConnectorIds)
Write-Host "Flow using restricted trigger connector found: $($" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$output += [PSCustomObject]@{
FlowId = $
FlowName = $
EnvironmentId = $environmentId
PolicyId = $policy.PolicyName
ConnectorId = $
TriggerOperationId = $trig.swaggerOperationId
PolicyUrl = "$($policy.PolicyName)"
$HasBlockedTriggers = "Yes"
if($HasBlockedTriggers -eq "No")
Write-Host "No blocked triggers found."
} catch {
Write-Host "Error processing policy $($policy.DisplayName): $_" -ForegroundColor Red
# Final Output
Write-Host "`nResults Summary:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$output | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Prompt user to save output as CSV
$saveCsv = Read-Host "Do you want to save the results to ImpactedFlows.csv? (Y/N)"
if ($saveCsv -eq 'Y') {
$output | Export-Csv -Path "$(Get-Location)\ImpactedFlows.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force
Write-Host "Results saved to ImpactedFlows.csv" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "Results not saved." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Instructions for deep linking
Write-Host "`nTo review a DLP policy, navigate to:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "{PolicyId}" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "You may need to adjust the PPAC Admin URL for GCC, GCCH, Mooncake, DoD, and other clouds." -ForegroundColor Cyan
Update policies to include triggers in connector action control
The following PowerShell script can be used to update your data policies to include triggers which are at risk of being blocked. This uses the output Impacted Flows CSV file, from the prior script as an input. If you don't want to use all triggers identified in the earlier section, you can remove them from the CSV file before running this script.
# Prompt user to capture TenantId
$TenantId = Read-Host "Please provide your Microsoft Entra TenantId Guid"
if($TenantId -eq "")
Write-Host "TenantId is required. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
function Is-Guid {
param (
try {
[Guid]::Parse($Guid) | Out-Null
return $true
} catch {
return $false
if (-not (Is-Guid -Guid $TenantId)) {
Write-Host "TenantId is not a valid Guid format. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
# Load Power Platform Administration PowerShell module
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell -ErrorAction Stop
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -ErrorAction Stop
# Prompt for CSV file path
$csvPath = Read-Host "Enter the path to ImpactedFlows.csv"
if (-not (Test-Path $csvPath)) {
Write-Host "File not found at $csvPath. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
# Import the CSV data
$impactedFlows = Import-Csv -Path $csvPath
# Group by PolicyId for efficient updates
$groupedPolicies = $impactedFlows | Group-Object -Property PolicyId
foreach ($policyGroup in $groupedPolicies) {
$policyId = $policyGroup.Name
$flowsInPolicy = $policyGroup.Group
$policyNeedsUpdated = $false
Write-Host "Processing DLP Policy: $policyId" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Get existing connector configurations for the policy
try {
$connectorConfigurations = Get-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations -TenantId $TenantId -PolicyName $policyId
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to retrieve connector configurations for policy $policyId : $_" -ForegroundColor Red
foreach ($flow in $flowsInPolicy) {
$connectorId = $flow.ConnectorId
$triggerOperationId = $flow.TriggerOperationId
# Check if the connector already has configurations
$existingConfig = $connectorConfigurations.connectorActionConfigurations | Where-Object { $_.connectorId -eq $connectorId }
if ($existingConfig) {
# Check if the triggerOperationId already exists in the actionRules array
$triggerExists = $existingConfig.actionRules | Where-Object { $_.actionId -eq $triggerOperationId }
if($triggerExists -ne $null)
Write-Host "TriggerOperationId $triggerOperationId already exists for connector $connectorId in policy $policyId" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
# Add the new triggerOperationId to the existing configuration
$triggerRule = [pscustomobject]@{
actionId = $triggerOperationId
behavior = "Allow"
$existingConfig.actionRules+= $triggerRule
$policyNeedsUpdated = $true
Write-Host "Adding TriggerOperationId $triggerOperationId to connector $connectorId in policy $policyId" -ForegroundColor Green
# Update the DLP policy with modified configurations
try {
Set-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations -TenantId $TenantId -PolicyName $policyId -UpdatedConnectorConfigurations $connectorConfigurations
Write-Host "Successfully updated DLP Policy: $policyId" -ForegroundColor Cyan
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to update DLP Policy $policyId : $_" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "All impacted flows processed and DLP policies updated." -ForegroundColor Cyan